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当前位置:手动组卷 /初中英语 /按章节
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  • 1. —Mike, why are you reading outside?

    —I cannot enter the library____ it opens.

    A . because   B . if C . until D . after
  • 1. When you are on a plane, you'll find the tall buildings ____look like small boxes.
    A . above B . behind C . under D . below
  • 1. When they were throwing snowballs, Danny f into the snow suddenly.
  • 1. On these snowy days, the temperature drops to a record 40℃ b.
  • 1.  The boy waited u all the students went home.
  • 1.  It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above z.
  • 1.  The hill over there is very l and we can climb up it easily.
  • 1. 阅读理解

    On snowy days, the temperature is often below zero. Children may feel very cold, but they are excited to play in the snow.

    Skiing is popular with young men. They usually ski from high places. Before playing outside, they put on warm coats, scarves, mittens (连指手套) and boots. Many children like riding on their skateboards in the snow. It's very interesting but a little hard for small children. So many parents buy or make sleds for their children.

    At the same time, people of different ages all like to play with snowballs. They make snowballs and then throw them to each other. What about making snowmen? That's good fun. Some children like to dress them in beautiful clothes. Taking a picture with snowmen is also a good idea. Hi, friends! Let's enjoy snowy days together!

    1. (1) What don't young men wear before going skiing according to the passage?
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
    3. (3) What is the best title for the passage?
  • 1. 将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
    1. (1) tall, as, you, as, are, Linda(?)
    2. (2) grass, there, is, on, snow, the(?)
    3. (3) shorts, play soccer, will, boy, the, in(.)
    4. (4) drives, Steven, days, countryside, to, sunny, on, the(.)
    5. (5) until, come back, Miss Liu, didn't, 10 o'clock(.)
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