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  • 1. 这个app被称为服务的搜索引擎,它的各种服务,包括外卖送餐,为大众带来了诸多便利。( refer)
  • 1. After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    Jack Ma, the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, has offered some of his insights into running business and the role of innovation. The businessman also shared with people how Alibaba has grown into it is today.

    As a Hangzhou native, Jack Ma owes his success to the hard work and innovative spirits that (impress) on him at a young age.

    The business tycoon stresses the role of competitive and innovative ideas while opportunities, in his opinion, are open to those who own those creative thoughts.

    "There are all kinds of problems every day when you start a new business, and these problems need  (fix) , either by yourself, or by others, because someone has to do it. And by that, those who are able to solve these problems  (seize) their opportunity," Ma said.

    Ma is encouraging entrepreneurs (创业者) to have a broader vision and take a much ( wide ) picture into account in running business.

    He describes an innovative entrepreneur as being someone always sets their sights on the future. "Being innovative means you look at today from a viewpoint of tomorrow. We need to look at today's China from a viewpoint of the world, and look at ourselves from the viewpoint of outside this industry. When you think this way, you will do things in a different way," Ma noted.

    the huge success, Ma says he remains cool headed and still stays true to his dreams. "It's important to retain a' simple' and 'naive' outlook for the world. a man still maintains his' simplicity' and' naivety' when he turns 100, I think he will be a very noble old man. I hope we can all hold on to a simple mindset and stick to our dreams, because if we lose our dreams, everything we strive (accomplish) will become pointless and we will only become money-making machines.

  • 1. Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one, that best fits according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Historically, women have had a tough time getting rich. What follows is一if debatable-a ranking of the wealthiest women in history.

    1 Empress Wu

    Lived: 624- 705 AD

    Nation: China

    Peak Wealth/ Global GDP: 22.7%

    You don't become the richest woman of all time without a little bloodshed. When Emperor Gaozong gained power, Wu was cruel in eliminating competitors for her love. She reportedly killed her own week- old daughter and pinned the crime on one of Gaozong's main consorts, Empress Wang, who was imprisoned and killed. Once Gaozong died, Wu forced her own sons to resign and was named court administrator, a position equivalent to emperor. Her strategies paid off for China's economy: Under her 15-year rule, the empire expanded its area, making it one of the largest in the world at the time. National wealth prospered thanks to the trade of tea and silk with Western nations along the Silk Road.

    2 Hatshepsut

    Lived: 1507- 1458 BC

    Nation: Egypt

    Peak Wealth/ Global GDP: about 20%

    In order to rule as Egypt's first female pharaoh, Hatshepsut worked hard to convince people that her rule was the will of the gods. And who could blame her: At stake ( 利害关系) was control of gold mines with an output that would be worth $2 billion today. She rose to power after the death of her husband and went on to control one of the largest empires in the ancient world, with lands that extended beyond Egypt's borders into the Middle East.

    3 Catherine the Great

    Lived: 1729- 1796

    Nation: Russia

    Peak Wealth/ Global GDP: 5.4%

    Catherine the Great's title may refer not only to her political power but also to her fortune, which today would give her economic power equal to about $ 1.5 trillion. Catherine's rule over Russia, historically one of the largest empires in terms of land, gave her control of about 5% of global GDP at the time. While most Russians' lives did not improve during Catherine's rule, their labour drove some of the empire s most ambitious military expansion and cultural projects.

    4 Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

    Lived: 1954-present

    Nation: Netherlands

    Peak Wealth/ Global GDP: 0.017%

    Every time you crack open a Heineken, you're adding to the fortune of this Dutch woman, whose wealth peaked at $12.7 billion in 2016. De Carvalho-Heineken is the only child of Freddy Heineken, who served as CEO of the world's third-largest brewer from 1971 to 1989. She inherited her 25% stake in Heineken International when her father died in 2002. Without any formal business education, de Carvalho-Heineken was a driving force behind the selection of the company's current CEO, Jean-Francois van Boxmeer. He's overseen $30 billion in company acquisitions since he took the position.

    1. (1) What is the shared feature of the four women in the passage?
    2. (2) What can be inferred from the passage?
    3. (3) What will be most probably talked about next in the passage?
  • 1. Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.

    A. delight    B. moving    C. displayed    D. ultimately

    E. passion    F. creativity    G. convincing    H. prosperously

    I. emotional    J. originals    K. questioned


    I had the opportunity to catch a movie on a recent flight, China's Van Gogh, about a painter , Zhao Xiaoyong, who made a living drawing replicas (复制品) of the work of the great Vincent Van Gogh, in Shenzhen's Dafen Village. The movie is more than just a documentary. It is but is in no way a "tear-jerker".

    Zhao was originally from Hunan. After arriving in Dafen 20 years ago, he started a family business by making replicas of Van Gogh and has finished over 100, 000 copies. Now Zhao has developed a great for Van Gogh and has strict requirements on the quality of his staff's work, but he had never visited the Netherlands before, nor had he seen the real drawing by Van Gogh himself.

    Zhao had always wanted to make the trip, but travel expenses put him off and off again. After a long strugglehis wife, Zhao eventually made the trip.

    Zhao had a serious breakdown when he visited the Van Gogh museum. Amazed by the beauty of the real work, he his own talent: none of his replicas came close to capturing the moments in the. And he wondered whether he could continue painting after all knowing that he had none of the originality and of the Dutch master.

    Zhao,recovered some of his confidence when he went to Provence, France, and drew a painting at the same spot where Van Gogh drew his The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, to the of the audience.

    Upon returning to China, Zhao began to produce original work. How Zhao would survive in his new pursuit is anybody's guess, but I am struck by the parallels between Zhao's story and China's recent economic development.

  • 1. Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one, that best fits according to the information given in the passage you have just read. With the advance of Internet technology, information is more easily available than ever before, and thus fragmentary (碎片的) reading has become a phenomenon as well. Smartphone addicts can be seen busy "refreshing" their mobile phone, iPad or e-book screens whenever and wherever possible.

    It seems that lengthy articles have gone out of favour with the general public; attention-getting phrases are instead catching people's eye. Even contributions for printed media are culled (集成化)by web-editors to achieve the results of 1 +1≥2, strengthening both writing style and reading habits in mass communication.

    In reporting the event of a postgraduate who hanged himself using towels in a campus dormitory, for example, a few key words are selected on the university website, such as "bring Mom to university while studying" , "unemployed following graduation" , "undesirable learning" ,"fate has nothing to do with knowledge" ... and readers are quite satisfied with the media report.

    Fragmentary reading, while providing great convenience for getting informative material, has also caused concern among experts and scholars, who believe that our cultural pace of development as well as the depth and wholeness of our print culture have all been harmed.

    In my view, however, fragmentary reading is in fact a natural selection of the variety of our society which is undergoing a period of change. Looking back at the history of man's reading, for several thousand years people read from bamboo slips, and sheepskins, which did not interrupt knowledge spread or the recording of inventions. Everything was and still is about the reader, not the medium.

    In fact, traditional print materials may also be read fragmentarily while materials on mass medium can be read consistently as well, centering on their contents. Reading habits form and vary following thinking patterns and serve these patterns.

    Reading and thinking, whether they are fragmented or thoughtful, can actually be put together harmoniously as a whole in our mind, in the same way that both intensive and extensive reading are combined in language learning lessons. Instead of being opposite, combinations of this kind, I think, have to be learned during the social change.

    1. (1) What might web-editors do to achieve "double the results" for news readers?
    2. (2) The case of the postgraduate in paragraph 3 is used to show that             .
    3. (3) Which of the following statements does the writer most probably agree with?
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
  • 1. 这是这位杰出的球员第二次荣膺最有价值球员的称号。(honour)
  • 1. 只要手机状况良好,就没有必要频繁更换手机,因为将手机多用几年也是环保之举。( need n.)
  • 1. Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    A. Varying what you eat is a good idea in theory.

    B. Also coffee drunk on an empty stomach is not recommended.

    C. Just a banana will do the trick.

    D. Plus the women felt fuller for up to 12 hours after eating the peanut butter or peanuts.

    E. But it's not just when you eat; it's what you eat.

    F. It could set you up for overeating throughout the day.

    We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that may actually be true. A study of more than 50, 000 adults aged 30 and older found that breakfast eaters were more likely to lose weight than those who didn't eat a morning meal. Other studies link skipping breakfast with a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.Balancing carbohydrates (碳水化合物) with protein , fiber, and healthy fats is the key to a satisfying and nutritious breakfast. These tips will help you really rise and shine:

    1 Eat even if you're not hungry.

    Although you might not feel like eating first thing in the morning, it's a good idea to get something into your system. Eating within 90 minutes of waking up will jump-start your metabolism (新陈代谢) and keep you from getting hungry later.

    2 Be boring.

    But if you are watching your weight, you might want to stick with the same old menu. A 2014 British study found that people who allowed their breakfast calories to change (as measured by a five-day diet diary) had larger waists and a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome than folks who kept their morning calorie intake constant, no matter how much they ate the rest of the day. It's not clear why your morning calorie count makes such a difference, but given that a larger waist size and metabolic syndrome can increase your chances of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke, it's worth making the effort to hold it steady.

    3 Add peanuts or peanut butter.

    In a small study of 15 obese women, eating peanuts or peanut butter helped to lower the glycemic response to a breakfast of Cream of Wheat and orange juice一meaning that the carbohydrates were digested more slowly and blood sugar did not rise as high.So they were less likely to snack later. Spreading peanut butter on toast or sprinkling chopped nuts on cereal (麦片) are easy ways to add protein to a carb-heavy meal.

  • 1. Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    For several months, Cara has been working up the courage to approach her mom about what she saw on Instagram. Not long ago, the 11-year-old girl discovered that her mom had been posting her photos for much of her life. "I've wanted to bring it up. It's strange to see myself up there, and sometimes there are pictures I don't like of myself," she said.

    Like most other modern kids, Cara grew up immersed in social media. While many kids may not yet have accounts themselves, their parents, schools, sports teams, and organizations have been organizing an online presence for them since birth. The shock of realizing that details about your life have been shared online without your permission or knowledge has become an important experience in the lives of many teenagers.

    But it's not just crazy mommy bloggers who construct a child's online identity; plenty of average parents do the same. There's even a word for it: sharenting. A study found 92% of kids under the age of 2 already have their own unique digital identity.

    Preschools and elementary schools often keep blogs or upload photos of kids to Instagram accounts and Facebook pages so that working parents can feel like a part of their kids' day. Sports scores are recorded online, which are important moments from after-school clubs.

    Some legislatures are getting involved. In 2014, Europe's highest court ruled that Internet providers must give users the "right to be forgotten". Under the ruling, European citizens can demand to have past damaging information, including crimes committed as a minor, hidden from Google search results. And in France, strict privacy laws mean kids can accuse their own parents of publishing private details of their lives without permission. In the United States, however, teens aren't offered such protections, and many simply walk on eggshells.

    Jaime Putnam, a mom in Georgia, said she has started to be more mindful of the fact that many of her kids' friends don't yet know how much information about themselves is out there. Recently she saw on social media that one of her child's friends got a puppy. She brought it up when she saw him, and he looked at her, horrified. He had no idea how she had learned that seemingly private information. "It made me realize these kids don't know what's being posted all the time, "she said. Now she's careful about what she reveals. "It feels like you're maybe crossing a line telling them everything you know about them.

  • 1. 父母和孩子间要取得相互的理解需要敞开心扉的交流。(take)
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