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  • 1. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    By deciding to lead a healthy life, you are deciding to take full control of your own habits. But how can you make it? Here are some tips for you. 

    Cook at home. Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than eating out, so teach yourself to cook the things you love, and keep a well-stocked fridge. Shop healthily. Start in the produce items(农产品), and skip unhealthy items, such as chips and snacks. Cook food you like, or you won't want to eat it.

     If you have trouble getting to the gym on a regular basis, build more activities into your daily routine. Take up gardening or another active hobby. Get a dog so that you remember to go on walks. Cut your commute(通勤) and walk part of the way to work. This way, you can build a new exercise habit that can help you lead a healthier life. 

    Socialize. Having a healthy social network is good for your longevity, your recovery from illnesses, and your mental stability. See friends regularly. Keep in touch with family.  Get involved(融入) in the organization, and stick with it. 

    Build happiness and self-acceptance. There is a strong link between happiness and health, so try to get in the habit of treating yourself lovingly. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend. When you start having bad thoughts, stop, and find out the thought that is making you feel bad. Accept the bad feeling and don't try to control it.

    A. Develop active habits. 

    B. Buy whatever you like to cook. 

    C. Getting into healthy habits is helpful for you. 

    D. To expand(增加) your social contacts, join an organization. 

    E. You get stuck with thoughts like, "Only losers feel this bad. "

    F. Instead, calm yourself until you can analyze(分析) the reason. 

    G. Plan out your meals for the week, and go to the grocery store with a list.