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    Zhang Yan, a 25-year-old man, made his first show in New York Fashion Week in 2019.  In

    his view, one must be more talented and skillful to be a tailor (裁缝).

    He watched a fashion show on TV for the first time when he was in middle school.  Then he made up his mind to design clothes in the future.  Even though his father and mother didn't support him, Zhang never gave up his dream.   

    After starting his own business, Zhang tried to make traditional clothes like cheongsam.   

    A. But his parents saw designing as a "woman's job "without future.

    B. And he still learned about different skills to design clothes.

    C. He prefers to call himself a tailor instead of a designer.

    D. He hopes he can make the whole world see the beauty of Chinese culture.

    E. He was very surprised that the clothes were so beautiful.
