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  • 1. (2024高一下·浙江开学考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was shocked when my socially awkward sister, who had suffered from Asperger Syndrome (阿斯伯格综合症), decided to sing in front of the school. I knew she would1 me in some way, so I protested. However, my parents insisted that she2 and I would have to be part of the audience. I silently hoped that something would happen to 3 me from watching her losing face. 

    As I waited in the hall, sweat4 my forehead. I comforted myself that no one knew she was my sister and tried to persuade myself that it would be 5 . The lights darkened and the 6 opened to reveal (使露面) my sister standing alone on stage. She seemed 7 , taking a minute to stammer (结结巴巴地说) her name and class. 8 began to be heard in the audience. 

    I shifted nervously in my seat, afraid what was about to happen. But as my sister started to sing, I was 9 . Her voice flowed effortlessly and melodiously, filling the hall with its10 . I watched in wonder, realizing I had never known she could sing so 11 . I listened carefully to the lyric ( 歌词) she had written herself, feeling ashamed for doubting her 12 . My heart gave way as I heard the heartfelt words. 

    In that moment, guilt and shame flooded my heart. 13 my unwillingness to support her, she had never taken anything that I had done to her to heart. It was then that I determined to love her 14 . It was as if a veil (面纱) had been 15 from my eyes, and my heart was full. 

    A .  embarrass B .  impress C .  surprise D .  support
    A .  hide B .  quit C .  escape D .  perform
    A .  protect B .  save C .  recover D .  rescue
    A .  picked up B .  climbed upon C .  took off D .  went up
    A .  impressive B .  exciting C .  fine D .  challenging
    A .  characters B .  lectures C .  curtains D .  signals
    A .  confident B .  nervous C .  prepared D .  relaxed
    A .  Cries B .  Crashes C .  Whispers D .  Screams
    A .  entertained B .  disappointed C .  relieved D .  shocked
    A .  power B .  weakness C .  silence D .  darkness
    A .  softly B .  loudly C .  quietly D .  beautifully
    A .  abilities B .  failures C .  talents D .  weaknesses
    A .  Without B .  Despite C .  Beyond D .  Within
    A .  extremely B .  equally C .  unconditionally D .  finally
    A .  lifted B .  dropped C .  covered D .  hidden
  • 1. (2024高三下·天津市模拟)  Greenhouse gases have been speeding up the process of global warming and

    ____ our climate.

    A . affecting B . challenging C . promoting D . creating
  • 1. (2024高一下·顺义月考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Table Talk

    As we got out of the car, our son announced, "Phones stay in the car."

    "Why do you always have to tell us that?" complained our fifteen-year-old grandson.

    Our son's wife winked at us and then explained, "We have a family1 that no one may bring anything electronic to the table."

    We 2 our phones in the car. Even though the restaurant was filled with families, there was little noise. All I heard were a few quiet conversations and the ding of forks on plates. The 3 unnerved me. I looked around. Everyone, even the young kids, was 4 at some kind of screen. 

    The silence was broken when the six of us sat down, and started talking. The waitress stood patiently and waited for our orders. When our food came, we continued to chat. 

    An elderly couple at the next table were finishing their dinners and conversing quietly. I noticed that they shot us a few glances, and wondered if our constant chatter was annoying them. 

    After the dessert, my son signaled the waitress for the check. She hesitated when she brought the black folder to our table. My son opened the black folder — it was5 . "You forgot the check," he told her.

    "There isn't one. Someone else6 your bill — and the tip too." she said with a giggle (咯咯笑).

    "Why?" asked our son, his wife and myself at once.

    "They loved it that no one was connected." she continued. "They loved watching you guys7 . The old lady went on and on about how nice it was to see a family eating and talking instead of looking at ‘electric games'."

    For a moment, everyone at our table was at a loss for8 . Then we all started talking at once. My son's voice rose above the others. "Where are they? We want to thank them."

    "They left after you ordered dessert," the waitress replied.

    We spent the next fifteen minutes discussing this goodness and camp up with a 9 . Next time we see a family eating at a restaurant 10 looking at anything electronic, we'll pay it forward, just like what happened to us.

    A .  rule B .  appointment C .  discussion D .  goal 
    A .  closed B .  returned C .  sent D .  locked 
    A .  sweetness B .  quietness C .  patience D .  preference 
    A .  smiling B .  knocking C .  staring D .  pointing 
    A .  special B .  strange C .  typical D .  empty 
    A .  paid B .  served C .  managed D .  changed 
    A .  eat B .  talk C .  argue D .  work 
    A .  directions B .  choices C .  words D .  ideas 
    A .  schedule B .  message C .  task D .  plan 
    A .  without B .  by C .  through D .  for
  • 1. (2024·南开模拟)  When she went outside she was temporarily ____by the sun.
    A . blinded B . threatened C . opposed D . interpreted
  • 1. (2024高二上·乌鲁木齐期末)  In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approvedof.
    A . 说明 B . 赞同 C . 有利于 D . 鞠躬
  • 1. (2024高二上·乌鲁木齐期末)  The Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them.
    A . 娱乐 B . 陪同 C . 呼吁 D . 猛击
  • 1. (2024高二上·乌鲁木齐期末)  All new development is banned within park boundaries.
    A . 禁止 B . 伸展 C . 消遣 D . 祝福
  • 1. (2024高二上·乌鲁木齐期末)  She analysed the medical texts again.
    A . 承诺 B . 分析 C . 遭遇 D . 总结
  • 1. (2024高一上·深圳期末)  Influenced by my father, I became interested in animals when I was a little boy, and I learned to ____ the songs of different birds.
    A . argue B . measure C . maintain D . Recognize
  • 1. (2024高一上·台州开学考)  We should ____ the friendship that we have developed in the past years. 
    A . change B . make C . win D . value
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