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  • 1. 海伦爸爸离开北京一个星期了。
  • 1. 我妈妈已经乘直达航班去了上海。
  • 1. 当过上车高速运转时,孩子们快乐地尖叫和大笑。
  • 1. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    There are so many interesting places to go on vacation, such as Li jiang. Last summer, my family and I had a 7-day t tip to Li jiang, Yunnan. On the first day, we flew to Kunming. It was a beautiful city fill of all kinds of flowers. People call it "Spring City "because the weather is never too hot or too cold. The next day, we visited the Stone Forest.

    On the third day, we reached Li jiang. It was really a nice place The rivers there were so clear that we could see the water grass and the fish. There were a lot of old buildings. We enjoyed walking around the town. We tried many different kinds of fond in small restaurants. Everything tasted really good. Everywhere we went, we took photos. We also bought a lot of special things for our friends. On the last day, we decided to go back by train to enjoy the wonderful scenery along the railway. What a fantastic trip we had!

    1. (1) Where did the writer go on a trip last summer?
    2. (2) How did the writer go to Kunming?
    3. (3) Why do people call Kunming "Spring City"?
    4. (4) What did the writer try in small restaurants?
    5. (5) What did the writer think of the rivers in Li jiang?
  • 1. 短文填空

    A wise man was visiting a village with his students. He found a group of family members s in anger at each other. He turned to his students and asked, "Why do people shout in anger at each other?" His students thought for a while, and one of them said, "Because when we lose our calm, we shout."

    "But why should you shout when the other person is just n to you? You may just tell him what you have to say in a soft manner as well, "said the wise man.

    Students gave some other a but none was any good.

    "When two people are angry with each other, their h become distant," the wise man explained, "To cover that distance they must shout to be heard by each other. The angrier they are, the l they will have to shout at each other to cover that great distance. "

    The wise man then gave an e, what happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each otter but talk softy b their hears are very close. When they love each other even more, what happens? They don't need to talk. They only look at each other and that's all. That is h close two people are when they love each other. "He looked at his student s and said," So when you argue, do not let your hears get distant. Do not say words that distance you from others. O, there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the p to return.

  • 1. 信息还原

    It was a very hot day. As I was sitting on the bench, waiting for class to begin, I saw Timothy waving a brown paper bag at Jenna. Happily, the two of them walked away to somewhere.

    They stopped at a quieter area behind the library. "Strange, "I thought. "They must be up to something!" I watched them from behind a large tree and saw Jenna pass some money to Timothy. Timothy then passed the paper bag to Jenna. Both of them were smiling and seemed very happy. Timothy must be selling answers to the holiday worksheets to Jenna! It made sense to me as Timothy was an excellent student and Jenna always needed help in her homework. I could not stop myself and jumped out from behind the tree. I cried, ""

    Timothy and Jenna were surprised. "What is happening?" Jenna asked. After I told them what I had thought, they laughed. It turned out that in the bag was a special comic book bought by Timothy's brother. Once I heard the explanation, I turned red. I wished the ground would swallow (吞下) me then to save me from the shame. I said sorry for my mistake and quickly ran away.

    A. I will never trust them again.

    B. A thought suddenly came into my mind.

    C. Out of curiosity, I followed Timothy and Jenna.

    D. Timothy was only collecting money from Jenna for the comic book.

    E. I will never jump to conclusions again.

    F. I saw what the two of you had done.

    G. Luckily, they invited me to join them.

  • 1. 用所给动词的适当时态填空

    marry         be         miss         fly        feel

    1. (1) I'm sorry you the bus. It left five minutes ago.
    2. (2) How many times you late for school since last week?
    3. (3) —When your favourite star Lin Xingru Huo Jian hua?

      —A few years ago.

    4. (4) The lovely girl too tired after she practises badminton every afternoon.
    5. (5) The Browns to England for a trip. I'm sure they will enjoy it.
  • 1. 用所给单词的企确形式填空。

    beautiful        die      one    busy     travel

    1. (1) It's a good idea to go out to enjoy the of spring in March.
    2. (2) Our engineer has gone to Hai kou on . He will be back soon.
    3. (3) My cousin dislikes . Instead, she likes shopping.
    4. (4) His lovely dog has been for almost 5 days, but he still feels so sad.
    5. (5) —Is it the time for to visit the Disneyland?

       —Yes, of course.

  • 1. I like any fruit lemons. I never drink lemon tea.
  • 1. People have stayed at the (a place for planes to take off and get down) for long.
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