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  • 1. (2024七下·贵州期中) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        Hello, everyone. My name is Jane. Let me tell you something about my trip. I took the plane to Dalian with my parents last winter. We stayed there for five days. The beach there was clean and the sea was blue. During the trip, we swam every day in the sea. The seafood there was delicious, so we also had lots of seafood during our trip. We had a great time.

        I was unhappy about only one thing during the trip. When I went shopping. I found the things there were too expensive. So if you want to go shopping there, you should take much money with you. Then you can buy enough gifts for your family and friends. I spent about 300 yuan buying gifts for my cousin and friends.

    1. (1) How did Jane go to Dalian?
    2. (2) What did Jane do during the trip?
    3. (3) How long did Jane stay in Dalian?
    4. (4) What was Jane unhappy about?
    5. (5) How much did Jane spend buying gifts?
  • 1. Look! That house is on f. Let's call 119, Mary.
  • 1. We need a g to show us around the museum.
  • 1. We helped our grandfather p the strawberries yesterday.
  • 1.  下面文章中有五处需要添加首句,请从以下选项(A、 B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Yesterday was Sunday. It was sunny. What did you do?

    Jane: Yesterday, I went to climb Mount Hua. It took me about 8 hours to get to the top, because there were too many people. I was tired but very happy.I also took many beautiful photos.

    Mary: Yesterday, I went to a farm.There I rode a horse and fed chickens. It was really an excellent weekend. Also, I helped the owner grow strawberries. It was interesting.

    Tony: Yesterday, my cousin Peter came to my house. After lunch, I showed him around. There are some museums near my home. We visited the Art Hall, the War Hall, the 3D Hall and the Science Hall.He thought the War Hall was so interesting.

    Grace: Yesterday, I went to Green Park with my parents. There were lots of people. Unluckily, when we went boating, I left my red coat on the bench(长凳) .It was lost.It made me feel sad.

    Jack: Yesterday, I went to play football with my classmates in our school. We were very happy. But on my way home, I didn't see the road, so I fell down(摔倒)and hurt(使受伤)my legs.

    The doctor told me I couldn't play football these days. How terrible it was!

    A.I lost my coat when I went boating in the park.

    B.I had a great time on a farm.

    C.My legs got hurt.

    D.I didn't like the farm at all.

    E.I went to the museums with my cousin.

    F.I enjoyed climbing very much.

  • 1.  语法填空。

    Speaker 1:
        Last weekend, my parents took me to the park near our home. It's big and quiet. I  and took many photos there. We really had a good time. If you also want to go there, call me before Saturday. We'd be happy to be your  (guide).

    Speaker 2:
        Last Saturday, I went to my (uncle)farm with my parents. I fed chickens and cows in the morning. In the afternoon, I went (swim)in a pool. I had a great time there.

    Speaker  3:

    Last Sunday, I visited  (I)grandpa in the village. I went to a river    him in the morning and took  walk near  the  village  in  the afternoon.I  fell down  into the river   I played by the river, but  (lucky), I didn't get hurt(受伤) . I really liked the trip. 

  • 1.  阅读理解

    I like exciting and fun sports, such as climbing the mountains and doing water sports. I go to the mountains twice a month. Last month I went to climb a really high mountain. At first, everything seemed(似乎)hard for me, but I tried my best to get to the top in the end. I was so happy.


    I enjoy reading books. Every Wednesday and Saturday I go to the city library for reading. Last Saturday, my parents wanted to take me to a water park, but I didn't go. I read a great book about robots in the library.


    I like beautiful clothes and I go shopping every weekend.

    Sometimes I shop on the Internet. Last winter I went to Hong Kong on vacation with my parents. There I bought some new clothes. They were kind of expensive, but really beautiful!


    I'm interested in playing basketball, and it helps me keep healthy.

    Last summer, when I went to New York to visit my aunt, I played basketball with my cousin Peter for an hour every day. It was cool!



    1. (1) What does Jane think of water sports?
    2. (2) How often does Nick read in the city library?
    3. (3) What did Lisa do when she was in Hong Kong?
    4. (4) Why does Tony enjoy playing basketball?
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    In some places of China, people have a party for a baby's first month. The parents invite their relatives to the party. The baby's uncles and aunts come to the party. The baby's father gives each of them four red eggs. They enjoy red eggs and the baby can get many gifts like clothes and lucky money. They put the lucky money in the red envelopes (红包). The baby's grandparents give him or her a beautiful nick name (昵称)at the party.

    Some Chinese parents also celebrate the baby's 100th day, but this celebration is not so important as the celebration for the baby's first month.

    When a child is one year old, his parents will make some red eggs or noodles for him or her on his first birthday. And the noodles mean a long life in Chinese culture.

    The 60th birthday celebration is important, too. All the family come back home, and they have a big dinner or a party for the birthday person.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "relatives" mean in Chinese? 
    2. (2) How many eggs does the baby's uncle get at the party for the baby's first month?
    3. (3) What can we know from the passage?
    4. (4) Who does the writer mainly write this passage for?
    5. (5) Why does a child have noodles on his or her first birthday?
  • 1.  完形填空

    I'm Li Xia from Zhejiang University. Last July, I took part in a summer camp(夏令营)with some of my classmates. My1 was to teach some primary school(小学)students in Yunnan. The village school was in a big 2 . Getting there took 3 a long time. We first arrived at the train station at 3 pm. After that,we had to take a 4 bus ride to go to the school.

    When we got to the school at 8 pm, some students came out to5 us. They were very6 and cute. They helped us take heavy things. The students I taught were in the7 grade. They were so8 that they didn't speak or put up hands to answer questions often.

    I wanted to know more about the little boys and girls,so I often9 with them after class. They told me that they liked the calligraphy(书法)class best. They liked using pens and they could learn 10 to write many beautiful Chinese characters(汉字).

    The students learned11 . They could write very well12 only a few days. My 13 and I want to teach them more. But time flies. It was time for us to14 soon. We hope that they can keep studying hard and15 of the mountain to big cities one day.

    A . dream B . job C . class D . idea
    A . world B . farm C . mountain D . neighborhood
    A . us B . you C . him D . them
    A . 20-minute B . 40-minute C . 3-hour D . 5-hour
    A . worry B . welcome C . hear D . save
    A . friendly B . boring C . tall D . thin
    A . second B . seven C . eight D . nine
    A . handsome B . lazy C . shy D . slow
    A . grew B . talked C . read D . studied
    A . where B . why C . when D . how
    A . quietly B . quickly C . differently D . luckily
    A . after B . before C . with D . from
    A . parents B . teachers C . students D . classmates
    A . sleep B . cook C . work D . leave
    A . eat out B . take out C . walk out D . pick out
  • 1. My friends and I w  it will rain in the afternoon. We are not sure if we can go out.
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