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  • 1. The child with the candy in the birthday cis lucky.
  • 1. Seaweed soup is good for (健康).
  • 1. The number of the volunteers ______________ 100 now. And a small number of them ______________ already gone to the workplace.
    A . is; have B . are; have C . is; are D . is; has
  • 1. 阅读理解

        People celebrate(庆祝)birthdays in nearly every country in the world. And they celebrate them in many different ways.

        In Brazil, the special birthday food isn't a cake, but special candles(蜡烛). In China, people eat long noodles as a wish for long life. In Iceland, people have pancakes with sweet candies in them on birthdays.

        In Britain, people celebrate the birthday all day. The birthday child is lifted up(举起)by his or her classmates. That is to say the child can grow up happily and healthily.

        In Holland, children not only get presents, but they give things to others, too. They give cakes, cookies and candies to their classmates and teachers on their birthdays.

        In Mexico, it's good luck to give birthday greetings as early as possible in the day. So it's usual for the birthday child to wake up at midnight, with friends singing birthday songs.

        In Thailand, the birthday person holds a tall candle. The candle is as tall as the birthday person. It will bring good luck to him or her.

    In many countries, birthday customs are changing. But one thing never changes—birthdays are special days for everyone.

    1. (1) The birthday person is usually lifted up by his or her classmates in      .
    2. (2) In Mexico, the birthday children usually wake up at midnight because      .
    3. (3) How many countries are mentioned in this passage?
    4. (4) In China, what is the symbol of long life?
  • 1. 补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hello, House of Dumplings!

    B: Oh, hello. I'd like tosome dumplings, please.

    A: Whatof dumplings would you like?

    B: Fifteen beef and onion dumplings, please.

    A: Uh-huh.

    B: And Iwant some drinks.

    A: OK. What kind would you like?

    B: One cup of teaone glass of orange juice.

    A: OK. else?

    B: Oh, yes. A medium bowltomato soup, please.

    A: OK, then. What's your, please?

    B: 18 Peach Road.

    A: What's yournumber?

    B: 368-9875.

    A: We'll give your dumplings in about half an hour.

  • 1. 这种牛肉面中没有洋葱。

    There onions in the beef noodles.

  • 1. 在中国,过生日的人吃长的面条是因为长面是长寿的象征。

    In China, the birthday person eats long noodlesthey are a long life.

  • 1. 如果你一口气吹灭所有的生日蜡烛,愿望就会实现。

    you  all the birthday candles in one go, the wish will .

  • 1. 你想要牛奶还是梨汁?

    Would youmilk juice?

  • 1. 你能把这些西红柿切碎吗?

    Could you the tomatoes?

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