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  • 1.  完形填空

    When doctor John Goodall was a kid,she dreamed of one day living among wild animals, talking with them and learning about them. For 25 years she lived with chimpanzees in the wild.What she1 chimpanzees fascinated people all over the world. Afterwards, Goodall began working to protect not only chimpanzees, but all2 . "There are a lot of people3 going out and wanting to4 animals." she said. "And they are so often told ‘Give up. It's5 and if we have that attitude, then soon there will be nothing left."

     In 1991, Goodall set up Roots and Shoots to 6 kids with chances to talk with other young people. Roots and Shoots in the UK, for example, has managed to save the7 of the Channel Island. 

    With the introduction of pigs and other creatures, the fox's habitat(栖息地) was destroyed. As a result, the animal8 died out on the island, only few of them survived.

    The children helped by raising awareness(意识) and money,writing letters and helping a zoo in Santa Barbara to raise new foxes .

    Wherever Goodall travels, she carries around a(n) 9 from a California condor. What is so special about it? 

    "There are a few condor left in the wild and they were caught for captive breeding(圈养繁殖). Everyone involved was told it was a waste of time; if they succeeded, the birds will never be able to be released; and if released; the birds would never10 in nesting in the wild. All of those things were proved wrong. So I carry the feather because it's a symbol of hope."

    A .  learned about B .  argued with C .  cared about D .  worried about
    A .  plants B .  animals C .  objects D .  people
    A .  common B .  famous C .  young D .  clever
    A .  keep B .  train C .  save D .  raise
    A .  hopeful B .  careful C .  careless D .  hopeless
    A .  provide B .  give C .  offer D .  help
    A .  pigs B .  condors C .  foxes D .  tigers
    A .  all B .  often C .  hardly D .  almost
    A .  eye B .  feather C .  tail D .  wing
    A .  succeed B .  fail C .  finish D .  spend
  • 1.  语篇填词

    Pandas live in the bforests in the mountain of central and western China. They smore than 12 hours a day eating and a giant panda can eat as much as 30 kof food each day. Although they are big and heavy, it is not difficult for them to climb trees. Pandas live for about 20 years in the w, but in a zoo they can live for up to 35 years. But nowadays people are cutting down forests and killing pandas for their fur. It is important for us to ppandas.

  • 1.  他们不可能在两天内完成这项工作。

     impossible  them   the project in two days.

  • 1.  人之初,性本善。

    Man's nature is good.

  • 1.  我来帮帮你吧。一个人完成这项工作不是件容易的事。

    Let me help you.  not easy to do the job   .

  • 1.  大卫家住在学校附近。

    David lives   the school.

  • 1.  约翰太粗心了!他又犯了同样的错误。

     John is ! He makes the same mistake again.

  • 1.  他喜欢挑战,想到野外生活。

    He likes challenges and wants to live   .

  • 1.  它们足够强壮来保护自己。

    They are     themselves.

  • 1.  地震后,许多人失去了家园。

    Many people  after the earthquake.

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