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  • 1. (2022·大连) 阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词或短语并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每个词或短语限用一次。                                 

    lucky   learn   know   magic   look up

    Patrick never did homework. "Too boring," he said. He played baseball and basketball instead. His teachers told him, "Patrick! Do your homework, or you can't a thing." And it's true. Sometimes he did feel like a fool. But what could he do? He hated homework.One day, Patrick's cat was playing with a little "doll". He found it wasn't a doll at all, but a man of the smallest size. The man called, "Save me! Don't give me back to that cat. I have . I will help you if you save me!"

    Patrick couldn't believe how he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, "Only if you do all my homework till the end of the term. If you do a good enough job, I can even get A's."

    The little elf (精灵) kicked his legs and rubbed (搓) his hands. "All right. I'll do it."

    And true to his words, that little elf began to do Patrick's homework. Sometimes he what to do and he needed help. "Help me! Help me!" he'd say. And Patrick would have to help — in whatever way.

    "What does this word mean?" the elf cried while he was reading Patrick's homework. "Get me a dictionary. No, what's even better, the word and explain it to me."

  • 1. (2023七下·西安期末)  选词填空                                 

    difficult story write be one listen way teacher lucky easy

    Are you good at English?Would you like to do well in English?Well,let me tell you a way to learn English well by  diaries(日记) in English. 

    When I  in Grade One,my English was not very good.  , my English teacher Mr Xu asked me to write diaries in English.At  , it was a little  for me,but now I learn it  .I like reading,  and speaking.Sometimes I often go to the Xinhua Book Store to read English  for about three hours.With my  help,I feel more and more confident(自信的) . 

    I don't watch TV often.Now I'm very good at learning English.I think writing diaries is one of the best  to help with your English study.

  • 1. (2023八下·西安期末) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词)。                                 


    One day,50 people were listening to a speech.The speaker was giving a speech about .However,about 40 minute s later,some people began to lose their attention(注意力),a couple of them even fell .The speaker noticed that he stopped and then came up with an idea to them.He handed out balloons(气球) to each person,and asked each person to write his or her name on the balloon.Then the speaker collected all the balloons and moved to another room.

    The 50 people went into the room and were told to find the balloon with his or her name on it in two minutes.Everyone ran around and  for the right balloon.Some people even fell over while they were to get two "right" balloon.

    Actually,almost nobody could find as her balloon in the end.After this,the speaker asked each person to get a balloon and then try to find the person whose name was on it again.In this way,people found the  of all balloons quickly."Can you see what happened?" the speaker continued hit speech, "The balloons are like the happiness we look for in our lives.Everyone is busy looking for his own happiness,not caring what happens to others.But believe it or not,one of the ways to find happiness is to help others.Help them find happiness and you can find your own.

  • 1. (2023八上·汕头月考) 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、合理。                                 

    help with, be surprised that, be good for, so that, at least, because of, quite a few

    1. (1) We took  photos when we visited the Palace Museum.
    2. (2) She walked slowly  her bad leg.  
    3. (3) Eating vegetables  your health.
    4. (4) Mary often  housework on weekends.
    5. (5) The movie Wandering Earth is  wonderful  most of us like it very much. 
  • 1. (2023·南宁模拟) 根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。                                 

    stop  which  good  make  their  until  like  difference  only  money

    Have you ever seen pop-ups (弹出窗口) when you go online?These days it's common for you to get a popup lets you put the App in "teen mode(青少年模式)" when you use it. A lot of Apps, QQ or Douyin, have added this feature (功能) to protect teenagers. It's said that it will bring teenagers experiences than before and make sure they're using the Apps in a healthier way. For example, Douyin has the feature to— teenagers from watching videos for long and with the feature, they might be allowed to watch for 40 minutes. Besides, the videos are sure to be safe and even educational. There are no advertisements(广告) and teenagers cannot pay any for the videos. In QQ's teen mode, teenagers can only talk to people on friends lists.

    However, the teen mode does not work for all Apps and sometimes there aren't any between the teen mode and the usual mode in some Apps. And in some video Apps, the teen mode won't start users watch videos for 40 minutes.

    Though you can learn a lot from short videos, it's necessary to control the time.

  • 1. (2022·济南)  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)                                 

    old much park from then

    This year our school is taking part in the Great School Clean-up. The event is taking place this Friday, the 24th of April. Students  secondary schools all over the country will take part. We are going to go out into the local area and help clean up rubbish-bin—the  around the lake, in the town centre and in the forest.

    We'll meet on the school playground at 9 a.m. and set off at 9:30. We'll spend two hours cleaning. Please wear clothes and a pair of gloves. The school will give you black plastic bags to put the rubbish in. Please remember we are doing this clean-up to help our environment, so I want everyone to pick up as as you can.

    Happy cleaning

  • 1. (2022·济南) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。                                 

    go notice play remind look

    In a countryside hotel, a guest was enjoying the beautiful music from upstairs. "Who the piano? It sounds so wonderful." The guest said with amazement.

    Suddenly a drop of water fell on his face. The guest up and another drop of water fell again. "Hey! Who lives upstairs?" The guest shouted angrily to the owner of the hotel. "Upstairs lives a great pianist." answered the owner. "Oh! A pianist!" As soon as the guest heard it, his anger disappeared.

    "Should I him not to pour the water on the floor?" said the owner.

    "No, I can and see myself." said the guest.

    The guest walked upstairs quietly. Through the window, he saw the pianist losing himself in playing the piano and there was a basin (盆) of water beside him.

    The pianist had played the piano for hours. He didn't stop even when his fingers went red and hot. Instead, he cooled his fingers in the water and continued to practice. Because he was too rushed anything else, the water splashed (泼) all over the floor.

  • 1. (2023八上·榆树月考) 选词填空                                 

    without going anywhere talk to need to type grow up at home

    I would like my computer to be able tome. Then I will never be lonely. 

    I would like my computer to be able to become a magic mirror. Then I can know whatever is happening outside 

    I would like my computer to teach me lessons so I will not have to go to school every day. 

    I would like my computer to be able to recognize my voice and my words. Then I will never

    I would also like my computer to be able to take me to the future. Then I will know what I will be like when I 

  • 1. (2021·锦州)  根据短文内容, 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空, 使短文完整、正确, 并将答案写在 答题卡的相应位置(每个词只能用一次)。                                  

     treat, he, story, difficulty, one, but, around, more, become, along 


     Dreams are often mysterious (神秘的).  day, a man named Zhuang Zhou had a very interesting dream. He dreamed of becoming a beautiful butterfly. Flying , he could do anything he wanted. How happy and carefree (无忧无虑的)he was! He forgot that he was a man.  

     Then he woke up from his dream and found he was a man.  

     "Who am I, indeed (到底)? " he asked .  

     "Am I Zhuang Zhou or the butterfly? " 

     Finally, he said, "Maybe I am a butterfly. In my dream, I  a man and my name was Zhuang Zhou. " 

     Zhuang Zhou lived  than 2, 000 years ago. We also call him Zhuang Zi.  

     Zhuang Zi loved nature and freedom (自由). He thought that people and animals should  equally (平等地). There are many interesting  about him and animals.  

    Once, Zhuang Zi and his friend were taking a walk the river. After a while, Zhuang Zi said, "Look at the fish! How happy they are! " His friend asked him, "You are not a fish. How do you know they are happy? " Zhuang Zi smiled, you are not me. How do you know that I don't know the fish's feelings?"

    Is Zhuang Zi's question a one? What do you think he was — a man or a butterfly?

  • 1. (2023·莱西模拟)  用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。                                 

    steal, put on, lie, warn, spread

    1. (1) Last night a thief broke into our house and  all of our money. 
    2. (2) Look! The girl  in bed, thinking about her coming exam. 
    3. (3) The mother often  her children not to play with fire. 
    4. (4) If you go on eating many sweets, you much weight. 
    5. (5) The disease quickly in the world so far. So we should be careful. 
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