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    Lisa loves reading, so her mum takes her to the library to get her a card. Lisa is so happy! Lisa's favourite books are about travelling, so she always borrows books about travelling. 

    One day, Lisa wants to return books and borrow some new ones. However, when she gets to the library, she doesn't have her card. Oh no! Lisa says to the worker. "I can't find my library card. ""Oh, I can't let you take any books without your card. "says the worker. Lisa feels sad.

    Then a boy goes to them and says, "I found a library card. Is it yours? " Lisa looks at the card and says happily, "Yes, it is mine. Thank you for finding my card. " "You need to be careful! " says the boy. "I will keep. it in my wallet. "says Lisa. Lisa returns her books, and then they look for books about travelling. Lisa has her books, her card, and a new friend, too!

    1. (1) The underlined word "return" means"____"in Chinese.
      A . 保留 B . 借阅 C . 归还 D . 收购
    2. (2) The underlined word"it" in Paragraph 3 refers to____.
      A . the book B . the library card C . the desk D . the student card
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE? 
      A . The worker at the library isn't friendly. B . Lisa lost her mum's library card. C . Lisa will put her library card at home. D . The boy and Lisa like the same kind of books.