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  • 1. 这个小女孩在六岁的时候就会弹吉他了。

    The little girl play the guitar at the age of six.

  • 1. 用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

    proper, attack, in seconds, far away, aside from

    1. (1) This guidebook can teach the teenagers how to use the Internet and carefully.
    2. (2) cars, the factory makes bicycles.
    3. (3) Now it is possible to send words and pictures around the world .
    4. (4) Never tell the strangers your personal information, or they will your computer and the web.
    5. (5) If Sue works , she will miss her family.
  • 1. 补全对话(方框中有两项多余)


    B: Yes, I have one. It's a birthday present from my uncle.


    B: I usually use it to search for information on the Internet.

    A: Why?



    B: Every day.


    B: It's very useful. I like it very much.

    A. How do you like your computer?

    B. Do you like computer games?

    C. What do you usually use your com­puter for?

    D. Because it is fast and easy.

    E. Do you have a computer?

    F. Computers are very useful.

    G. How often do you use your computer?

  • 1. The policeman caught the tall man because he s an iPad from the supermarket.
  • 1. This is a s problem. We can work it out easily.
  • 1. Drinking alcohol(酒) can be ________ your brains. So you aren't supposed to drink it if you are younger than 18.
    A . good at B . good with C . harmful to D . thirsty for
  • 1. 我的爷爷想要理发。

    My grandfather wants to his hair .

  • 1. 花费太多时间上网对我们的健康有害。

      too much time online bad for our health.

  • 1. I don't like c. I like paper money.
  • 1. 我的表姐经常通过电子邮件和她的朋友们保持联系。

    My cousin often her friends by e­mail.

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