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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。

    My grandfather is a farmer with a farm in a village. As a child, I loved to visit my grandfather there. There was always 1 new to do, to see and to enjoy. My grandfather was always very happy with my arrival.

    One year, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to grandfather's farm to celebrate my 2. They all liked eating blackberries. When they went to 3 them, I liked to go too. But I was the youngest child in my family, I always took the smallest basket. While the others were picking, I 4 in the shade (阴凉处) alone.

    One day I put a lot of grass in my basket. Then I put a few blackberries on top. The basket looked

    5. My grandfather said he was proud of my 6 work.

    The next morning my grandmother made pies (馅饼). There was a big pie made just for my birthday. It looked pretty good! I 7 what my grandma had done for me. But when I began to eat it, I found under the top blackberries nothing but 8! You can guess how surprised I was when I saw the grass.

    My grandfather looked at me with a smile. "9 you cheat (欺骗) others, you cheat yourself," he said he didn't need to say more. My grandmother and grandfather 10 me a good lesson.

    I learned many, many things on my grandfather's farm. For me, the experiences made me a better man.

    A . everything B . nothing C . something D . anything
    A . holiday B . success C . trip D . birthday
    A . eat B . pick C . buy D . grow
    A . sat B . talked C . studied D . worked
    A . big B . full C . clean D . light
    A . hard B . safe C . careful D . clever
    A . was pleased with B . was angry with C . was afraid of D . was careful of 
    A . leaves B . meat C . vegetables D . grass
    A . Before B . Although C . Because D . When
    A . sent B . left C . taught D . found