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  • 1. I p 300 yuan for my new bike.
  • 1. How poor the old man is! Let's do something ________ money for him.
    A . raise B . raises  C . to raise D . raising
  • 1. 完形填空

    Last week I read a report on a charity show. The aim of the show was to1money for the poor children who were out of school,2their families didn't have enough money for them. Many famous stars 3 the charity show, such as Jackie Chan and JJ Lin. The stars didn't 4 any pay. They did that for free. There were a lot of performances, 5 singing and dancing. The audience were 6 excited that they clapped their hands from time to time. Of course, the show was 7. All the people followed the8 examples. They gave their money away to the charity show. Both the ticket money and the donated money would be sent to the 9 areas and some of the poor children would go back to school. Now many charity shows are held in our country, not only to support education in the poor areas 10 to help people in trouble. I hope the whole world will become more and more beautiful with kind people's help.

    A . pay B . raise C . give D . send
    A . although B . if C . unless D . because
    A . set up B . liked C . took part in D . watched
    A . ask for B . hand out C . worry about D . give away
    A . except B . also C . instead D . including
    A . very B . such C . so D . too
    A . important B . successful C . tiring D . funny
    A . fans' B . kids' C . writers' D . stars'
    A . poor B . rich C . far D . open
    A . and B . so C . or D . but
  • 1. The bike is 500 d. That's a little expensive.
  • 1. We are r money for the charity(慈善机构).
  • 1. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空

    poster,   bake,   another,   sell,   product

    1. (1) I don't like this jacket. Can you show me one?
    2. (2) Many people make some for selling products.
    3. (3) Mrs. King has a bakery. She is good at bread.
    4. (4) These vegetables look very fresh and very well in the market.
    5. (5) These are made by hand. They look so nice.
  • 1. Each p is signed(签名) by the artist.
  • 1. —Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it?

    —Thank you. It ________ me 30 dollars.

    A . spent B . paid C . cost D . took
  • 1. Mary will be ________ years old next week. Her parents are going to have a party for her ________ birthday.
    A . sixteen; sixteen B . sixteen; sixteenth C . sixteenth; sixteenth D . sixteenth; sixteen
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