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当前位置:手动组卷 /初中英语 /按章节
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  • 1. People think (high) of Tan's works because he brings the sounds of nature and musical instruments together successfully.
  • 1. —How was your journey to Hainan Island?

    —It was really (bore). We just stayed in the hotel because it was raining most of the time.

  • 1. —Do you think the weather will ______ till the weekend?

    —Yes, I learned it from the CCTV news.

    A . last B . not keep raining C . not last D . become colder
  • 1. (2022九上·句容开学考) —_____ heavy snow! How can we go to work today?

    —_____ it is snowing heavily, let's walk instead of driving.

    A . What; Because B . What a; Since C . How; As D . How a; Though
  • 1. —Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve it?

    —Thanks. Mrs. Wang always ask us to ____ conversations in our English classes.

    A . take up B . turn up C . make up D . end up
  • 1. —Could you please tell me something about his performance in yesterday's _____ show?

    —Excellent! He is really has a great ______ for performance.

    A . gift; talent B . gift; gift C . talent; talent D . talent; gift
  • 1. As students love ________, there will be a students' art show at the school hall next week.
    A . painting and film B . photography and painting C . drama and pop music D . dance and drama
  • 1. _______ learning more and more about music, Tan Dun decided to use the sounds of nature in his works ______ musical instruments.
    A . Because; instead B . Since; instead C . As; instead of D . Because of; instead of
  • 1. China, ____ one of the great four countries with ancient civilizations, is best-known _______ its great development in all the fields over the years.
    A . as; as B . as; for C . for; as D . for; for
  • 1. For holding bricks and stones together, a bridge needs great deal of mortar, a mixture of sand, water, and cement (水泥). Here "mortar" means "___" in Chinese.
    A . 工人 B . 机器 C . 砂浆 D . 电子设备
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