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  • 1. It ________Mr. Green an hour to fix up his bicycle yesterday.
    A . cost B . paid C . spent D . took
  • 1. A hoverboard doesn't have (some) wheels.
  • 1. There are lots of tall (build) in the new city.
  • 1. 完形填空

        It was a sunny winter day. I had gone down the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the tower."What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for?" I wondered (疑惑). "Not the view(景色) certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. "Thinking of some terrible reasons, I thought I should1him. He went up slowly and2from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind. When he got to the first corner of the bell tower, I came close to him. "Excuse me, "I said as politely as I could, "but I wonder3you came up. He smiled, "Perhaps climbing up the tower. You have noticed — and yet, not being blind, perhaps you won't — how the sun shines into the tower4the windows here and there, so that one can5the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade(阴影). There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness. Though I'm blind, I also want to feel the6brought by the sunlight. In fact, it isn't my first time to be here." He said and seemed as7as a child. I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to8the beautiful life. But we often paid no attention to its value because we never9it. We went down the10together and I left him. From then on, I began to treasure what life has given me.

    A . stop B . follow C . watch D . protect
    A . talked B . smiled C . stopped D . called
    A . why B . how C . where D . when
    A . by B . in C . through D . into
    A . see B . feel C . know D . imagine
    A . love B . peace C . happiness D . difference
    A . pleased B . simple C . excited D . lovely
    A . understand B . live C . enjoy D . have
    A . noticed B . practiced C . had D . lost
    A . street B . tower C . wall D . corner
  • 1. 这只狗一直陪伴着它的主人。

    The dog lived with its owner .

  • 1. 妈妈允许我每周看一次电视。
  • 1. —The clothes feel ________. What's it made of?

    —It's made of silk.

    A . delicious B . sweet C . smooth D . well
  • 1. 坐火车到那里要多久?

    How long does it there by train?

  • 1. Many people like to ______birthday cards _____their friends.
    A . sending; to B . send; to C . sent; to D . send; for
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