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  • 1. I like (音乐家) who write their own songs.
  • 1. The song has great music but the (歌词)are not so good.
  • 1. I like fish and meat, but Tom (更喜欢) vegetables and fruit, so he is healthier than me.
  • 1. Lily is an (澳大利亚的) girl who comes from Sydney.
  • 1. His father bought a Kindle on which he can read (电子的)books.
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Spanish Ballet

    The Spanish National Ballet will tour our country and their classical repertoires(剧目) will be shown in Beijing.

    Time: 7:30 p. m., May 20~21

    Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

    Tel: 6506-8116

    Opera Classic

    A new production of Kunqu Opera (a traditional Chinese opera in East China's Jiangsu Province) is now on in Beijing.

    Time: 8:00 p. m., May 23

    Place: Tianqiao Theater, 30 Beiwei Lu, Xuanwu District


    Wonderful Concert

    Musicians of the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra (交响乐团) will hold a concert in Beijing. We can enjoy Mozart's Flute Concerto(协奏曲), Haydn's Trumpet Concerto and works by the Chinese composer Chen Qigang.

    Time: 7:30 p. m., May 25

    Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

    Tel: 6500-1188

    1. (1) What can ChenHua enjoy if he is free only on the evening of May 21?
    2. (2) Where can Mr. Johnson, who likes to see Spanish ballet go?
    3. (3) Which of the following number should Jane call if she wants to buy a ticket to enjoy a traditional Chinese opera?
    4. (4) The Wonderful Concert is held in Poly Theater at _______.
    5. (5) You can enjoy all the entertainment (娱乐活动) in the city of _______.
  • 1. 完形填空

    My parents always told me that I couldn't dance, because it was a girl's sport. But I never gave up my dream of becoming a dancing star. I practiced secretly, learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents support, that 1 seemed all but impossible to reach.

    One summer, my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons. I immediately asked2parents for permission(允许) to take her to the lessons. What a3chance to learn dancing!

    One afternoon, I was practicing a new dance in my room when Maggie walked4"What's the matter, Maggie?" I stopped 5. "Denis, you are a great dancer! Can you help me?"

    "What is it?" I wondered.

    "There'll be a dancing performance in my school, 6the boys think I'm slow, and none of them wants to be my partner. 7you dance with me for it?" She looked at me anxiously.

    "You can be a good dancer!" I encouraged her. "Let's show those people that they have been 8all along."

    In the following months, we 9every evening, hiding from my parents. I was having a fantastic time and 10 Maggie improved a lot.

    Finally came the big day. I became11when l heard my parents would come to watch the performance. As the 12began, 1 took a deep breath and tried to calm down. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the cheering of the crowd, l was sure we had 13.

    My heart was beating wildly when I saw my14coming towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Well done, Son. Though it is hard for me to admit it, you really look like you15this stage (舞台). Go for it and make us proud. "

    I'd been waiting for this moment for so long. I knew that the road ahead wasn't going to be easy, but I wouldn't give up. I wanted nothing more in life than to dance.

    A . line B . dream C . answer D . message
    A . my B . your C . his D . her
    A . similar B . funny C . good D . strange
    A . out B . away C . through D . in
    A . drawing B . dancing C . singing D . writing
    A . but B . or C . so D . if
    A . Need B . Must C . Could D . Should
    A . sad B . lazy C . sorry D . wrong
    A . chatted B . rested C . played D . practiced
    A . first B . soon C . never D . seldom
    A . shy B . bored C . nervous D . angry
    A . music B . lesson C . meeting D . party
    A . arrived B . finished C . succeeded D . regretted
    A . father B . mother C . sister D . classmate
    A . take away B . pay for C . fall into D . belong to
  • 1. 阅读短文,根据语境填入合适的单词或用括号中单词的适当形式填空。

    J. K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the best-sellers in the world. She was (bear) in Britain on July 3lst, 1965. She has one sister who is two years younger her. Both of the girls enjoyed (listen) to their father's bedtime stories, especially stories about magic.

    J. K. Rowling started writing when she was just a little girl. On a long train trip in 1995, she made a (decide) to write a book about a boy was born with magic but he didn't know.

    J. K. Rowling (spend) nearly two years on her first Harry Potter book. When it came out in June, 1997, the book was so popular that it (translate) into many different languages and sold around the world.

    In the book, Harry Potter is (friend), brave and clever. So when children read about Harry, they all dream being like him when they grow up. Maybe that's the reason the books are so popular with parents and kids.

    J. K. Rowling is very happy with her success.

  • 1. Have you found the book on I spent 29 dollars?
  • 1. The woman with my mother is talking is my English teacher.
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