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    With a history of about 5, 000 years, Stonehenge is one of the world wonders. It's a circle of stones of different heights. The stones used to be about 200 kilometers away. Now people still wonder how these people moved the huge stones without machines' help.

    Louvre Museum

    No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre Museum, one of the largest and most famous art museums in the world. About 35, 000 works of art from different centuries are on show, of which the Mona Lisa is the best-known.

    Mount Qomolangma

    Heavy snow, cold wind and thin oxygen(氧气), Mount Qomolangma seems to say no to any climber who dreams about making it to the top of the world. Tenzing and Edmund were the earliest to arrive at the top, but they were up there for just 15 minutes before coming down.

    Lake District National Park

    In the north of England lies Lake District National Park, which is very beautiful, with hills, lakes and forests. Most tourists enjoy walking around the lakes and climbing mountains. Lake District National Park is also a perfect place to paint the beautiful countryside.

    1. (1) People are still wondering how ancient people ________.
      A . managed to move the stones B . made different stones C . walked 200 kilometers D . wrote the history of machines
    2. (2) We can learn from the passage that _______.
      A . Stonehenge has a history of five hundred years B . Lake District National Park is in the south of England C . The works of art in Louvre Museum are from the same century D . Tenzing and Edmund were the first to reach the top of Qomolangma
    3. (3) _______ is a great choice to enjoy walking around the lakes.
      A . Stonehenge B . Louvre Museum C . Mount Qomolangma D . Lake District National Park
    4. (4) The following make it difficult to reach the top of Qomolangma EXCEPT _________.
      A . heavy snow B . large lakes C . cold wind D . thin oxygen
    5. (5) The passage is probably taken from _______.
      A . a diary B . a news report C . a travel guide D . a poem