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  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 阅读下面材料,根据文中信息设计一份海报,完成以下任务。



    Welcome to Quzhou Theatre! The famous play Lao She Teahouse will be on in it soon. Here is some information to help you learn something about the play.

    The play will be on from February 8th to April 11th. There are two performances (演出) a day from Monday to Friday. They begin at 10 am and 7 pm There is one more performance on weekends. It begins at 3 pm. Each performance lasts 1.5 hours.

    A child under 16 needs to pay 18 yuan for a ticket and a grown-up needs to pay 25 yuan for one. Family packages (套餐) can help you save money-50 yuan for 3 tickets and 60 yuan for 4 tickets.

    Please arrive here on time, or you have to wait for the next performance. Children under 3 can't get into. You can't smoke, talk loudly, eat or drink when the performance is on.

    If you want to get tickets, please visit our website (www. quzhou­theatre.com) or call Mr Zhang at 2957403.

    Lao She Teahouse

    ◆Time: February 8th-  11th

    Monday-Friday: 10 am; 7 pm

    Saturday-Sunday: 10 am; ; 7 pm

    ◆Duration(时长): 1.5 hours

    ◆Ticket Price: ¥18 / Children under 16; ¥25 / grown­ups;

     packages: ¥50 for 3 tickets; ¥60 for 4 tickets

    ◆Attention: Latecomers and children under three can't get into.

    Please don't smoke, talk loudly, eat or drink during the performance.

     tickets: Website: www. quzhou­theatre.com

    Telephone: call Mr Zhang at 2957403

  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 阅读理解

    Which is the fastest way to go? Most of us surely think the plane is. The seats are so soft that it is really comfortable to travel by plane. But is it very interesting to travel by plane? Different people have different ideas. For people who fly often in economy class (经济舱), the answer may be no. They felt tired and uncomfortable quite often because of the very small space. But according to Ron Soret, an airplane scientist, there are some ways to help us enjoy the journey better. Hope you will have an interesting air travel and enjoy the journey.

    Sit near the front of the plane. When you choose seats, a seat near the front of the plane will help with a better ride. Soret says, "The front part of the plane is usually the most comfortable. You hardly feel the turbulence (湍流) if it is not very serious." Soret also says the front part of the plane is the quietest. Maybe you can enjoy reading a magazine or have a good sleep during the journey.

    Taking an aisle (过道) seat is also a good choice. Soret says the aisle seats have bigger spaces. You can stretch your arms and legs to keep your body relaxed. It helps you feel less tired after the journey. But you have to stand up when other people in the same row want to go to the bathroom.

    Be careful with the temperature. That is important, too. Temperatures in the plane are usually similar to those of your home town. That means you wear a T-shirt when you get on the plane, you may still just need a T-shirt when you are in the plane. If you are too cold, you can ask for a blanket.

    1. (1) What are the advantages of taking a seat near the front of the plane?

      ① It is the most comfortable.      ② It is the cheapest.

      ③ It is the quietest.              ④ It is the safest.

    2. (2) The underlined word "blanket" in Paragraph 4 means something to ________.
    3. (3) Who may think this passage is useful?
    4. (4) Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 阅读理解

    Kelly couldn't wait until soccer season began because she loved racing to get the ball, she would fly towards it. Kelly practised at home during the peaceful mornings.

    At the first team practice, Kelly said hello to her friends and she liked to train with them. Then she saw a new girl. "That's Selena. She's a really fast runner," reported Kelly's friend Tara.

    At first, Kelly said nothing. She was worried. She had been the fastest runner on the team. Then she said, "I can beat her".

    When practice started, Coach Troy had everyone line up for races. Kelly was nervous.

    "On your mark, get set. GO!" The coach shouted.

    Kelly ran as fast as possible but she noticed Selena getting ahead of her. Kelly tried her best but couldn't catch Selena.

    That night, Mom could tell Kelly was sad.

    "What's the matter with you, dear?" she asked.

    "A new girl called Selena beat me at races," replied Kelly.

    "I know that's sad for you, but it also sounds like good news for your team". Kelly thought about her Mom's words. She cared about the team, but she liked being the fastest.

    At the next practice, the team played a game. Kelly and Selena were on the same team and Selena scored a minute later. Then Kelly got the ball and threw it hard to the net. She scored the winning goal.

    After practice, Selena said to Kelly, "You were really great today."

    "Thanks. You were great, too. I think our team can be great if we work together," Said Kelly.

    "I'd love to keep playing," Kelly said. "Want to come over to my house and practise?"

    1. (1) How did Kelly feel at first when she knew Selena joined her team?
    2. (2) What might Kelly and Selena do at the end of the story?
    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is true?
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 阅读理解


    Bald eagles (白头鹫) are birds. They have dark feathers on body and wings and their tail feathers are white.

    The baby birds are called eaglets. Are you interested in eaglets?

    Come and learn about some amazing facts about them.

    Home time

    All birds lay eggs. So do bald eagles. With sticks (枯枝) and grass, bald eagles build their homes in the tops of trees, so the eggs will be safe. They can become huge and can be as large as nine feet across. That's bigger than your bed!

    The mother eagle lays from one to three eggs. She sits on her eggs until they hatch (孵化).

    Proud parents

    At first, the eaglets are helpless. They can't walk. They also can't see well. Eaglets need their parents for food and to keep them safe.

    Eaglets grow up

    Bald eagles use their powerful eyes to hunt. They use their strong wings to fly fast. They use their yellow beaks and long claws to catch fish. Young eaglets must learn all these skills. Then they can live on their own.

    An eaglet can't fly until it grows dark feathers like its parents. The eaglet stays near its home until its wings grow strong. That takes about five months. 

    1. (1) Bald eagles build their nests in the tops of trees in order to ________.
    2. (2) How long does it take eaglets to grow up?
    3. (3) You may read the passage in a(n) ______ .
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。

    My grandfather is a farmer with a farm in a village. As a child, I loved to visit my grandfather there. There was always 1 new to do, to see and to enjoy. My grandfather was always very happy with my arrival.

    One year, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to grandfather's farm to celebrate my 2. They all liked eating blackberries. When they went to 3 them, I liked to go too. But I was the youngest child in my family, I always took the smallest basket. While the others were picking, I 4 in the shade (阴凉处) alone.

    One day I put a lot of grass in my basket. Then I put a few blackberries on top. The basket looked

    5. My grandfather said he was proud of my 6 work.

    The next morning my grandmother made pies (馅饼). There was a big pie made just for my birthday. It looked pretty good! I 7 what my grandma had done for me. But when I began to eat it, I found under the top blackberries nothing but 8! You can guess how surprised I was when I saw the grass.

    My grandfather looked at me with a smile. "9 you cheat (欺骗) others, you cheat yourself," he said he didn't need to say more. My grandmother and grandfather 10 me a good lesson.

    I learned many, many things on my grandfather's farm. For me, the experiences made me a better man.

    A . everything B . nothing C . something D . anything
    A . holiday B . success C . trip D . birthday
    A . eat B . pick C . buy D . grow
    A . sat B . talked C . studied D . worked
    A . big B . full C . clean D . light
    A . hard B . safe C . careful D . clever
    A . was pleased with B . was angry with C . was afraid of D . was careful of 
    A . leaves B . meat C . vegetables D . grass
    A . Before B . Although C . Because D . When
    A . sent B . left C . taught D . found
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who did Lingling go to the English Corner with?
    2. (2) Where did the man come from?
    3. (3) What does the man do?
    4. (4) How did Lingling feel?
    5. (5) When did Lingling arrive home?
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is the boy's home town?
    2. (2) When is the best time to visit Beijing?
    3. (3) How often does the girl go back to Beijing?
  • 1. (2022八上·衢州期中) 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How far is the girl's home?
    2. (2) How does the boy usually go to school?
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