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  • 1. — We can't ____ making a plan. Clean up Day is only two weeks from now.

    —Yes, I agree.

    A . give out B . care for C . put off D . raise up
  • 1. —After practicing for ____ months,I can swim much faster now.

    —How clever you are!

    A . several B . every C . each D . little
  • 1.  I know Mr. Brown lives ____. We should visit him at times. Then, he won't feel ____.
    A . lonely;lonely B . lonely;alone C . alone;lonely D . alone;alone
  • 1. —We Chinese are ____ to hear the ____ news that Ailing Gu won the gold medal for free skiing in the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games.

    —Yeah, we should cheer for her.

    A . excited;excited B . excited;exciting C . exciting;exciting D . exciting;excited
  • 1. 给杰克打电话让他加入我们的志愿者活动怎么样?(call)

    How about  Jack to ask him to join our volunteer activity?

  • 1. 约翰如此有创造力以至于他总是想出和别人不一样的计划。 (come)

    John is so creative that he always  plans different from others.

  • 1. 如果每个人都做些小事,就会对世界产生影响。(make)

    If everyone does something small, it will  to the world.

  • 1.  假如你是李佳。Alice 是你的美国笔友。在一次聊天中,你们谈到了志愿者活动,Alice 想了解你们班十二月份的志愿者活动安排。请你根据表格提示给 Alice 写一封电子邮件,介绍一下具体的活动安排。











    写作要求:1.词数 80左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2.根据表格提示,可以适当发挥;3.文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。

    提示词:cleaner 清洁工;local 当地的;nearby附近的;meaningful有意义的

    Dear Alice,

    How is everything going?


    That's all. Do you have anything interesting in your class? Please tell me.


    Li Jia        

  • 1.  阅读理解

    Have you ever thought of what life is like for old people? Have you ever helped old people who live alone? Can they get help when they need it?

    Six students from Beijing 101 Middle School looked deeper at this question and wrote a proposal(提案) to the China Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(全国青少年模拟政协).They advised to build more old people's service stations in the neighborhood. They also gave advice about how governments, neighborhoods and hospitals can work together to make this happen.

    An old people's service station is different from a nursing home. It offers things like daytime care,cooking, cleaning and friendship to old people who live in their own homes. The students surveyed(调查)more than 1,100 people, and about 90 percent of them said they would prefer(更喜欢) using the stations'services to moving into a nursing home. However, there are not enough of these stations, and many are not run very well.

    The six students came up with a solution after reading more than 60 surveys, interviewing 108 people and visiting 25 different organizations. Their proposal beat out almost 100 others to win the Best. Proposal award(奖项) in 2021.

    "This experience helps me to better understand the importance of caring old people. Also I see the light and abilities in us,"said Xu Wanqing, one of the students.

    "Taking part in the China Youth Model CPPCC has been good for students,"agreed their teacher Li Jie."They've developed a sense of caring old people, as well as got more confidence(自信) about themselves since they've seen how much they can do for others."

    1. (1) How many students wrote the proposal?
    2. (2) What do most people prefer doing in the survey?
    3. (3) ____, the six students came up with the solution.

      ①After reading more than 60 surveys. ②After interviewing 108 people.

      ③After watching lots of news. ④After visiting 25 different organizations.

    4. (4) What does Li Jie think of his students after taking part in the activity?
    5. (5) What's the purpose(目的) of this proposal?
  • 1. Mom plans ____ Zhongshan Park because it is too crowded on weekends these days.
    A . to visit B . not to visit C . visiting D . not visiting
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