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  • 1. Thanks for your invitation, but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to _________ my baby at home.


    A . take away B . take off C . take care of D . take out of
  • 1.  Passage A

    Welcome to the Huangshan Taiping Cableway(索道)! This is Asia's longest and China's biggest tourist cableway! Each cable car can carry 100 passengers and one staff worker. The cableway is 3, 709 meters long. 

    The ride takes about eight minutes. 

    Here are things you must know before you take our cable car. 

    ◆Please obey the rules. Wait in a line for tickets, security check and entry. 

    ◆You must show your ticket to enter the passenger hall and take the cable car. 

    ◆People who have serious illnesses should not take the cable car. 

    ◆Don't use your mobile phone while you are in the cable car. Keep your head and hands inside the car. For the cable car may shake during the ride, please hold the handrail(扶手) firmly. 

    ◆If anything goes wrong, please keep calm. Ask the staff worker for help. 

    ◆Please bring your personal belongings with you before you leave the cable car. Don't step out of the car until it stops completely. 

    ◆You are not allowed to carry flammable, explosive or other dangerous things into the cable car. 

    Please call our staff when you need help. Our service number is 0559-0855-1818. 

    Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

    1. (1) Before travelers enter the passenger hall, they must____. 
    2. (2) Passengers should hold the handrail firmly because____during the ride. 
    3. (3) The passage above may be____. 
  • 1. 10月 4 日是世界动物日, 你校组织了一次以"I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals"为题的英语演讲比赛。假如你是李明, 你将参加比赛,请你根据下表内容写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己。80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    品 质


    爱 好


    事 迹

    组织慈善义演,为 Save China's Tigers 筹款

    感 悟


    打 算


    I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals

        Hello, everyone. I'm Li Ming. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. I'm glad to make a speech here.

        Thank you for listening!

  • 1.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内所给单词的正确形式。

    "Yo ho…Hello…The mountain is green…, and I can sit for a while…"This clear loud song can be heard every morning. It is from the deep forest of the Wulingyuan scenic spot

    Zhangjiajie, Hunan

    Province. Who sings the song? It's Nie Jingming. This is how Nie calls for the wild macaques(猕猴), his good friends. 

    Nie, 50 years old, was born into monkey training family. He has been taking care of wild macaques for more than 30 years. Every morning, he (sing) to them. After they hear (he)song, they jump to him from the rock walls and the forest. They know their good friend is waiting for them. 

    Nie gets up early and comes home late every day. (look)for macaques, he walks around the forest. He also studies their living habits and feeds them (careful). Over time, Nie has developed a close relationship with them. And he (call) "King of Monkeys" by locals. Now, the Wulingyuan scenic spot has become a paradise(乐园) for wild macaques to live and reproduce(繁殖). It has also become Nie's second home.

    Nie is like a parent, and all the macaques are like his children. "The macaques are

    (love) and cute. They are not only good scenery, but also friends of local people and (tourist), "he said. "I will always take care of them, and I hope more people will join me. "

  • 1.  Comprehensive learning

    We can see pandas in many zoos all over the world, but they are all from China. Now let me tell you something about the cut e pandas. 

    At birth, a baby panda is as small as a mouse. And it can't see anything. But an adult panda weighs about 100 kilos and it can eat more than 10 kilos of food a day. Pandas don't live very long. The babies often die from. ①Adult pandas spend more than twelve hours a day eating bamboo. Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China than there are now. But then ②人类开始砍伐森林, and there wasbamboo for the pandas. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2, 000 pandas living in theforests. Another 200 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. 

    Pandas, as well as many other endangered animals areto us. Luckily, more and more people have realized the importance of these wild animals. They do everything they can 

    these animals. The government is also planting more trees so there will be more forests for wild animals to live in. We hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas than now. 

    ①Fill in the blanks(1~5) with the proper words in the box in their proper forms. 

    protect, little, importance, ill, remain

    ②Translate the first underlined se ntence into Chinese. 

    ③Translate the second underlined part into English. 

    ④How many pandas are there in the world now?

    ⑤What is the government doing to protect wild animals?

  • 1.  Passage B

    National parks are large areas of public land. They give a safe home for local plants and animals. They help keep the air and water clean. Today, there are nearly 7, 000 national parks around the world. Forbes has listed 12of the most beautiful ones in the world that will surprise you with their amazing landscapes, geographic wonders and colorful plants and animals. 

    The Grand Canyon(大峡谷) National Park of the US is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is best known for its size and depth. It's 446 kilometers long, up to 29 kilometers wide and 1. 6 kilometers deep. The immensity of the canyon makes people think big. Taking a tour in the South Rim offers visitors the park's full views, while the North Rim shows beautiful wild flowers. 

    If you love animals, you'll like the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The"Big Five"live here. They are the lion, African elephant, African leopard, black rhinoceros and African buffalo. The name "Big Five"came from the five animals that were the hardest to catch. Now they are what people most want to see in the wild. If you visit the park, you should never miss the migration of over 1.5 million wildebeests(角马) and over 200, 000 zebras every year. This is the most famous site of the park.

    1. (1) Which is NOT right about national parks according to Paragraph 1?
    2. (2) The underlined word"immensity" means "               ".
    3. (3) If the writer continues the passage, he would most likely write about_______.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
  • 1.  Cloze test

    My friend Jack told me about a special test he had experienced in the first year of high school. 

    It was a few minutes before the final1 exam. Some of the students seemed a little2 , though in fact everyone worked really hard at history as Mr. White was a strict teacher. When the bell rang, Mr. White came3 the exam papers in his hand. To our surprise, he didn't hand out the papers at once. 4 , he said, "I know how hard you have worked for this test and you all can do it well, so I'm willing to offer a B to anyone who would prefer not to take the test. "

    Many students jumped up to thank Mr. White and5 the classroom. Mr. White looked at the rest of the students and said, "Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last6 . " Two more decided to go.

    Seven students including Jack remained. Mr. White then handed7 the papers. The students felt so surprised because there were only8 sentences typed on the paper: Congratulations! You have just9 an A in this test. Keep believing in yourself. 

    I admired Jack for he had such a test and a good10 . I have never had a test like that11 I think it is a test any teacher could and should give their students. It is12 that the students who are not confident in themselves are usually B students or maybe even13 . The A students are those who believe in themselves. 

    We should never14 unless we win the final success. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Qomolangma said, "It's not the mountain we conquer but15 . "

    A .  Chinese B .  math C .  English D .  history
    A .  happy B .  sad C .  nervous D .  calm
    A .  without B .  for C .  from D .  with
    A .  Instead B .  Finally C .  Slowly D .  Luckily
    A .  entered B .  left C .  got D .  cleaned
    A .  chance B .  trouble C .  class D .  idea
    A .  on B .  in C .  out D .  down
    A .  three B .  four C .  five D .  six
    A .  given B .  sent C .  lost D .  got
    A .  teacher B .  student C .  scientist D .  player
    A .  or B .  because C .  so D .  although
    A .  unusual B .  impossible C .  true D .  special
    A .  fewer B .  better C .  worse D .  more
    A .  show up B .  give up C .  grow up D .  stay up
    A .  ourselves B .  itself C .  success D .  failure
  • 1.  Passage C·

    ①People are always interested in animals communication and scientists have done a lot of researches on this subject

    ② Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs are famous for this. When a dog walks outside, it learns about other dogs by smelling things. Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too. They can find missing people by using their fantastic sense of smell. Mice have an excellent sense of smell, too. Scientists even train them to find landmines. It is found that even ants use smell. They use smell to tell other ants where the food is. 

    ③Everyone has heard birds sing. Many other animals use sound to communicate. Frogs and insects communicate with sounds. Usually the "gentlemen"make sounds to invite the"ladies". Whales and elephants also use sound to communicate. These sounds can travel very far through water or ground. However, it is not possible for humans to hear some of the sounds. They are either too low or too high for us.

    ④ Animals also use body language to communicate. When a cat puts its ears back, it is a bit mad. When it sits with its tail around itself, it ishappy. When a dog puts its tail under its body, it is scared. When it wags its tail and opens its mouth, it is happy. 

    1. (1) Sometimes scientists can train____to find landmines. 
    2. (2) According to the passage, some male(雄性的) animals make sounds to____. 
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    4. (4) What is the possible structure of the passage?
  • 1.  Passage D

    In the last 25 years, the number of monarch butterflies(帝王蝶) has gone down by hundreds of millions, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service report. The black and orange butterflies face insecticides(杀虫剂), the habitat loss and the loss of milkweed(马利草)—the plant that monarchs lay eggs on and the caterpillars only eat. 

    City people making a difference

    The smaller number made Field Museum researchers in Chicago ask:What makes a successful monarch garden? Hasle, an ecologist(生态学家)at the Field Museum, and Karen Klinger, a geographer, are working to answer that question. 

    Many stops along the monarchs' migratory(迁徙的) route are taking an all hands on deck(全员参与的) way to help out the butterfly, looking for more places for milkweed to grow. "We think, in one way, cities are

    providing an important place for a lot of insects, "Hasle said. Although the project is still fairly new, there are already some findings.

    According to the weekly reports participants sent, more successful gardens had more milkweed and blooming(盛开的) plants or much larger fields. But Klinger said one participant with a single plant watched eggs change all the way to chrysalises(蛹). So, she said, "You just need one plant. "


    In 2020, during the second season of the study, the number of caterpillars dropped, even though the number of participants more than doubled. 

    Chicago saw a hot, dry summer in 2020, which may have affected(影响) the health of the milkweed plants. In 2021, there was illegal logging (非法砍伐) in Mexico. Spring and summer weather conditions were hard for milkweed blossoms and egg development in the Southern US. All these affected the reproduction(繁殖) of the milkweed plants. 

    Not giving up

    "Now is the perfect time to start planning to plant some milkweed, "Hasle and Klinger said.

    "The best thing to do is what you can do, "Hasle said. "One milkweed plant in a pot on your window board is doing something. Maybe it gives you something to look forward to during the boring winter in Chicago. "

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, which is NOT the reason for the smaller number of monarch butterflies?
    2. (2) What can we learn from the underlined part in Paragraph 3?
    3. (3) Which of the following can be put in" ▲ "?
    4. (4) What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?
  • 1.  下面文章中有五处(第1~5题)需要添加合适的内容。 请从以下选项(A~E)中选出正确的选项。

    Not all penguins(企鹅) live in cold places. Like other penguins, African penguins spend most of the day feeding in the ocean, and that helps keep them cool. Their living place can get quite warm, but bare skin on their legs and around their eyes helps them stay cool. 

    Most other penguins lay their eggs in the open. However, African penguins do it in a different way. Th e baby penguins stay in the holes for about three weeks. After that, they start going out and return to the hole to stay cool and stay away from dangerous animals. 

    In the water, African penguins also have to keep away from other big sea life. 

    The African penguin is in danger now. There are only about 14, 700 penguins left in the wild. 

    Other problems include humans'picking penguin eggs for sale, competition with humans for fish and oil pollution in the ocean. 

    A. They also stay in some cool places when they can. 

    B. They dig holes to lay their eggs so that they are protected from the sun's heat(高温). 

    C. One problem is that they are losing their homes. 

    D. African penguins live in the south of Africa. 

    E. On land, some animals such as dogs and cats will eat penguins. 

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