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    Our school building was very old. It was repaired from time to time so that it could look better.

    However, the toilets (厕所)1the same.

    One day, the teachers decided that the toilets needed a makeover ( 翻新), 2 it would be expensive. They came up with a great idea- Making it a school-wide3for students. Each class would pick three students. These students would be grouped according to the grade and they would design (设计) and 4the toilet on each floor. I was chosen to join the fourth grade team.

    At the beginning, there were disagreements (分歧) among our group members. Each person had an idea of 5 to do. Someone wanted to make the wall6the seaside. Someone else wanted to paint it with stars. Another person wanted to paint it with cartoon characters. We got so7 that we stopped talking to each other. It seemed we were8going to get it done.

    Finally, though, one member thought of a 9 idea. Each cubicle (小隔间) would have a different theme (主题)so that10 thought would be given up. And the11of the toilet would be painted in rainbow (彩虹) colours. Everybody thought the12was good. Finally, we managed to start painting the toilet.

    When we finished, we were all happy. Everyone said the toilet on our floor looked amazing. What was even13was that our teachers praised(表扬) us for how we had14the disagreements among us and come up with a whole new idea. We ourselves were quite happy with our work, too, Most 15, we had learnt the meaning of teamwork.

    A . weighed B . cost C . worked D . remained
    A . so B . but C . if D . or
    A . thought B . accident C . activity D . symbol
    A . buy B . match C . clean D . paint
    A . how B . what C . when D . where
    A . look like B . go over C . cheer up D . stand for
    A . mad B . excited C . lonely D . surprised
    A . always B . sometimes C . usually D . never
    A . boring B . general C . special D . strange
    A . everybody's B . somebody's C . anybody's D . nobody's
    A . spirit B . rest C . order D . mark
    A . idea B . theme C . chance D . research
    A . safer B . better C . crazier D . sadder
    A . connected B . caught C . solved D . checked
    A . worryingly B . importantly C . humorously D . interestingly