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  • 1. There is a blackboard ________ classroom and our teacher is writing on it.
    A . at front of B . at the front of C . in the middle of D . in back of
  • 1. —________ do you ________ this novel?

    —It's interesting.

    A . What; like B . How; likes C . How; think of D . What; think of
  • 1. A number of useful (invent), such as smartphones, have changed our lives.
  • 1. We have four classes ________ the morning.
    A . in B . into C . on D . up
  • 1. 连词成句
    1. (1) imagination, he, a, has, good (.)
    2. (2) the, wall, he, white, painted (.)
    3. (3) an, thought, of, you, idea, have (?)
    4. (4) other, do, types, you, any, have (?)
    5. (5) flying, people, to, began, machines, make (.)
  • 1. 阅读理解

        Man always wanted to fly in the sky. They watched birds flying and wished they could fly, too. Man made wings and tied (绑) them on their bodies to help them fly. But they failed again and again. Man knew how to make kites. The y made different kinds of kites and tried to fly with the help of them. But unluckily, many of them were badly hurt. So they had to stop trying to fly with wings.

        In 1783, two Frenchmen found hot air was lighter than cold air. They then built a balloon. They filled it with hot air and it went up into the air. The next year a big hot­air balloon carried 7 persons to a height of 900 metres.

        Later, airships (飞艇) were made in the world. It could fly up into the sky with the help of hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas caught fire very easily. At last people stopped making airships.

        Now, people can travel to different places by plane. It's very convenient and fast. Rockets are also known all over the world. Rockets can help people travel in space. The dream of flying to space has become true.

    1. (1) Man made wings because ________.
    2. (2) Many people tried to fly with the help of kites ________.
    3. (3) The underlined word "filled" means ________.
    4. (4) Hydrogen gas was ________  so people stopped making airships.
    5. (5) People can travel to space with the help of ________.
  • 1. I use a pen (write). What about you?
  • 1. I'll be (probable) free then.
  • 1. Here's how to begin a (present) so that your audience really sits up and takes notice.
  • 1. Tom is the only child of his parents. He has no brothers ________sisters.
    A . and B . but C . or D . with
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