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  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 不同的人喜欢的服装种类不同,你喜欢哪种类型的服装?请根据以下要点和要求,以"My Favorite Costume"为题,写一篇英语短文。




    My Favorite Costume

  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。

    A: What can I do for you, madam?

    B: Yes, please. .

    A: We have many skirts. Look at this one on the model. Do you like it?

    B: The style is OK, but I don't like the color.


    B: I like pink.

    A: There are different pink skirts here.

    B: It looks very nice. I like this skirt.

    A: Of course. This way, please. Here is the fitting room.

    (A few minutes later.)

    A: Wow! You look so beautiful in this skirt! It's just for you.

    B: Yes, I like it.

    A: 500 yuan.

    B: What's it made of?

    A: It's made of silk.

    B: All right. . Here is the money.

    A: Thank you.

  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词。

    Milk might be one of the best things. It has a plenty of nutrients (营养物质) to help us keep healthy. Most people believe that milk has many advantages. For example, it is good for our teeth and heart. What's , a glass of warm milk helps us get  good night's sleep.

    However, a survey shows  milk may cause some health problems. For example, drinking too much milk may make us fat. Also, milk might not make our bones stronger. Scientists found that some people often drank milk, but they also had broken bones. Should we still drink milk? Of course, we should. Milk may not be the best food. But it does give us a lot  nutrients. You can drink it if you like milk, but you should not think that  is the best drink for your health.

  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    But     common     except     kind     eat     we     afford     energy     healthy     especially


    As we know, food and clothing are very important for us in our daily life. We can't leave them.

    Food gives us. We must have enough food to keep healthy. If we choose the right food, we can have healthy habits. We should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of biscuits, hamburgers,

    Beijing Roast Duck and so on. We should eat fewer snacks and candies. Different food helps us in many different ways. We should have different of food, such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk, meat, fish and so on. Besides, we should exercise more often, so we can become .

    Different jobs, different clothes. We are middle school students. I think we should wear school uniforms at school every day,  at the school meeting, because suitable school uniforms can not only show good discipline make us happy. I think they can even make us study much harder. And school uniforms are cheaper than  casual clothes. Clothes in fashion cost too much. We cannot  them.

    So I think we should wear uniforms at schoolon holidays.

  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    Nowadays, more and more Chinese people like to visit to other countries. Before 1 to the countries, we must not only2 the weather but also understand the table manners of the people in these countries.

    It is3 to understand the table manners in these countries. People in different countries do things in4 ways.5 we don't understand some table manners, sometimes we may be misunderstood.

    Something is 6 in one country but may be quite impolite in another. For example, in Britain, people will think you are impolite to lift your bowl to your 7 when you are having some liquid food.

    But it's different in China. And in Japan you don't need to worry about making 8 while you are having food. Because it shows that you're enjoying food. But people in Britain think 9 bad manners. If you are having a visit in Mongolia, what manners do they wish you to have? They wish you to have a loud "burp" after you finish eating. They think burping shows that you 10 the food.

    In Britain, you shouldn't 11 your hands on the table when you're having a meal. In Mexico, however, guests may keep their hands on the table 12 a meal. In Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands. You 13 eat with your left hand. Because Arabs think it is very 14 manners to eat with the left hand. Do as the locals do. So when you are in other counties, you should watch 15 and follow them.

    A . eating B . discussing C . traveling D . listing
    A . know about B . eat up C . worry about D . share with
    A . silent B . nervous C . lonely D . necessary
    A . same B . different C . smooth D . quick
    A . If B . So C . As D . However
    A . bad B . useful C . terrible D . polite
    A . mouth B . nose C . ears D . eyes
    A . faces B . noises C . mistakes D . friends
    A . them B . her C . it D . him
    A . like B . touch C . set D . regret
    A . give B . take C . bring D . put
    A . during B . for C . before D . after
    A . needn't B . mustn't C . don't D . may not
    A . different B . important C . good D . bad
    A . finally B . finely C . successfully D . carefully
  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。

    Zhang Yan, a 25-year-old man, made his first show in New York Fashion Week in 2019.  In

    his view, one must be more talented and skillful to be a tailor (裁缝).

    He watched a fashion show on TV for the first time when he was in middle school.  Then he made up his mind to design clothes in the future.  Even though his father and mother didn't support him, Zhang never gave up his dream.   

    After starting his own business, Zhang tried to make traditional clothes like cheongsam.   

    A. But his parents saw designing as a "woman's job "without future.

    B. And he still learned about different skills to design clothes.

    C. He prefers to call himself a tailor instead of a designer.

    D. He hopes he can make the whole world see the beauty of Chinese culture.

    E. He was very surprised that the clothes were so beautiful.

  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 阅读理解

    One afternoon, as I was driving back home, I stopped at a busy crossing as the traffic light turned red.

    Suddenly, an old woman appeared and started asking for money. The old woman was standing very close to my car. As she begged, I closely watched her face. There were lots of wrinkles (皱纹) on her face. Her eyes showed lots of sadness and her body was shaking. I guessed there was no one to look after her so that she had to beg on the streets.

    After seeing this, I felt pity for her. I usually give change (零钱) to beggars. However, that day I gave her a lot so that she could have a good meal that evening.

    Without any hesitation (犹豫), I took out a lot of money from my wallet and placed it in her hand.

    The old woman raised her face with a toothless smile, blessed (祝福) me and then went on her way.

    At the same time, the traffic light turned green, and it was time to move on.

    As I drove back home, I was in great joy because I was able to do something for at least one person.

    Her blessings will be one of the most valuable memories in my life.

    1. (1) When did the writer meet the old woman?
    2. (2) The underlined word "begged" means               in Paragraph 2.
    3. (3) Why did the writer decide to offer much more money?
    4. (4) What CANNOT we know about the writer?
    5. (5) What does the text mainly want to tell us?
  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 阅读理解

    Jack is a middle school student. He likes betting (打赌). He spent all his money betting on horse races. And even worse he would bet on everything. His mother Mrs. Black was worried because she couldn't stop her son Jack from betting. So Mrs. Black asked her family doctor, Mr. Dodd, for help.

    The doctor was an old funny man with a beard  (胡须). He said, "I've stopped many people from betting before. I can help your son, too. "

    The next day, Mrs. Black let Jack see the doctor. While they were talking, Jack was looking at the doctor's beard. Suddenly he said, "I bet you $50 that your beard is not a real one. ""Oh, no, "the doctor said. "Can I pull your beard and find out?" the boy asked. "OK, if my beard is real, you will pay me $50. "Then the boy pulled it and soon found out it was real. The doctor laughed.

    Two days later, the doctor telephoned Mrs. Black, "I think I've stopped your son from betting. "He told her the story. But Mrs. Black said, "You've made him worse. ""Why?" the doctor asked. "Because before he went to see you, he bet me $100 that you would let him to pull your beard!"

    1. (1) Mrs. Black felt    because her son liked betting.
    2. (2) What was the bet between Mrs. Black and Jack?
    3. (3) How much did Jack get at last?
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
    5. (5) What's the best title for the text?
  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 阅读理解

    The 2022 Winter Olympic Games

    Ninety-one countries took part in the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. There were more than two

    thousand athletes (运动员) taking part in one hundred and nine events.

    Date:  February 4th to 20th, 2022          Time: 9: 05 am-9: 56 pm

    Place:  Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China

    Mr. Chen

    Taian Cooking Camp

    If you are interested in cooking delicious meals, you'd better join a cooking camp. We will have

    a good time.

    Date: June 5th to 10th    Time: 9: 00 am-4: 00 pm

    Place: No. 68 Yucai Road    Te: 11923361905

    Mrs. Yang

    Fashion Design Training Center

    Training purpose:  Educating people first, enjoying happiness. If you like fashion design, please join us quickly. Don't miss the chance!

    Date:  Every Saturday and Sunday            Time: 1: 00 pm-3: 30 pm

    Place:  Art room    Tel: 9123-6621

    Mrs. Lin

    Yongkang Club

    Taiji is one of China's traditional programs. It is now more about helping people to keep fit.

    Place:  East side of People's Square    Time: 7: 00 to 8: 30 every morning

    Mr. Ma

    1. (1) There are ________ events in the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
    2. (2) How long did the 2022 Winter Olympic Games last?
    3. (3) When does the Taian Cooking Camp start?
    4. (4) If you want to study fashion design, who should you find?
    5. (5) Where can you practice Taiji?
  • 1. (2022八下·河南期末) 目前,大多数学生对校服不太满意,学校征集学生们对校服颜色、款式等方面的意见,请以"My Ideal School Uniform"为题,写一篇英语短文。谈谈你对校服的设想。




    My Ideal School Uniform

    At school, we have to wear school uniforms.

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