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  • 1. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Teachers play an influencing role in the life of every student. They are like light, guiding us to a bright future. What we learn from our teachers remains with us, throughout our life. However, we don't often show our love for them. Teachers do need encouragement and support. Because of this, Teachers' Day is celebrated all over the world, year by year.

    The festival is celebrated on different dates in different countries. In India, Teachers' Day is celebrated on 5th of September every year. The date was selected, because it is the birthday of a teacher and the former President of India—Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. When some of his students and friends said they wanted to celebrate his birthday, he said, "Instead of celebrating my birthday, I hope September 5th can be celebrated as Teachers' Day". From then on, the 5th of September has been known as Teachers' Day in India.

    Since Teachers' Day is on different dates in different countries; the celebrations are also different. In many countries, cultural programmes such as singing competitions are held. Students give their teachers flowers, greeting cards and gifts to show their thanks.

    1. (1) Why is Teachers' Day celebrated all over the world?
    2. (2) The underlined word "selected"! means "_________" in English.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
  • 1. (2023八上·襄州期末) 阅读下面材料,根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项

    Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza .Indians like to eat hot food .Japanese like to eat fish, often they don't cook it.

    In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their workplace. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. The world's favorite food is American fast food .If you go to some important cities in the world, you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.

    Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like chicken .But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Ham(火腿) is a kind of pork, but the hamburger does not have any pork in it. The beef is inside a kind of cake .Hamburgers are delicious. They are also popular in England and Australia.

    1. (1) Fish and chips are very popular in ________.
    2. (2) In different countries people eat ________food.
    3. (3) The hamburger does not have any ________in it.
  • 1. (2023九下·长兴月考) 阅读理解

    History is important to study because it is essential for all of us in understanding ourselves and the world around us. And in my opinion, studying history benefits beyond history itself, because it helps develop and improve our skills through studying history.

    We can improve our reading skills by reading 1exts from different periods. Language has changed and developed over time and so has the way people write and express themselves. We can also improve our writing skills through learning not to just repeat what someone else said, but to analyze information from multiple sources and come up with our own conclusions. It's two birds with one stone—better writing and critical thinking!

    There are so many sources of information out in the world. Finding a decisive truth for many topics just doesn't exist. What was a victory for one group was a great loss for another -we get to create our own opinions of these events.

    History gives us the opportunity to learn from others' past mistakes. It helps us understand many reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps us become smarter as decision-makers.

    In the study of history we will need to conduct research. This gives us the opportunity to look at two kinds of sources—primary ( written at the time) and secondary sources ( written about a time period, after the fact). This practice can teach us how to decipher between reliable and unreliable sources.

    There are numbers and data to be learned from history. In terms of patterns: patterns in population, disappearances during times of war, and even in environmental factors. These patterns that are found help clarify why things happened as they did.

    It's incredibly important to learn to question the quality of the information and "history" we are learning. Keep these two questions in mind as we read through information: How do I know what I'm reading are facts and accurate information? Could they be the writer's opinions?

    1. (1) The author thinks history helps make good decisions because ________.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "decipher" in Para. 5 mean?
    3. (3) Why are the two questions mentioned in the last of the passage?
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
  • 1. (2023八上·期末) 阅读下面的材料,根据材料内容完成表格,每空不超过三个词。

    Every winter, how to keep warm is one of the most important things for everyone. Today, we have heating and air conditioning(暖气和空调) to keep warm, but how did people in ancient (古代的) times get through the cold winter?

    In winter, a warm house is the best way to keep away from the cold. In the past, people often built huoqiang (firewalls) and kang (heated beds) to stay warm. In some families, huoqiang and kang were connected ( 连接) to the range ( 炉灶) so that people could use the heat of cooking to warm up the houses. How great!

    The same as us, people in ancient times also wore warm clothes to keep themselves warm. But it may surprise you that there was a special kind of clothing called zhiqiu. This kind of clothing got its name because it was made of paper. The paper clothes were very cheap, so they were very popular with poor people.

    The ancient Chinese also believed that some foods could help them stay warm. So in the cold winter, they would eat foods like ginger (姜) and mutton. Hot pot was also one of their favorites.

    Although the ancient Chinese didn't have heating or air conditioning to use, they found so many ways to get through the cold days. They were very smart, right?

    Ways of keeping warm in winter in ancient China


    The ancient Chinese built to warm up the houses and sometimes connected them to the range to make use of the heat of .


    The ancient Chinese not only wore warm clothes like us, but they also made a special kind of clothing with paper — zhiqiu. It was cheap and with poor people.

    The ancient Chinese had foods like ginger and mutton to keep warm in winter. was also very popular.

  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    We are all proud of our country—China. People from home and abroad are all surprised at China's progress. October 1st, 2019, China held its largest military parade(阅兵仪式)in Tiananmen Square. It was really(amazed). Looking back at the past, the great changes have taken place in China.

    Many people died because of(hungry)and wars in the past. Most people lived a hard life. About five to seven people ever lived in a small house. Children couldn't have(they)own rooms and the younger seldom had new clothes. People had little money to see a doctor. And there were few hospitals.

    , in 1978, China carried out the reform and opening-up policy(政策). It wasimportant turning point for Chinese people. China has developed rapidly since then. Now, people's life is much(good). More people begin to have a happy life the country tries its best to help poor areas. China also(pay)great attention to compulsory(义务)education.

    I think it is important(remember)the past, live in the present and dream about the future.

  • 1. (2023九上·永康月考) 阅读下列短文,完成表格,每空不超过三个单词。

    The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago linked Europe, Africa and Asia.

    People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists and archaeologists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3,000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world, the Silk Road had covered almost 6,500 kilometers. It stretched from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East. Merchants(商人) travelling along the Silk Road carried silk, of course. They also carried and traded spices, cloth, rare jewels, slaves and gold.

    During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of precious goods and new ideas. These included people and trading goods from the Mediterranean, Persian, Magyar, Armenian, Bactrian, Indian and Chinese areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages and cultures.

    In modern times, the old Silk Road routes are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even the Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.

    The Silk Road

    In the past


    People began to travel the Sick Road about years ago.


    ▲Along the Sick Road, merchants silk,spices, cloth, and so on.

    ▲People from  countries and cultures met each other and mixed.

    ▲People shared precious goods, new ideas, stories, languages and cultures.


    People used to ride  to cross the Silk Road routes.

    At present

    China protects the history of many countries and peoples by building the in Jiuquan.

  • 1. (2022·丹东) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文内容完整。每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词。                                 

    one much when in teach new they foot warm make on history

    How many pairs of socks do you own? Socks keep your feet  and protect them. Socks are a part of everyday life, but how  do you know about socks?You can learn about socks at the Sock Museum. Some socks on show are produced in  of the earliest sock factories in our country. 

    The museum people many things about sock knitting(编织). people visit the different parts of the museum, they can find out answers to some questions, such as "How are socks , what are ancient socks liker, who wore socks in the past. " Maybe the answers to the questions can help socks in a way.

    Besides learning about the  of socks, people can have some fun. There is a classroom  the museum, and they can see hand-crank(手摇曲柄的) machines. They can use these machines to make socks by . It must be an exciting and interesting experience. 

  • 1. (2022·临沂)  阅读理解

    Words in the Snow

    In the time of the Yellow Emperor, there were no written words. People recorded things by tying knots(打结)in ropes and carving(雕刻) shapes on stone walls. One day, the Yellow Emperor discussed an event with a wise man named Cang Jie. Cang took out a piece of knotted rope, but found it was rotten(腐烂的). It was impossible for him to remember the event clearly. Then he turned to a stone wall, but could hardly read the shapes on it. They had been carved by another person except himself. 

    "The ropes will be rotten. And the shapes can only be read by a few people, "the emperor said to Cang. "Can you come up with something better?"

    Cang thought over the matter for days and nights. On the morning after a heavy snowfall, the earth was completely white. He saw the footmarks of some different animals by accident. These footmarks helped him to recognize what animals had passed by. Cang suddenly had an idea. He picked a stick and drew on the snow-covered ground. He first drew a tiger and a bear to show that they had passed by. But soon, he found this was taking too much time. He realized that he had to make the drawings easier. 

    All the shapes on the stone walls flashed through his mind. Cang kept making all kinds of shapes on the ground easier. To show the sun, for example, he used a circle with a dot(小点)in the middle. A half-circle and a vertical line(竖线)made up the moon. And three curves(曲线) were used to show water. Later, the sun appeared. These simple marks shone brightly in the snow. 

    In the end Cang created a whole set of symbols to record things. People could easily understand these symbols. Since then, they have been able to record their own history. 

    1. (1) Cang Jie couldn't remember the event clearly because he couldn't ____.
    2. (2) The underlined word "recognize" in Paragraph 4 probably means "____".
    3. (3) In Paragraph 4, the writer explains Cang's simple marks by ____.
    4. (4) The passage mainly tells us ____.
  • 1. (2022·南通)  阅读理解

    Thirty-Six Stratagems(计谋), which show our ancient Chinese wisdom, are our ancient culture treasure. And many of these stratagems can still be put into practice in many fields, such as war, politics, business and even daily life. The following are four of them. Let's enjoy the charm of our traditional culture.


    Stratagem One

    When a thief is in your house, you'd better shut your doors at once in order to prevent him from running away.

    Why? For our ancient Chinese, there are two reasons. First, if you let your enemy run away, he will come back. Second, once your enemy succeeds in running away, it is dangerous for you to chase him.

    Stratagem Two

    This stratagem is from a poem by Du Fu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. A line in the poem reads: "To shoot the man on horse-back, shoot his horse first; To catch the robbers, capture their leader first."

    In a war if you want to beat the enemy, attack the leader first. Once the leader is caught, their forces will break down and fall into chaos.

    Stratagem Three

    Chinese always believe that tigers are more powerful when they are in the mountains. Once they leave mountains, they will become less powerful. And there are a few Chinese sayings linking tigers with mountains.

    The stratagem advises you not to directly attack an enemy in his own area. Instead, you should try to make him leave his place first, making him lose the geographical advantage. In this way, your enemy will be beaten easily.

    Stratagem Four

    Experienced fishers all know how to prevent a hooked fish breaking the line. Move the fish line from side to side to gradually make the fish calm down and get tired, and then you can catch it easily.

    In the same way, once your enemy is trapped, he will often struggle, trying to run away. Leave him the false feeling that he still has a chance to run away. When he gets tired and loses his guard, you can capture him with less difficulty.

    1. (1) Which of the following describes Stratagem Two?
    2. (2) From the stratagems above, we know that ____.
    3. (3) Where can we probably read Thirty-Six Stratagems?
  • 1. (2022·鄂尔多斯) 阅读理解

    Red is the color of China. Among all the colors, red is most easily seen. The color red is fresh and pure, and in China, we call it "China Red". Red has been the favorite color of Chinese people because it makes people excited, and more importantly, it has rich meanings in Chinese culture and history.

    No country in the world has ever used a color in such a way as China.

    Here, red is a symbol. It gives color to the soul of the nation. In the past, red represented dignity (尊严) and mystery. Even now Chinese people love the color much more than others do. It can be said that "China Red" is an everlasting subject for China and an important color for the Chinese people. "China Red" has become very popular words, attracting the world's attention. The words can be seen in foreign magazines and newspapers, even school learning and teaching materials.

    Finding red-colored things in China is very easy, as you can see the color everywhere. All traditional red things have been playing a special role in China, the walls of ancient palaces, the national flag, Chinese knots(结)and lanterns.

    Red is the color of luck, health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on. Only red things and events fully show and explain its beauty. The color can be alive and meaningful only when it's connected with people.

    In China, red is more than just a color. It carries the long history and culture of the Chinese nation. "China Red" is full of mysterious charm (神秘的魅力) and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel and to discover!

    1. (1) Why do Chinese people love the color red so deeply?
    2. (2) What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "everlasting" in Paragraph 2?
    3. (3) How does the writer show the popularity of the red-colored things in China?
    4. (4) What is the structure of the passage?
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