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  • 1.  ·Passage A·

    Do you remember what you were doing?

    To Erin

    While I was visiting my grandpa in the hospital, I heard our country's Shenzhou XVI mission crew returned to Earth. It was a great success. What were you doing then? 


    To Daming

    I was playing chess with my grandfather when this exciting event happened on October 31, 2023. 


    To Nicole

    A terrible earthquake happened in Nepal on October 3, 2023. When I heard about the event, I was waiting at the airport. It was midnight. Do you know about this event? What were you doing when you heard about the event? 


    To Ted

    Yes. I heard the terrible news the next morning. While I was walking in the park my neighbor told me about the event. 


    To Cathy

    Giant pandas Mei Xiang, Tian Tian, and their male cub(幼崽)Xiao Qi Ji, who had been residing(居住在)in the United States for several years, arrived at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in Sichuan Province on November 9, 2023. When I heard it, I was watching TV at home. What about you? 


    To Alice

    Great news! I knew it while I was chatting with my American friends in the living 



    1. (1) When did Nicole hear the terrible news? 
    2. (2) What was Cathy doing when she heard the news about giant pandas? 
    3. (3) How many important events did they talk about? 
  • 1.  Cloze test

    It was a lovely spring afternoon. My classmates and I were playing happily on the playground when I let out a cry, "Ow! Ow! Something in my shoe is biting me. "

    Everyone was shocked by the cry. They took me into the classroom and were about to 1 my shoes. "Which foot is it? "a classmate asked. "Let us have a look. "

    Suddenly, I remembered the 2  in my socks. My family was very 3  during those years. I wore welfare(福利的)socks, which cost only a little, but those 4  welfare socks didn't last long. They soon had holes at the bottom. 

    I refused to take off my shoes. I couldn't 5  others seeing the holes in my socks. I tried to hold back my tears. But each time the thing in my shoe bit me, tears raced 6  my face. 

    My teacher, Miss Diane, hurried into the 7 . "What's wrong? " she asked. "Something is biting her right foot, 8 she doesn't let us take off her shoe, "one of my classmates answered.

    Miss Diane lived next door to me. She knew 9 about my family. She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and 10 into my painful and hopeless eyes. "Oh, yes, it must be a sock-eating ant, "she said, as if she 11 saw the thing inside the shoe. "I had a bite from one of those ants and it 12 almost the whole bottom of my sock. "My classmates nodded(点头)while they were 13 the teacher carefully, although they looked a little puzzled.

    Miss Diane took off my right shoe and sock and shook 14 over the dustbin. Two red ants fell into it. "Just as I thought, the ants have eaten part of her sock, "she said. "You are such a 15 girl to take so many bites. "

    Thanks to Miss Diane, a little girl's pride was saved by the "sock-eating ant" story.

    A .  look for B .  put away C .  hand out D .  take off
    A .  colors B .  holes C .  pictures D .  words
    A .  poor B .  nice C .  dirty D .  large
    A .  free B .  wet C .  cheap D .  small
    A .  find B .  hear C .  mind D .  stand
    A .  down B .  over C .  into D .  through
    A .  playground B .  classroom C .  office D .  hall
    A .  because B .  but C .  or D .  if
    A .  everybody B .  nobody C .  everything D .  nothing
    A .  ran B .  dropped C .  looked D .  got
    A .  truly B .  hardly C .  still D .  only
    A .  turned B .  put C .  took D .  ate
    A .  looking after B .  putting up C .  listening to D .  shouting to
    A .  it B .  me C .  her D .  them
    A .  lucky B .  brave C .  friendly D .  clever
  • 1. 阅读下面材料,有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的正确形式,但每个答案不多于3个单词。

    People often remember they were doing when they heard the news of important events history. For example, many Americans remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968, when Dr. Martin Luther King (kill).

    Robert Allen is now over 50, he was a school pupil at that time. He remembers that he was at home with his parents. They (eat) dinner in the kitchen when they heard the news on the radio. His parents were completely (shock)! His parents did not talk after that, and they finished the rest of their dinner silence.

    More (recent), most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists on September 11, 2001.

    Kate Smith remembers (work) in her office near the two towers. She didn't believe her friend at first when he shouted that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. She was so

    (scare)that she could hardly think clearly after that.

  • 1. 说实话,我不相信你。

    , I don't believe you. 

  • 1. 暴风雨来临时,她正在去学校的路上。

    She was school at the time of the rainstorm

  • 1. 开始我不太喜欢这个工作

    I didn't like the job very much .

  • 1. 那件礼物对我来说具有某种意义。

    The present me.

  • 1. 他是如此恐惧以至于几乎说不出话来。

    He was scared he say a word.

  • 1. 她如此害怕以至于她都不能动了。

    She was she couldn't move.

  • 1. 你能帮我把这个帐篷拆了吗?

    Could you help me the tent?

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