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    But     common     except     kind     eat     we     afford     energy     healthy     especially


    As we know, food and clothing are very important for us in our daily life. We can't leave them.

    Food gives us. We must have enough food to keep healthy. If we choose the right food, we can have healthy habits. We should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of biscuits, hamburgers,

    Beijing Roast Duck and so on. We should eat fewer snacks and candies. Different food helps us in many different ways. We should have different of food, such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk, meat, fish and so on. Besides, we should exercise more often, so we can become .

    Different jobs, different clothes. We are middle school students. I think we should wear school uniforms at school every day,  at the school meeting, because suitable school uniforms can not only show good discipline make us happy. I think they can even make us study much harder. And school uniforms are cheaper than  casual clothes. Clothes in fashion cost too much. We cannot  them.

    So I think we should wear uniforms at schoolon holidays.
