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  • 1. (2023七下·上海市月考) He's never been to Beijing. (改为反意疑问句)

    He's never been to Beijing, ?

  • 1. (2023九下·上海市月考) Let's take the lift up to the restaurant on the floor. (twenty)
  • 1. (2023八下·广州月考) The seafood his mother cooked tasted so_________ that everyone ate a lot.
    A . delicious B . well C . terribly D . badly
  • 1. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "My holiday plan".

    Suggested questions:

    1)Where would you like to go?

    2)What would you like to do on holiday?

  • 1. Answer the questions.

        In the United States, headmasters and teachers discipline (惩罚) students in several ways. The teacher often writes to or calls the student's parents. Sometimes students have to stay at school for an extra hour. If a student behaves very badly, the headmaster can stop him from attending class for one, two or three days. However, those students don't feel sad at all. They are happy. "A three-day holiday!" they may think.

        A junior high school headmaster in Ohio has a new way to discipline students. If students don't behave well, their parents have to come to school and go to every class with them. At that time other students look at them for a long time, and this always makes the students very shy. As a result, they are behaving much better now. Why? Simply because they don't want their parents to come to school again.

        The "parents-at-school" project is now used in at least 700 schools in the USA. More and more headmasters think that students behave better when their parents come to school. Here is a good example. When the project was first introduced at a school in Pittsburg, California, 50 students had to bring their respective (各自的) parent to class. Out of the 50 students, 48 never got into trouble again. What an amazing method! How do you like it?

    1. (1) What does a teacher often do to discipline students in America?
    2. (2) What do some students have to do sometimes if they don't behave well?
    3. (3) What can a headmaster do to deal with a very bad student?
    4. (4) Why are those bad students happy when they are not allowed to attend class?
    5. (5) What is the special way to discipline students in Ohio?
    6. (6) What do you think of the "parents-at-school" project?
  • 1. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

        Joe came home from work and opened his mailbox. In the mailbox he found a yellow bottle of soap-soap for washing dishes.

        The dish soap was a free sample f a soap company. The company mailed small bottles of soap to millions of people. It was a n soap with a little lemon juice in it. The company wanted people to try it.

        Joe looked at this bottle of soap. There was a p of two lemons on the label (标签). Over the lemons were the words "With Real Lemon Juice".

        "Good!" Joe thought. "A free sample of lemon juice! I'm going to have a salad for dinner. This lemon juice will t good on my salad." Joe put the soap on his salad and ate it. After Joe ate the salad, he felt sick.

        Joe wasn't the only p who got sick. A lot of people thought the soap was lemon juice, so they put it on fish, on salad, and in tea. Later they felt sick, too. Some people had stomachaches but felt better in a few hours. Some people felt really sick and went to hospital. L, no one died from eating the soap.

        What can we learn from Joe's story? Read labels c. And don't eat dish soap for dinner!

  • 1. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

        Do you walk to school every day? That will work, but not if you get up late in the morning, you may be late for your class. If you like bad smells and crowding, the bus might be your choice. But why not a bicycle? A bicycle will get you there 1 than your feet and will save your money. This is 2 you see more bicycles than any other kind of transportation in China, about 500 million of them. That's close to one for every two people in the whole country. But if you survey your class at school, you 3 will find a higher rate.

        Bicycles become more and more welcome, because they are fun for people and at the same time they help develop a strong body. No vehicle is better than a bicycle for 4 an autumn weekend outside the city with parents, relatives or friends. You can travel on small, quiet paths. You can also park your bicycle 5 the path whenever you want to stop to admire the beauty. Cycling every day helps people build healthier hearts and stronger muscles. Some scientists say a 6 ride every day can help you lose weight and keep fit, and help you breathe the fresh air. Nowadays, bicycles also are popular with city planners, they see bicycles as a good way to 7 heavy traffic. Unlike vehicles or buses, bicycles produce no exhaust (废气) and don't burn energy. Many countries are encouraging more daily use of bicycles.

    A . faster B . slower C . more slowly D . fast
    A . when B . what C . why D . how
    A . possible B . probable C . probably D . popularly
    A . entering B . exchanging C . explaining D . enjoying
    A . inside B . beside C . before D . around
    A . 30-minute B . 30-minutes C . 30 minutes D . 30 minute's
    A . miss B . refuse C . lose D . reduce
  • 1. Choose the best answer.

        People think that a good conversationalist (健谈的人) should be an attentive (专注的) listener. Ask questions that other people will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and what they have done. Diogenes, the Greek philosopher (哲学家) also said, "The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is so that we may listen more and talk less!"

        Try listening! Here are some examples about listening: (A neighbour of mine is talking about her child) "One evening last week I was sitting with Hannah, and she said to me, 'You are a smart Mum!' And I said, 'Why do you say that suddenly?' And she said, 'Although you are always busy, you always stop what you are doing to listen to me.'"

        "You have to force your buyer to talk, to enter the conversation, if you expect successful sale, the only way you can do this is to stop talking yourself and listen." (From How to Talk Your Way to Success in Selling) Airline employees are taught how to listen to complaints. If they are able to show sympathy (同情心) and to listen for long enough, the passengers' problems will begin to seem less important.

        Psychologists (心理学家) and doctors also know that listening is part of their job. If they listen with care and concern, the patient may even solve the problem himself! Here is some advice they give:

        ⒈Show the other person that you are listening.

        ⒉Look at them.

        ⒊Smile and nod quite often.

        ⒋Shake your head or raise your eyebrows if you don't follow what they are saying.

        ⒌Don't tap your foot because this will show impatience.

        ⒍Don't look at your watch unless you really have to know the time.

        A good listener has the ability to make people feel good, and is as valuable at a party as a good talker. But just listening isn't enough. One should listen intelligently by trying to find out what the other person would really like to talk about.

    1. (1) If you'd like to be a good conversationalist, you should ______.
    2. (2) The people you are talking to are more interested in ______.
    3. (3) Diogenes thought we have two ears and only one mouth is that we ______.
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?
    5. (5) What is the best title of the passage?
  • 1. True or False.

        Disney park is a theme park (主题公园).The first Disney park, which opened on July 17, 1955, located at 1313 South Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim, California, USA, is owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company.

        In addition to the first Disney park in Anaheim, California, USA and some other 4 Disney parks in the world, Mickey Mouse and his friends could be possibly welcoming visitors to Shanghai's own Disney park as early as 2012, a Hongkong newspaper reported this news over the weekend.

        The cost of Shanghai Disney park, except the land, was first set at around 30 billion yuan ($4.4 billion), but now increased to 40 billion yuan ($5.8 billion). Shanghai Disney park will be located on the east bank of Shanghai's Huangpu River, near Changsha town, which is only 20 minutes' drive from Pudong International Airport. It's said that the park is about 10 square kilometres.

        The Shanghai government once wanted Shanghai Disney park to be built on Chongming Island. But many people and experts think this area hasn't developed as fast as the city of Shanghai. Moreover, it's too far away from Pudong International Airport.

    1. (1) The first Disney park in Anaheim, California, USA opened on July 17, 1955.
    2. (2) It is possible for Mickey Mouse and his friends to welcome visitors to Shanghai's own Disney park in 2012.
    3. (3) News of Shanghai Disney park is reported firstly in Shanghai local newspaper.
    4. (4) It may cost 40 billion yuan to build Shanghai Disney park.
    5. (5) Chongming Island is sure to be the location of Shanghai Disney park.
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