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  • 1. 阅读理解


    With a history of about 5, 000 years, Stonehenge is one of the world wonders. It's a circle of stones of different heights. The stones used to be about 200 kilometers away. Now people still wonder how these people moved the huge stones without machines' help.

    Louvre Museum

    No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre Museum, one of the largest and most famous art museums in the world. About 35, 000 works of art from different centuries are on show, of which the Mona Lisa is the best-known.

    Mount Qomolangma

    Heavy snow, cold wind and thin oxygen(氧气), Mount Qomolangma seems to say no to any climber who dreams about making it to the top of the world. Tenzing and Edmund were the earliest to arrive at the top, but they were up there for just 15 minutes before coming down.

    Lake District National Park

    In the north of England lies Lake District National Park, which is very beautiful, with hills, lakes and forests. Most tourists enjoy walking around the lakes and climbing mountains. Lake District National Park is also a perfect place to paint the beautiful countryside.

    1. (1) People are still wondering how ancient people ________.
    2. (2) We can learn from the passage that _______.
    3. (3) _______ is a great choice to enjoy walking around the lakes.
    4. (4) The following make it difficult to reach the top of Qomolangma EXCEPT _________.
    5. (5) The passage is probably taken from _______.
  • 1. 阅读理解

    I am Dave. Some of my classmates are talking in the classroom.

    Jill: My grandparents live on a farm. I went there with my sister. We stayed there for seven days. The weather was usually sunny, so most of the time I played outside with my sister. On the farm, I milked cows, fed chickens and rode horses. I had a lot of fun. I think my trip was great.

    Mark: I went to Shanghai with my parents. I wanted to visit some museums, but my parents wanted to go shopping. I didn't like going shopping. So I stayed in the hotel and watched TV all day. It was really a boring trip.

    Anna : I think the best place for a holiday is the beach(海滩). I went to Sanya with my brother last year. The sand there was white, and it looked very beautiful. We built(建造) a big house with it. We swam and enjoyed the sunshine. We ate many kinds of seafood. They were delicious. The trip was great. I hope I can visit there again one day.

    1. (1) Jill stayed on her grandparents' farm with her _______.
    2. (2) What did Jill do on the farm?

      ①rode horses

      ②took photos

      ③milked cows

      ④fed chickens

    3. (3) Why did Mark think his trip was boring?
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "sand" mean in Chinese?
    5. (5) Which of the follow is TRUE?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    I have a happy family. My father is from Shanghai, China. He is of medium build. His face is long, and he has short straight hair. He often wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing a white T-shirt and pants in summer. He likes reading and playing chess. My mother is from New York, America. She is tall with a round face. Her nose is big and her long curly hair is blonde. She often wears a blue dress. My mother can speak both Chinese and English. She likes watching TV and telling jokes. My name is Wang Kang. I'm not tall but my short curly hair makes me look great. I'm very heavy. I need to do more exercise. I have a younger sister; she's only four years old. She has long curly hair; she is good-looking. She often wears a red skirt. She likes talking. She never stops talking.

    1. (1) Who has straight hair in the family?
    2. (2) What's the mother's hobby(爱好)?
    3. (3) What color is the mother's dress?
    4. (4) What does Wang Kang look like?
    5. (5) How many people are there in the family?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    We Want You!

    Join us at Lily's—one of the best local restaurants. We are now looking for people who would be interested in working with us.


    3 cooks

    * At least one year's work experience in a western restaurant kitchen.

    * Able to work on weekends.

    Work 4 p. m. —9 p. m. every day. ($600/ week)

    waiters/ waitresses

    * At least one year's work experience in a cafe or restaurant.

    * Part-time welcome.

    * Able to work on weekends.

    * Work 4 a. m. —11 a. m., 11 a. m. —6 p. m. or 6 p. m. —I a. m. every day. ($ 16/hour)

    2 cleaners

    * No work experience needed.

    * Part-time welcome.

    * Work 12 a. m. —5 p. m. or 5 p. m. —10 p. m. every day. ($ 12/hour)

    Call 654-589-7859.

    1. (1) How many kinds of jobs does Lily's offer?
    2. (2) Who can work as a waiter at Lily's?
    3. (3) A person who gets the job as a cleaner will get _________a day.
    4. (4) You can ________ to get more information about these jobs.
    5. (5) The passage above may come from _______.
  • 1. 完形填空

    I'm Molly. My best friend is Anne. When I was a little girl at a summer camp, a girl came up to me and wanted to play1me. "Be my best friend?" she asked and gave me her2. So Anne and I knew each other and became3. A few weeks later, I went to find Anne4 I wanted to share my chocolate with her. Anne5chocolate! When I went near the group, I6 Anne ask another girl, "Be my best friend?" And the girl answered, "Really? I thought you were Molly's best friend! "Anne said," Yeah, but today I want a(n)7friend. "I tried not to8. I ran to the river, threw away the9and cried loudly. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Anne. She said," Don't cry! I just wanted to help the10girl. "Hearing that, I gave her my hand.

    A . in B . with C . at D . on
    A . arm B . leg C . hand D . foot
    A . classmates B . brothers C . cousins D . friends
    A . if B . so C . but D . because
    A . loved B . made C . sold D . had
    A . Saw B . heard C . watched D . helped
    A . new B . different C . active D . healthy
    A . dream B . cry C . forget D . laugh
    A . photo B . postcard C . letter D . chocolate
    A . lazy B . smart C . shy D . clever
  • 1. 新冠肺炎疫情期间,很多年轻人喜欢上了网上点餐服务。这种订餐方式使人们的生活更加方便快捷,丰富多彩,但同时也存在着不少的弊端。请根据以下思维导图及要求写一篇英语短文,谈谈网上点餐的利与弊,并阐述你的看法和建议。



    2)词数80 ~100(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数);



    网上点餐order food online;减少外出reduce going out;规避风险avoid risks;

    塑料包装plastic packages

    With the outbreak of COVID-19, many young people prefer ordering food online.

  • 1. 从方框中选择适当的词语并用其适当形式填空。

    be of medium height, truly, bored, practice, this, compete, eighth, introduction

    Do you have a friend? In the modern society(社会), friends are an important part of our life. Without friends, life will be . As a matter of fact, a friend reaches for our hands and touches our hearts. Here, let me my friend Jack to you. Jack is a handsome boy who . When I was in Grade Seven, I took part in an English singing . When the result came out, I learned I failed! I could hardly hold back my tears. I felt that the world became cold and I was laughed at by everyone. How sad I was! Just at that time, I received a letter in English, saying, "Cheer up! Have confidence in yourself. Keep on and you'll succeed. "I knew it was from my friend Jack. words encouraged me greatly. From then on, I practiced even harder. When I was in Grade , I took part in another contest and won first prize. I'm so lucky to have such a good friend.

  • 1. 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话。(有两个多余选项)

    A: Good morning, Lucy! I didn't see you at the cinema last night. What were you doing?


    A: Calling your friend?

    B: She comes from London.


    B: She is tall with long straight brown hair.

    A: Do you often write to her in English?

    B: Yes. It can help me improve my English.

    A: I agree with you.

    B: No. But I plan to go there this summer vacation.

    A: Yes, I'd love to. But I am going to take a dancing competition.

    B: What a pity! Good luck to you.

    A: Thanks a lot.

    B: You are welcome.

    A. What does she look like?

    B. Where does she come from?

    C. Do you have a pen friend?

    D. Have you ever been to London?

    E. I was practicing singing.

    F. Would you like to go with me?

    G. I was calling my friend.

  • 1. 加油!我希望你的梦想早日成真。

    Come on! I hope your dream will early.

  • 1. 他们告诉警察画像师罪犯长什么样子。

    They tell the police artist what the criminal .

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