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  • 1. (2022九上·开学考) You should turn off the lights (save) electricity when you leave the room.
  • 1. (2022九上·开学考) I can't afford to buy a new car so I bought a (use) one.
  • 1. 完形填空

    Our school building was very old. It was repaired from time to time so that it could look better.

    However, the toilets (厕所)1the same.

    One day, the teachers decided that the toilets needed a makeover ( 翻新), 2 it would be expensive. They came up with a great idea- Making it a school-wide3for students. Each class would pick three students. These students would be grouped according to the grade and they would design (设计) and 4the toilet on each floor. I was chosen to join the fourth grade team.

    At the beginning, there were disagreements (分歧) among our group members. Each person had an idea of 5 to do. Someone wanted to make the wall6the seaside. Someone else wanted to paint it with stars. Another person wanted to paint it with cartoon characters. We got so7 that we stopped talking to each other. It seemed we were8going to get it done.

    Finally, though, one member thought of a 9 idea. Each cubicle (小隔间) would have a different theme (主题)so that10 thought would be given up. And the11of the toilet would be painted in rainbow (彩虹) colours. Everybody thought the12was good. Finally, we managed to start painting the toilet.

    When we finished, we were all happy. Everyone said the toilet on our floor looked amazing. What was even13was that our teachers praised(表扬) us for how we had14the disagreements among us and come up with a whole new idea. We ourselves were quite happy with our work, too, Most 15, we had learnt the meaning of teamwork.

    A . weighed B . cost C . worked D . remained
    A . so B . but C . if D . or
    A . thought B . accident C . activity D . symbol
    A . buy B . match C . clean D . paint
    A . how B . what C . when D . where
    A . look like B . go over C . cheer up D . stand for
    A . mad B . excited C . lonely D . surprised
    A . always B . sometimes C . usually D . never
    A . boring B . general C . special D . strange
    A . everybody's B . somebody's C . anybody's D . nobody's
    A . spirit B . rest C . order D . mark
    A . idea B . theme C . chance D . research
    A . safer B . better C . crazier D . sadder
    A . connected B . caught C . solved D . checked
    A . worryingly B . importantly C . humorously D . interestingly
  • 1. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,每个单词或短语限用一次。

    bottle, use, harm, throw away, daily

    1. (1) Repeat the three words : reduce, reuse and recycle.
    2. (2) Never your plastic bag after you finish shopping.
    3. (3) What do you do with the when they are empty?
    4. (4) Smog is to people's health.
    5. (5) The space under the. desk is for storing CDs.
  • 1. 根据所给的中文提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

    We all need a healthy environment, but we throw away (吨) of rubbish every year. If we want to do something for our grandsons and (外孙女), we have to (减少), reuse and recycle. The first (步骤) is to use less. Do not waste things. Do not order more food than you can eat. The second is to use things for as long as possible. You can look after them so that they will last. (修理) them if possible. It is better to use china cups and (布) bags because they can be used many times. The third one is recycling. Although it takes (能量)to change things into something else, it is better than, throwing things away or (燃烧) them. Divide your rubbish into (塑料), glass, paper and rubber. Then, develop a recycling (政 策) for the whole community. If we follow the above ways, we can make a great difference to the environment.

  • 1. 阅读理解

    Populations of white-tailed deer (白尾鹿) are growing rapidly in many parts of the United States. As populations grow, food becomes a problem. Many deer." die of hunger. Others grow up small and unhealthy. In search of food, hungry deer move closer to where humans live. They eat farm crops, vegetables and even trees. Besides, increased numbers of deer near roads can cause traffic accidents.

    People admire the grace and fast speed of deer. Most people don't want these animals to be hungry and ill. Should people, take action to control the growing deer populations?

    Should People Take Direct Action?

    Many people think that hunting is the best way to control the animal populations. Wildlife managers will see if there's enough food in an area and decide its carrying capacity(容量). Then hunters with licenses are sent to help control the number of deer. Hunting is usually not allowed in cities or suburbs, however.

    Some people have the idea to catch the deer and move them to other places. But this method is expensive and requires finding another place that can accept the deer without breaking the balance of eco-system.

    Scientists are also working to develop chemicals to control the birthrate in deer populations. But this plan works for only one year at a time.

    Should People Take Indirect Action?

    Some suggest bringing in natural enemies of deer, such wolves, lions and bears, to areas with too many deer. But these animals could also hurt dogs, cats, and even humans. Other communities have built tall fences around areas to keep out the deer. However, this is impossible for farmers.


    Some people are against any kind of action. They support leaving the deer alone. Animal populations in an area naturally go up and down over time. Doing nothing means that some deer will die of hunger or illness. But finally, the population will reach a size within the carrying capacity of the environment. So, let nature go its own way.

    1. (1) According to the passage, increased numbers of deer can bring ________ to people in the area.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the best to fill in the "   ▲   " in the passage?
    3. (3) The writer most probably agrees that
    4. (4) The writer organises this passage by ________.
  • 1. 语法填空

    I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our town a lot better for teenagers.

    First of all, I think more bike lanes should (build). A lot of teenagers in my town bike everywhere, it's very dangerous because there is a lot of traffic. If there are more bike lanes in the future, it will be much (safe) for them.

    (two), I believe that we need more places for teenagers to go to my opinion, teenagers won't cause problems in the street if there are more places for them to go to. So they need more (club) and other places where they can meet.

    Thirdly, teenagers here need more sports facilities. There (be) places to play ball games so far like tennis and basketball, but what about other sports, skating, and rollerblading?

    Finally, I'm sure, we'll make the town better we don't drop litter. If we all do something (help) now, our town will be much better for everyone in the future.

  • 1. My father told me that (橡胶)was one of the most famous specialties(特产)of our home town.
  • 1. Maybe you don't know it's harmful to use (塑料的) bags.
  • 1. Never do (harm/ harmful) to others because it also hurts yourself.
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