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  • 1. —Why were you shouting at Tom?

    —I told him to be quiet, but he ________ talking.

    A . joined in B . ended up C . kept on D . put off
  • 1. 我的表弟学会了如何自己制作风筝。

    My cousin learnt kites by himself.

  • 1. 现在信息传播得更快、更远。

    Now information travels and .

  • 1. This is a printing p. It can make thousands of books every day.
  • 1. Susan usually learns English watching English movies.
  • 1. Here is the best way pass the exam.
  • 1. 完形填空

    The computer is a very wonderful machine, and it is so1today that it seems we 2 live or work without it. Computers are used in many3—in  offices, in factories, in big shops, at schools and even at home. With the computer, people are living a better4.

    The computer is one of the greatest inventions in the 5 century. The first computer was built in America which was named ENIAC, and it was not only very6, but also quite heavy. It was as big as two rooms!

    But the computer is developing very fast. Today they are becoming smaller and lighter. And they7faster and faster. There are so many kinds of computers in the market that you can easily choose one that you like best.

    As the computer can do a lot of things for people, it helps us learn about the real world. With the computer, you can8an e­mail just in a few seconds to your friend or receive your9.

    Now you can see the computer really gives us a very nice picture about the world of tomorrow. So as students in the 21st century, we have to work hard and learn how to10the computer very well. Don't you think so?

    A . beautiful B . interesting C . popular D . enjoyable
    A . can B . cannot C . must D . mustn't
    A . roads B . streets C . crossings D . places
    A . life B . friend C . family D . country
    A . 18th B . 19th C . 20th D . 21st
    A . useful B . large C . small D . cheap
    A . studies B . teaches C . walks D . works
    A . give B . take C . post D . send
    A . letter B . book C . help D . message
    A . get B . use C . read D . write
  • 1. I like paper books better than e books. What about you?
  • 1. These shoes were made ________, not with a machine. So they are very expensive.
    A . by hand B . by the way C . in a word D . to my surprise
  • 1. 对普通人来说读书很方便。

    is very convenient for common people books.

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