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  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  句子还原:阅读短文,将方框里的五个句子还原到短文当中。                                 

    A. Others worry about hackers (黑客). 

    B. It was a really wonderful experience. 

    C. But a human driver is usually still in control. 

    D. It knows when to stop, where to turn, and how to avoid accidents. 

    E. It could also communicate with other self-driving cars to avoid traffic. 

    Ready to go to soccer practice? Tap (轻击) an app on your smart phone and get into the car that drives up—all by itself. Unlike human drivers, it never falls asleep, texts its friends, or eats a hamburger while driving. 

    Self-driving cars already exist (存在). And these days many car companies are trying their best to make cars smarter—some cars can already avoid accidents or park themselves.

    Luckily, Google has started building 100 self-driving cars without any human controls. Instead, computer programs drive the cars. They use sensor's (传感器) that "see" 600 feet in all directions to detect obstacles (探测障碍物). One woman who took a ride in one of Google's cars said, ""

    Self-driving cars could make the world a better place by cutting down the number of cars people need and the amount of oil those cars use. The car that takes you to soccer practice could know to pick up two or three of your teammates on the way. 

    But not everyone looks forward to a future with self-driving cars. Taxi drivers and truck drivers would lose their jobs.  What if dangerous people get into the cars' brains? They could cause accidents on purpose or stop the cars from going anywhere. Finally, many people love the experience of driving. 

    What do you think? Will self-driving cars make the world a better place?

  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  — ____you put your heart into English, ____you'll be interested in it. 

    —Thanks for your advice. 

    A . The more; the much B . The much; the much C . The much; the more D . The more; the more
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  我邀请了萨利来参加聚会,因为我不想让她觉得被冷落。 (leave)

    I invited Sally to my party because I didn't want her .

  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  卡尔坐飞机而不是坐火车去的香港。 (rather)

    Carl went to Hong Kong by plane 

  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  — ____helpful the computer is! It can help me save a lot of time each time I use it to work. 

    —What brand of computer do you use? I want to buy one. 

    A . What a B . What C . How a D . How
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考) —Jason, 1 hear that you will move to a bigger house

    —Yes, but I'd rather ____.

    A . move B . not move C . moving D . not moving
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考) —Eric kicked the ball towards the other team's ____in the football match.

    —Really? How come?

    A . bell B . goal C . score D . trade
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考) —I'm working now. Please stop making that noise—it will ____me mad!

    —Sorry, Dad!

    A . find B . keep C . bring D . drive
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  阅读理解

    I saw an old woman as people filled the train. As I watched the poor woman, I thought about the letters my mother wrote and how a piece of paper turned into a love litter when a person put his self into it. I would write the woman one, I decided. I could drop it at her feet. I started writing but when I looked up, the woman was gone. 

    Back on the train, just a few days later, my plan became clear. I was going to leave the letter I wrote to the woman for someone else to find. Then I would put other love letters all over New York City. And you want to know why? Because it made me feel something. 

    In the following months, I started my own site, MoreLoveLetters. com, encouraging others to write and leave letters in their own communities. 

    About a year later, a woman wrote to me about her friend Briana, a single mother struggling (挣扎) to pay the bills (账单). I put Briana's story on the website, encouraging anyone who read it to mail me letters of encouragement for Briana. 

    A week later, I felt disappointed as I walked into the post office and opened PO Box 2061. It was nearly empty. 

    "Oh, Box 2061," said the man at the front of the post office. "You got too much mail, dear. We moved your mail to a bigger box.

    I mailed the love letters to Briana, and a week later, I got a thank-you e-mail from Briana's friend. "Thanks for your love letters,"she wrote. ‘They show we're not alone and that we're not struggling for nothing. "

    After such an amazing reply to Briana's story, I was encouraged to continue. I continued mailing letters to hundreds of people who didn't expect to get mail except bills that day.

    1. (1) Why did the writer want to write a letter to the old woman?
    2. (2) What did the writer do with the letter meant for the old woman?
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the writer's website?
    4. (4) What can we know from Briana's friend?
    5. (5) The passage is written to ____. 
  • 1. (2023九上·宜昌月考)  格雷格,尽你最大的努力去取得好成绩,不要让我们失望。 (let)

    Greg, try your best to get good grades and don't .

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