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  • 1. 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案

        Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked at him very carefully and said, "Medicine won't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day. Go to the country place for a month. "

        After a month the man came to the doctor again, "How are you?" said the doctor, "I'm glad to see you again. You look much younger." "Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now," said the man. "I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me, but you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me at first, It's no joke to start smoking at my age! "

    1. (1) The doctor told the man        .
    2. (2) Which of the following sentences is true?
    3. (3) The doctor's words were          for the old man's health.
    4. (4) The doctor wanted the old man       .
    5. (5) From what the old man said at last, we know         .
  • 1. 选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文

        Joe wanted a computer. He asked his parents for the money and they said he must get it by himself. But how did he get it? He 1 about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow {or the neighbours. But it was not winter. He had to wait a long lime for that. He couldn't cut the grass for their gardens2 he bad no tools to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering(送) the newspaper. "I could do that," he thought. "Maybe 1 could even get the computer right away(马上). I could pay3it a little each week." He ran to catch up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was possible to get twenty -five dollars each week.  He learned that the job took 4 three hours each night. Dick 5him the phone number of the newspaper manager. Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother what he thought, she smiled. "I think it is a 6 idea," she said. "I'll call the news paper..." "Wait, Mum," Joe said, "I'll call. After that, I'm going to be a businessman." Joe's mother smiled happily.

    A . said B . told C . thought D . spoke
    A . because B . when C . while D . after
    A . on B . to C . of D . for
    A . at B . about C . before D . after
    A . taught B . gave C . made D . asked
    A . big B . large C . great D . bad
  • 1. 完形填空

        Many people today read stories about UFOs. But what are UFOs? The most popular explanation for UFOs is that 1 carry visitors coming from other planets. They seem to fly much faster than planes on the earth. The explanation is believed by some UFO scientists. It is even believed that 2 UFOs reached the earth and space visitors were living among us. Sometimes people 3 mistakes when they say they have seen UFOs. They 4 see a weather balloon or a strange plane, or the light they see in the sky comes from the ground. Sometimes they see the moon shining on water vapor(水蒸气) in the air. However, there are a lot of 5we can't explain. It may take many years to find a clear answer.

    A . it B . they C . we D . you
    A . few B . a few C . little D . a little
    A . take B . make C . think D . say
    A . may B . should C . must D . need
    A . some B . one C . pieces D . others
  • 1. 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案

        One day Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things into the car. But Mr White can't open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly(友好的). He begins to open the car for them. Just then a man comes up and shouts(喊), "What are you doing with my car?" Mr and Mrs White have a look at the car's number and they are frozen(惊呆了) there. It isn't their car.

    1. (1) Mr and Mrs White drive for     .
    2. (2) They stop their car     .
    3. (3) They want to     .
    4. (4) From the passage(短文), we know     .
    5. (5) What do you think of the policeman?
  • 1. 在短文的空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词,首字母已给。

        There are t  many accidents in cities.  Accidents often happen when people c the roads or streets. Read the passage c and learn to be careful later on. Be careful when it is r . Many accidents happen on rainy days. People are in a h because they don't want to get w . They often cross the roads quickly.  Often they can't see c as they hold their umbrellas in front of t .  Remember that cars take l  time to stop when the roads are wet. When it is raining, we must be more and more careful, not l  careful.

  • 1. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题

        Tom Hanks is a nice film star. He has a charm(魅力) that makes people believe in the roles he plays.

          Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in California. His dad was a cook, so the family had to move every six months for jobs.  Young Hanks spent much of his childhood moving and dealing with different schools and his stepmothers(继母). By the time he was 10, he already bad "three mothers, five schools and ten houses".

        An unstable (不稳定的) childhood changed Hanks, and he grew from a shy schoolboy into a class clown. At age 20, he dropped out of college and went to the Big Apple--New York with big dreams. Two years later, he got his first role on big screen, but didn't succeed.

        "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know" what you're going to get." In 1993, he won the Academy Award(学院奖) for Best Actor. And a year later, he picked up the gold statue(金像奖) once again for his performance in Forrest Gump! Ever since then, everything the man touched turned to gold.

    1. (1) How often did Tom Hanks' father change his work?
    2. (2) How many houses did Hanks get at the age of 10?
    3. (3) What is another name of New York?
    4. (4) Did he succeed in 1978?
    5. (5) What did he achieve?
    6. (6) What do you think of Tom Hanks?
  • 1. 在短文的空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词,首字母已给。

        Great changes have taken place in the last years. I remember when I first came to Beijing. I saw old houses e , and now many things haven't been seen yet. For example, there were several rows of tall trees in front of the Friendship Hotel, but for making the roads w , they had been cut off. What a pity! I am an English teacher, I like China very much. I changed my career from business to education only b I didn't want to leave Beijing. If it is possible, I'll stay here all my life. My parents live in Guilin, and I go home twice a year. But every time after staying there some days, I begin to miss my home in Beijing. About my children, I like them to live with me, instead of letting them be independent, after they are eighteen years old. Awesterners do, when they grow up, they will go to Britain for fstudy there. Step by step they will enjoy Chinese customs, they will come back China after they finish their study.

  • 1. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题

                        Doing Something Different

    After high school, some people continue their studies - but not at a university. These two students are doing something different.

     Name: Maiko Abe

    Age: 20

    School: The Cooking Institute of America, New York City

    Why did you choose this school?

    It's one of the best cooking schools in tile world.

    What are your plans for the future?

    I'm in a two- year program. I'm just about to finish my first year. Classes end in two weeks. When I graduate(毕业) next year, I can work in a restaurant or hotel. I can also write for food magazines or even do a cooking show on TV.

    Name: Diego Molina

    Age: 19

    School: La Pasarela Modelling Centre, Mexico City

    Why did you choose this school?

    In the future, I want to be an actor. I'm taking an eight-week course at La Pasarela to help me. Pm learning to walk and talk in front of a camera. A good model can do these things. An actor can, too. Many La Pasarela graduates also get jobs in TV ads.

    What are your plans for the future?

    I don't know. Maybe I can do TV or radio ads at first. At some point, I'd like to study acting here in Mexico or in Los Angeles.

    1. (1) Who is studying in the USA now?
    2. (2) Maiko Abe will graduate in two weeks, won't she?
    3. (3) What can Maiko do after she leaves school?
    4. (4) How long does Diego Molina need to spend on the course?
    5. (5) Why is Diego going to modelling school?
    6. (6) What's your ambition?
  • 1. What a nice room John has! I'd like to have one, too. (live)
  • 1. The travel office is on the fifth floor. (agency)
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