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  • 1. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

        Do you walk to school every day? That will work, but not if you get up late in the morning, you may be late for your class. If you like bad smells and crowding, the bus might be your choice. But why not a bicycle? A bicycle will get you there 1 than your feet and will save your money. This is 2 you see more bicycles than any other kind of transportation in China, about 500 million of them. That's close to one for every two people in the whole country. But if you survey your class at school, you 3 will find a higher rate.

        Bicycles become more and more welcome, because they are fun for people and at the same time they help develop a strong body. No vehicle is better than a bicycle for 4 an autumn weekend outside the city with parents, relatives or friends. You can travel on small, quiet paths. You can also park your bicycle 5 the path whenever you want to stop to admire the beauty. Cycling every day helps people build healthier hearts and stronger muscles. Some scientists say a 6 ride every day can help you lose weight and keep fit, and help you breathe the fresh air. Nowadays, bicycles also are popular with city planners, they see bicycles as a good way to 7 heavy traffic. Unlike vehicles or buses, bicycles produce no exhaust (废气) and don't burn energy. Many countries are encouraging more daily use of bicycles.

    A . faster B . slower C . more slowly D . fast
    A . when B . what C . why D . how
    A . possible B . probable C . probably D . popularly
    A . entering B . exchanging C . explaining D . enjoying
    A . inside B . beside C . before D . around
    A . 30-minute B . 30-minutes C . 30 minutes D . 30 minute's
    A . miss B . refuse C . lose D . reduce