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  • 1. Write some expressions about rules.


    例:be (not) allowed to do sth

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
  • 1.  Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words in the box.

    angry clean cry decision instead

    1. (1) Anna said nothing and she began to cry 
    2. (2) The bedroom must at least once a week.
    3. (3) "Leave me alone!"Tom shouted to his parents.
    4. (4) Once you make the , stick to it.
    5. (5) When trying to get a baby to stop, you have to get creative.
  • 1.  Read the passage and choose the best answers.

    Who made decisions for you when you were a kid? Yes, your parents. As a kid, your parents made decisions about everything from the breakfast you had in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night. And it's good because kids aren't old enough to take care of themselves and make careful decisions on their own.

    But finally, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is developing your own identity(身份)—one that is separate from your parents. It's totally normal for teens to create their own opinions, thoughts, and values about life. It's what prepares them for adulthood.

    But as you change and grow into this new person, your parents may have difficulties adjusting(调整).They aren't used to the new you yet.

    In most families, this kind of change can cause a lot of fights between teens and parents. You want to cover your walls with posters. They don't understand why you don't like your kiddie wallpaper anymore. You think it's OK to hang out at the mall after school, while they would rather you played a sport.

    Clashes like these are very common between teens and parents - teens get angry because they feel parents don't respect them and aren't giving them space to do what they like, and parents get angry because they disagree with the teen's decisions. The basic reason is that your parents will always try to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.

    1. (1) According to the passage, the kids may
    2. (2) The underlined word" Clashes" in Paragraph 5 means
    3. (3) The last paragraph mainly talks about_
  • 1.  Complete the conversation with the proper sentences in the box.

    A: Hey, Andy!  You don't look very happy.

    B: I really want to go to the music festival next weekend — but I'm not allowed to go. My parents say I'm too young for that.

    A:      I had the same problem last month. My mom didn't let me go to the Cowboys game.

    B: My parents usually allow me to do lots of stuff. 

    A: Really? That's cool! I am never allowed to do that.

    B:     You are a girl, after all.

    A: Yeah, I think so.

    B: Does your mom let you stay up late to watch TV?

    A: Well, yes, sometimes. 

    A. What's wrong?

    B. I know how you feel!

    C. But only if I've done all my homework!

    D. I'm allowed to stay out until midnight on the weekend.

    E. I think I should be allowed to make my own decisions.

    F. Well, I guess your parents are just worried about your safety.

  • 1.  Read the passage and choose the best answers.

    Dunnottar Castle

    Castle entry times:

    Summer season:

    (April 1st -September 30th)

    9:00-5:30 every day.

    Winter season:

    (October 1st -March 31st)

    Oct. 1st - Oct.28th: 10:00 -4:30

    Oct. 29th -Nov. 11th: 10:00-3:30

    Nov.12th - Nov.25th: 10:00-3:00

    Nov.26th - Jan.20th: 10:00-2:30

    Jan.21st - Feb.3rd: 10:00-3:00

    Feb. 4th -Feb.17th: 10:00-3:30

    Feb.18th - Feb.24th: 10:00 -4:00

    Feb.25th -Mar.31st: 10:00-4:30

    Bad weather conditions:

    Before setting off to the castle, we advise you to visit our website to check if the castle is open. ln the event of bad weather, the castle may be closed for safety reasons.


    Adult ticket: £7

    Child ticket: £3

    Family ticket:(2adults &2

    children between 5 and 15 years old) £17

    Guidebook: £3.50

    Buy tickets at the door.

    We do not offer pre-booking for individual tickets.

    Castle closure dates:

    The castle will be closed on the following dates - the 25th &26th of December and the 1st &2nd of January.

    Post code: AB39 2TL

    Dogs: Dogs are welcome at the castle as long as they are kept

    on a leash(皮带)at all times.

    1. (1) When does the castle(城堡)close on Jan. 25th?
    2. (2) The castle might be closed the whole day if____.
    3. (3) How much should two adults with three children (all between 5 and 15) pay to visit the castle?
  • 1. (抽烟)is not allowed anywhere in public areas.
  • 1.  Jack has many family rules. Show your opinions one by one after the model.

    Jack's Family Rules

    1. Go to bed by 10 o'clock every day.

    2. Don't go out at night.

    3. You can use the cell phone only on weekends.

    4. You can't make friends online.

    Model: I don't think teenagers should be allowed to go to bed very late.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
  • 1.  You can't drive the car unless you have a driver's l.
  • 1.  Complete the conversations according to the pictures after the model.

    Model: A: I don't think Tim should be allowed to drive a car.

    B: I agree with you. He is not serious enough.

    1. (1) A: Molly alone.

      B: I think so. She is not old enough to take care of herself.

    2. (2) A: The kids in the open air.

      B: Well, I disagree. It's too cold to stay outside.

  • 1. Are you allowed to get your ears p at your school?
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