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  • 1. You have time, but I can't afford (wait).
  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给词的适当形式

        Rose's bedroom was upstairs. A big tree grew outside her window. One day, Rose sawbird making a little house in the tree. The bird carried some small plants into the house and placed some grass in it in order to make it soft. Soon she finished(build) the little house. "It looks like a little brown cup lying in the tree," Rose thought.

        The bird laid(产蛋)three small eggs and day after day she sat on her eggs(keep) them warm. One day, a strange sound camethe little house. Three baby birds were inside.lovely they were! Rose was very happy(see) them. The new birds were very hungry and very(noise)! Their mother and father fed them every day. The babies grew bigger and bigger. Soon they were able to move their wings(翅膀)(quick). They were getting ready to fly.

        One day, Rose found the little house was empty and the birds were gone. Rose sat by the window feeling sad. She told her brother with tears that she didn't want them to leave. Her brother(smile) and told her that birds couldn't stay in the tree all the time,they had to fly away for a new life.

  • 1. 我朋友已经从法国回来了。
  • 1. 孩子们已经准备好聚会了。
  • 1. 我已经向琳达求助了。
  • 1. 你看过这部电影吗?
  • 1. 我还没有收到他的来信。
  • 1. I am surprised at the new look of my home town, for it _______a lot over the years.
    A . changed. B . changes C . will change D . has changed
  • 1. 用方框中单词的适当形式填空

    send   be   go   move   begin

    1. (1) —Has your father to China?

      —No, he hasn't.

    2. (2) —Where is the letter?

      —Oh, I it to Tom.

    3. (3) —Is Betty still your neighbour?

      —No, she to another town.

    4. (4) —Where is your mother?

      —She to the supermarket with her friend.

    5. (5) —you your task?

      —Of course. Now I have finished it.

  • 1. So far, she (learn) five English songs.
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