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  • 1. Helen is looking for her pen. Maybe this is h .
  • 1.  Here're some nice  (手表). You can choose one.
  • 1. Your  (橡皮擦) works well I also want to buy one.
  • 1. Lingling sometimes wears  (紫色的)dresses. She likes the colour.
  • 1. There are many  (录音带) in Mr Li's office.
  • 1. Where's my (钱包)? I can't find it.
  • 1.  This is our (one) lesson for this new school year. 
  • 1.  Jenny, is that pen under the desk (you)? 
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Lisa loves reading, so her mum takes her to the library to get her a card. Lisa is so happy! Lisa's favourite books are about travelling, so she always borrows books about travelling. 

    One day, Lisa wants to return books and borrow some new ones. However, when she gets to the library, she doesn't have her card. Oh no! Lisa says to the worker. "I can't find my library card. ""Oh, I can't let you take any books without your card. "says the worker. Lisa feels sad.

    Then a boy goes to them and says, "I found a library card. Is it yours? " Lisa looks at the card and says happily, "Yes, it is mine. Thank you for finding my card. " "You need to be careful! " says the boy. "I will keep. it in my wallet. "says Lisa. Lisa returns her books, and then they look for books about travelling. Lisa has her books, her card, and a new friend, too!

    1. (1) The underlined word "return" means"____"in Chinese.
    2. (2) The underlined word"it" in Paragraph 3 refers to____.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE? 
  • 1. 完形填空

    What can you do when you lose your wallet? There are some1  you can do. They can help you find your2 or reduce(减少) the loss. 

    First of all, 3 all your clothes and bags. Then4 the last place you see your wallet. And think about5 you do next and where you go. If you don't6 home all day, it may be still in your7 . Don't worry too much. If you go to a8 or a park, call the restaurant or the park to see if the they see it. If you can't find it in two days, you may 9 it in other places. Then go on the Internet to check your bank account(银行账户)10 . If there are some11 things happening in your account, that means your wallet is stolen(偷).

    Please hurry up and12  the police. You also have to13 the bank this bad thing. The bank can help 14  a lot. 

    All in all, be 15  with your wallet. Don't lose it. 

    A .  stories B .  numbers C .  lessons D .  things
    A .  book B .  clothes C .  bags D .  wallet
    A .  search B .  clean C .  catch D .  wash
    A .  look at B .  get off C .  think about D .  put away
    A .  who B .  when C .  what D .  which
    A .  leave B .  get C .  clean D .  find
    A .  school B .  home C .  office D .  classroom
    A .  library B .  restaurant C .  hotel D .  zoo 
    A .  use B .  learn C .  save D .  lose
    A .  over there B .  in a hurry C .  at the moment D .  from now on
    A .  strange B .  lucky C .  new D .  right
    A .  join B .  plan C .  call D .  hear
    A .  share B .  read C .  tell D .  talk
    A .  her B .  you C .  me D .  him
    A .  ready B .  good C .  strong D .  careful
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