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  • 1. Some endangered animals may(消失)one day if we don't save them.
  • 1. If you see(垃圾)on the floor, pick it up.
  • 1. What animal is at the top of the food chain in the(生态系统)?
  • 1. He is not a kind man. Actually, he is(残忍的).
  • 1. They spent many days cruising the northern Pacific(洋).
  • 1. Without a(鳍), a shark can't swim.
  • 1. —Many wild animals are in great danger.

    —Let's___________ to save them.

    A . take off B . take down C . take action D . take after
  • 1. What was the air pollution  (cause) by?

  • 1. Miss Brown, we             cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?

    A . finish B . finishing C . are finished D . have finished
  • 1. 阅读理解

    We all know that recycling rubbish is very important. But sometimes it is not so convenient when we can't find a recycling bin anywhere.

    Now a team of middle school students from the US has solved that problem by designing their Recycling Bin App(应用程序).

    This app encourages people to recycle. Lt provides users with a map of local recycling centers. And it allows them to save places as favorites on it. This app also reminds users to recycle.

    The group of nine sixth-graders is from STEMC enter Middle School. They came up with the idea as a part of a school project for the Verizon Innovative App Challenge. Their school provided professional app training. It gave 10 teams Samsung tablets as prizes.

    The challenge wanted to develop students' interest in science, technology and engineering. In this contest, students showed an app design that could solve a problem in their school or city. The nine students came up with the idea for Recycling B in when they saw a need for more recycling.

    "We thought that this would really help a lot of people, "Jaden Hilkemann, 12, told Time for Kids.

    They kept their design easy so that anyone could use it. Now the free Recycling Bin App has been put into use in the Google Play App store for Android phones or tablets.

    "I was so excited when it went up at the app store, "Seralyn Blake, 12, said. " A lot of my family members downloaded the app. It was pretty cool. "

    1. (1) Recycling Bin App is designed by some ________.
    2. (2) In Paragraph 3, the underlined word "it" refers to ________.
    3. (3) The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is ________.
    4. (4) The best title for this passage is"_________".
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