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  • 1. —Tom ____every day.

    —Really? But why is he so weak(虚弱的) now?

    A . used to exercise B . is used to exercising C . used to stay up late D . is used to staying up late
  • 1.  阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整。

    I really love volunteering, for example, helping the homeless is one of my favorite 1 .

    When I was at school, I often helped my classmates. It was fun to 2 their studies. I wasn't really a top student who always got the 3 grades, but I could explain(解释) to them 4 . Now, when I'm 5 , I often volunteer on my town's main street. Every weekend, other 6 and I make some dishes by ourselves, set up a table in the street and give the food to the homeless. But we soon realized that just giving food was not 7 . Most of the homeless people are 8 , because they have no friends or relatives. What these people also need is warmth and 9 . So we always chat(聊天) with them. The long day makes us tired, but it also 10 me great joy. The look of joy on those people's 11 would make my weary(疲惫的) day into a good day. 12 we never receive(收到) any payment(报酬) for our hard work, the love that we get on the streets is our payment.

    From my volunteering, I 13 that helping other not only makes others happy but also makes 14 happy. And maybe one day, the people once you helped would help you back 15 the end.

    A .  decisions B .  results C .  activities D .  subjects
    A .  help out with B .  look forward to C .  run out of D .  come up with
    A .  worst B .  fewest C .  luckiest D .  best
    A .  differently B .  clearly C .  hardly D .  loudly
    A .  excited B .  busy C .  outgoing D .  available
    A .  parents B .  volunteers C .  schools D .  teachers
    A .  difficult B .  good C .  angry D .  enough
    A .  shy B .  strong C .  lonely D .  happy
    A .  change B .  training C .  satisfaction D .  kindness
    A .  wishes B .  cheers C .  puts D .  brings
    A .  hands B .  heads C .  faces D .  bodies
    A .  But B .  Because C .  Though D .  So
    A .  learned B .  decided C .  advised D .  improved
    A .  herself B .  myself C .  themselves D .  himself
    A .  in B .  to C .  from D .  for
  • 1.  阅读理解

    RSPCA Charity Shop

    Tel: 017-5266-5599

    80 Grenville Road, Street Judes, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 9PY

    Sells donated items(捐赠物品) like clothes, books, tapes and shoes to raise money for animals.

    Dame Hannah Rogers Charity Shop

    Tel: 017-5226-5394

    104 Embankment Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 9HY

    Sells books, clothes, CDs, shoes.

    A place for people with disabilities(残疾) to learn, train and work in a real friendly and exciting environment.

    YMCA Shop

    Tel: 017-5222-2752

    34 Cornwa ll Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 1LP

    Sells all kinds of donated items like clothes, books, tapes and CDs. Young people can volunteer here.

    British Red Cross Shop

    Tel: 017-5260-3771

    90 Cornwa ll Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 1NF

    Sells second-hand clothes, books, bags, toys and small items to raise money for the Red Cross.

    1. (1) RSPCA Charity Shop raises money for ____.
    2. (2) If you want to volunteer in YMCA Shop, you can call ____.
    3. (3) Which two shops are on the same road or street?
    4. (4) Where is the passage probably from?
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Kate's dream of helping poor people started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.

    "I never knew that there were so many people in the world who didn't have home or food before,"said Kate, a university student. "I got to know that there was something important I had to do."

    At the age of 14, Kate started to raise money with her friends to build a playground. "It took us two years,"she said."We did it little by little. We hoped our efforts(努力) could help make a difference."

    In 2016, when Kate was 16, she visited some places in Africa. She saw many people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard(硬纸板)."The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there were eight people living in each one,"Kate said."We also found some dirty rivers. Those people got drinking water from them."The next year, Kate set up a club with her friends. It helped poor people in Africa.

    Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for the people living in poor areas is now an importanttask for Kate's club. "This girl is changing some people's lives, and she is also changing the world,"said Kate's teacher.

    1. (1) What is the job of Kate's father?
    2. (2) What did Kate find when she traveled to Africa?
    3. (3) How old was Kate when she started the club?
    4. (4) Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word"task"?
    5. (5) What is the best title for this passage?
  • 1.  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)

    Linda and her brother, John, have saved money for many years. One day, Linda emptied her money jar."I would like to help other people with the money,"she said.

    "We can do a lot for others with all the money,"John said with a smile."But who shall we help?"Linda asked."Let's help our neighbors, Billy and his sister, Rose. I found that there were some holes in their shoes,"John said.""Linda said.

    Linda and John told their mother their plan. She was glad and took them to a shoe store at once. They picked out two pairs of shoes for Rose and Billy.When it was dark, John put the boxes near Billy and Rose's door, and knocked hard, and then ra n away quickly. Billy and Rose came out."Look! There are presents(礼物) for us,"Billy said. They looked around, but they didn't find anyone.

    The next morning, when Linda and John went out, they saw Billy and Rose wearing their new shoes.

    A. Who can help us?

    B. John also emptied his money jar.

    C. They took the boxes inside happily.

    D. We can buy some new shoes for them!

    E. They put the two pairs of shoes into two boxes.

    F. Linda and John were happy because they could help others.

  • 1. —What about going to the beaches for vacation?
    —Great! ____ we're lying on the beach in the sun, enjoying music. It must be great fun!
    A . Describe B . Wonder C . Imagine D . Notice
  • 1. —A lo t of old people are living in the nursing home(养老院) now. Let's go and care for them.

    — ____. We're all going to be old one day!

    A . You're right B . Good luck C . Best wishes D . Thanks a lot
  • 1.  阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(每空不超过三个词)

    My mom always gives money to charities(慈善). We get more and (many) calls to our home. Letters are sent to Mom, all of them (be) with good reasons to ask for donations.

    But Mom does not always have enough money (meet) all her urges(欲望). Sometimes she has to consider her choices (careful).

    One day, Mom received letter with the title"Gift of Hope". The letter said,"It's not money I hope . It's the gift of hope for(family) that live in poor countries."

    Mom continued(继续) reading the letter."With $19, you can give three hens to a family. The hens will(lay) eggs which the family can use to make money. With the money, the family can pay; their basic needs."

    Mom (smile) as she read. She made a plan to save money and sent it to this charity whenever she can.

  • 1. 你可以在食品赈济处分发食物。(hand)

    You could  food at a food bank.

  • 1. — My friend Tom volunteered ____ in the countryside two years ago.

    —I went there this year like him.

    A . to work B . work C . working D . works
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