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    When Simon Beck creates artwork, he doesn' t use paint or pencils. Instead, he takes his snowshoes and compass(指南针) and walks to a wide-open area of fresh snow, making huge designs in the snow by walking and leaving snowshoed footprints in different patterns. 

    The idea to make a snow mural(壁画) came to him in 2004 after a day of skiing in Savoie, France. Mr Beck noticed an inviting area of undisturbed snow and thought it would be fun to draw a star in it. Being a mapmaker and an expert at orienteering(定向越野赛), Mr Beck was good with these skills to create in the snow. 

    Once he got to his site, he started in the center of the design. He then "drew" the primary lines while holding his compass to make sure he kept walking straight. Next, he added smaller lines, keeping track of their length by counting his footsteps. Finally, he filled in, or "shade", some of the areas between the lines with more footsteps. The result looked impressive, especially when he viewed it from above on a nearby chairlift. 

    On average, a snow design takes Mr Beck 10 hours to make. So far, Beck has created over 300 snow murals—the size of the biggest one is about 10 soccer fields. As Mr Beck worked to build a collection of photos to publish in his book Snow Art, he posted some of his pictures on the Internet. His art started to gain more attention and companies began asking him to create snow artwork. Mr Beck has been invited to make snow art all over the world, including Canada, the United States, Russia, and China. 

    It doesn' t worry Mr Beck that his work will disappear with the next snowfall. Once he has photographed a design, he' s ready to think about the next one. "I can make another drawing in the same place when the weather improves, " he says. 

    1. (1) Where did Beck' s idea to make a snow mural come from?
    2. (2) How does the compass help Beck in drawing in the snow?
    3. (3) How does Beck feel about his artwork being ruined by fresh snow?
    4. (4) What' s the best title of the text?
  • 1.  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are so many ways to explore in regard to finding new happiness. Below you' ll find some tips to help you find your idea of happiness. 

    Find a new hobby. When it comes to hobbies, the possibilities are endless. You can be as adventurous, creative, or outgoing as you want. You can try out a new hobby alone or with friends. Hobbies can help reduce stress and put our focus on what is fun and different. 

    Put yourself first. A lot of people forget to take care of themselves because of a busy work schedule, marriage, kids and family. But remember when you put yourself first, your happiness will shine through for sure. 

     This way, you can not only be your best self but also possibly take better care of people around you. 

    Exercise. Not everyone is a fan of exercise, but it does have so many benefits.  All it takes is 30 minutes of movement to gain those "feel-good chemicals" to better your mood(心情) and health. 

    Eat a balanced diet. There is a relationship between food and mood.  A healthy balanced diet will make you stronger and happier. If you eat poorly, your organs(器官) will react negatively. As a result, you suffer from illnesses or have mood swings—you anger easily and find it hard to concentrate. 

     Having a good support system is known to help improve our well-being. Unfortunately, not everyone means well. So it' s important to be aware of that and make it your priority only to allow people beneficial to your mental health in your life. 

    A. Choose your social circles wisely. 

    B. Know that people are always there for you. 

    C. You are doing your body a service by working out. 

    D. Happiness is based on how much you can do for others. 

    E. The key is to find something that will do just that for you. 

    F. What you put in your body determines how your body responds. 

    G. Taking time out for yourself daily improves your emotion and performance. 

  • 1.  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Deng Yaping, who has set .  example to table tennis players all over the world, was born in 1973, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. It was her addiction to the sport  led to her playing table tennis when she was only 5 years old. Four years later, she won her provincial junior championship. At the age of 13, she won her first (nation) championship and beat other (competitor) in all kinds of competitions in the following years. She had won 18 championships by the time she retired(退役) from sports at the age of 24. Deng Yaping is regarded as one of the . (amazing) players in the history of sport. 

    However, compared with other athletes, it seemed (extreme) challenging for her to achieve her dream. At first, she (refuse) by the Henan Provincial Team just because she wasn' t tall enough. Her path to success was filled with many other challenges,  none of them stopped her. She practised even harder and finally made to the top. Her great determination and mental (strong) have inspired thousands of people. Now, she has become a living legend in the sports field at home and abroad. 

  • 1.  阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was very unfriendly to them. 

    One day, Ali took Zahra' s shoes to a shoe repairman to have them fixed, but he lost them on the way home. It wasn' t until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he begged his sister to keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share Ali' s running shoes. Zahra' s school hours were in the morning, so she would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school. 

    Ali heard about a long-distance race that would be held for the boys in the city. When he learned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he would win the new shoes. 

    The day of the race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted, he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided(碰撞) with him from behind. Ali crashed to the ground. 


    Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead. 

    Filled with pleasure, Ali walked home quickly. 

  • 1.  阅读理解

    Thanks to the hard work of companies like California-based Orbital Assembly Corporation(OAC), space tourism is well on its way to coming true. Now, the company is working to offer a chance for space visitors to "get out of the world" by checking into the world' s first true hotel in low Earth orbit(轨道).

    The 650-foot-wide Ferris-wheel-like Voyager Space Station(VSS) will be made up of two rings connected together. The inside circle will be fitted with spacecraft stations for guests while the outside ring will house the rooms, restaurants, bars, gyms, and scientific research labs. The hotel which is powered by the sun will travel at high speed to create artificial gravity(人造重力), providing tourists a comfortable stay. When completed, it will have rooms for up to 400 people. 

    While the idea is attractive, making VSS a reality will take time and money. The team is now building a smaller prototype(雏形) ring. Once finished, OAC engineers will attempt to create artificial gravity. Transporting the VSS to space will cost thousands of millions of dollars. However, OAC believes that they will recoup the money by asking $5 million per person for each 3-day stay. Though the cost may seem too high, it is cheap compared to the 55 million it costs to stay on the ISS(International Space Station).Besides, guests at the Voyager Station will be living in the greatest conditions. 

    "You' re going to have the top cooks making really good food, " Orbital CEO John Blincow told the Washington Post. "There' ll be two shows every night as well. " Visitors will also be able to take part in the activities that are not possible on Earth such as spacewalks which allow visitors to admire views of Earth and space. 

    If everything goes according to plan, the company plans to start work in 2026 and welcome the first visitors in 2027. "If you are eager to be among the first, you can pay an amount of money to save your place ahead of time, " added John Blincow. 

    1. (1) What do we know about the VSS?
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "recoup" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    3. (3) Why are John Blincow' s words mentioned in paragraph 4?
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the text?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    For most of my life, I didn't like being seen. I went bright red when it was my turn to speak in a group. I hated the teacher asking me something. I even didn't like my family all looking at me! I often tried to hide away and avoid being seen by others!So, it's not strange that I feared speaking in front of others.

    Luckily, I've learned to overcome(克服) my problem. Now I love helping others who have the same problem that I once had but want to speak up because they have valuable things to share. I particularly love helping entrepreneurs(企业家) to become more confident. When you help a leader, the impact is so much greater.

    Over the years I've discovered that there are three main problems that people have when it comes to speaking in public. The first is a lack of self-belief. They doubt themselves and question whether what they have to say is valuable. The second is a fear of being seen as arrogant(傲慢的). The third is a fear of rejection(拒绝) or a fear of not being liked.

    All of these problems are related to mindset, specifically, a fear-based mindset, which is common. These fears stop people from stepping up as the leader and influencer they were born to be. 

    If you want to become a more effective influencer, it is so important to work on any fears you have of judgment or rejection. They will be a ball and chain that will hold you back from success. We need to take action though we feel fear. We can't wait for the fear to go away as it won't go away itself. We have to act while we still feel it. And to overcome fears, we should practice. Confidence is attached to progress, and we progress only if we practice. If you don't feel you're progressing, you'll start to lose your confidence and stay stuck in fear.

    1. (1) What does the author like doing now?
    2. (2) What can we learn about the problems preventing people from talking publicly?
    3. (3) What does the author suggest people do?
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    What is the chance of you having someone who looks just like you? Would it be a good thing? And if you did have one, would you want to meet them? Consider how often your facial features(面部特征) are used to recognize you. Your passport, ID card and driving licence all bare your face. To enter your workplace, you likely need to be recognizable. You may need your face to unlock your smartphone and possibly even need it to exclude(排除) you from being present at a crime scene. 

    The word "doppelgänger" refers to a person who looks almost the same as you, basically sharing your features—those that you thought were unique to you. Not a twin, as a doppelgänger has no relation to you.

    So, let's get real. What are the chances of you having one in the first place? There's said to be a one in 135 chance for someone like you existing anywhere in the world, so the chances are pretty low. And the chances of meeting? The mathematical certainty of finding this person is supposedly less than one in a trillion!

    That said, these statistics may be a good thing. Historically, having a double hasn't always been a positive.

    Back in 1999, an innocent(无罪的) American man, unrecognizable from the real criminal, was sent to prison for robbery, where he stayed for 19 years. In the end, it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity(身份). In a different case, a woman in New York was accused of trying to poison her doppelgänger with deadly cheesecake so that she could steal her identity!

    And, why are people interested in finding their possible doppelgänger anyway? It may be helpful to look to the past when facial likeness showed kinship(亲属关系). Maybe one day you'll meet your lookalike, but we understand that, after this, you possibly don't want to!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
    2. (2) In this passage, which of the following is your doppelgänger?
    3. (3) What did the main characters in the two cases mentioned have in common?
    4. (4) What's the author's attitude towards meeting someone who looks just like you?
  • 1. 你校正就"如何保持友谊"这一话题进行征稿。请你以"How to Keep Friendship"为题,写一篇英语短文来投稿。内容要点如下:1. 与朋友保持联系;2. 互相尊重,诚实以待;3. 及时帮助朋友。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  • 1. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One Friday afternoon, some of my classmates planned to take a hike in a jungle(丛林), including my friends Jake and Liam. They asked me if I would like to go with them. I love outdoor activities, so I agreed. 

    It was sunny the following morning. I was so excited about hiking since it was the first time that I had hiked with them. I ate a light breakfast. After that, I hurriedly ran out of my house to meet them in the school playground. 

    The jungle where we were going was far from our school. Its name is Salymbia Jungle. It took about three hours to go there by bus, but it wasn't a boring journey as we were all eager to hike. After we got off the bus, we found a local guide to ensure our safety. The guide, whose name is Thomas, said that he had hiked in the Salymbia Jungle lots of times and that he was familiar(熟悉的) with the route(路线). When we arrived, Thomas told us never to leave the group because we would easily get lost in the jungle if we walked alone. Then we began to hike.

    There were different kinds of plants which we had never seen before. All of us were amazed at the beauty of the scenery and the sounds of the creatures. Sadly, after hiking for about an hour, I found that my watch was gone. I realized that my watch had fallen off. It was a gift from my grandma, and I loved it very much. Without thinking, I turned back and tried to find my watch. Since I was the last one walking in the group, nobody noticed it when I walked away. 

    I wasn't worried about getting lost because I thought I could find my watch easily. However, when I finally found my watch and tried to catch up with my friends, they had gone far. I immediately realized that I was alone and lost.


    The sky started to become dark and I was very worried 

    Fortunately, they found me with great effort. 

  • 1. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    By deciding to lead a healthy life, you are deciding to take full control of your own habits. But how can you make it? Here are some tips for you. 

    Cook at home. Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than eating out, so teach yourself to cook the things you love, and keep a well-stocked fridge. Shop healthily. Start in the produce items(农产品), and skip unhealthy items, such as chips and snacks. Cook food you like, or you won't want to eat it.

     If you have trouble getting to the gym on a regular basis, build more activities into your daily routine. Take up gardening or another active hobby. Get a dog so that you remember to go on walks. Cut your commute(通勤) and walk part of the way to work. This way, you can build a new exercise habit that can help you lead a healthier life. 

    Socialize. Having a healthy social network is good for your longevity, your recovery from illnesses, and your mental stability. See friends regularly. Keep in touch with family.  Get involved(融入) in the organization, and stick with it. 

    Build happiness and self-acceptance. There is a strong link between happiness and health, so try to get in the habit of treating yourself lovingly. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend. When you start having bad thoughts, stop, and find out the thought that is making you feel bad. Accept the bad feeling and don't try to control it.

    A. Develop active habits. 

    B. Buy whatever you like to cook. 

    C. Getting into healthy habits is helpful for you. 

    D. To expand(增加) your social contacts, join an organization. 

    E. You get stuck with thoughts like, "Only losers feel this bad. "

    F. Instead, calm yourself until you can analyze(分析) the reason. 

    G. Plan out your meals for the week, and go to the grocery store with a list. 

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