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  • 1. (2024·汕头模拟) ________ on the grass, or it will "cry".
    A . To walk B . Not to walk C . Walk D . Don't walk
  • 1. 完形填空

    Robert and Henry were going home from school, when, on turning a corner, Robert1out, "A fight! Let us go and see!" "No, " said Henry; "Let us go quietly home and avoid this quarrel. We have2to do with it, and may get into trouble. "

    "You are not a brave boy, and afraid to go, "said Robert, and off he ran. Henry went straight home, and in the afternoon went to school, as usual, 3 Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him a great deal.

    A few days4, Robert was bathing with some schoolmates and 5his depth. He struggled and screamed for help, but all in vain. The boy 6 had called

    Henry a coward, got away from the water as fast as they could, but they did not even try to help him. Robert was fast 7, when Henry threw off his clothes, and sprang into the water, By great effort, and8much danger to himself, he brought Robert to the shore, and thus saved his life.

    Robert and his schoolmates were9at having called Henry a coward. They admitted that he had more10than any of them.

    Never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do evil.

    A . cried B . jumped C . said D . turned
    A . something B . . anything C . nothing D . everything
    A . Or B . But C . And D . So
    A . afterward B . before C . ago D . later
    A . got out of B . got into C . got on D . got off
    A . whom B . who C . which D . whose
    A . swimming B . playing C . crossing D . sinking
    A . with B . in C . on D . at
    A . mad B . good C . sad D . ashamed
    A . courage B . strength C . power D . ability
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The locusts(蝗虫) in East Africa continue plaguing(造成麻烦) Asian countries such as Pakistan after they "visited" Qatar, Kuwait,and Bahrain.

    On Thursday, it's reported that China will send an army of 100, 000 ducks to Pakistan to help eat out the locusts there. By Thursday noon, the 100, 000 ducks ready to eat locusts in Pakistan has been one of the hottest topics of Sina Weibo.

    There has been much discussion on domestic social media(国内社交媒体) networks about the problem. Besides ducks, many also suggest sending hens, while some make it further by suggesting catching the locusts, to cook and eat them.

    The hen and duck strategy was used in 2000 when Xinjiang suffered its worst locust plague. An army of about 700, 000 hens, roosters and ducks were transported from Zhejiang Province to Xinjiang and helped defeat the locusts quickly.

    However, neither the duck nor hen strategy can always be useful. Hens and ducks are good at picking locusts and eating them, but this time the locusts from Africa are mostly grown-up ones that can fly up to 2, 000 meters in the sky. It is unrealistic to expect hens or ducks to eat all the locusts alone.

    The best way of controlling a locust plague lies in the preventive(预防的) stage. One opinion among scientists is that the locust plague this year has much to do with the EI Nino effect of 2019, which caused heavier rainfall in East Africa, which in turn resulted in more locust eggs hatching.

    The same effect caused droughts(干旱) in Australia and South America, which is an important reason why the wildfires in Australia have been so bad. It might be old talk, but it really is time to control climate change.

    1. (1) Which animal isn't mentioned in the passage?
    2. (2) What have been one of the hottest topics of Sina Weibo?
    3. (3) What other advice do people have to control a locust plague according to the passage?
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "It" refer to according to the passage?
    5. (5) What plague did the climate change cause in 2019?
  • 1. 补全对话6选5

    W: Hi, Peter! You look terrible! What's the matter with you?


    W: Sorry to hear that.

    M: I cut myself by accident while I was making dinner.

    W: That sounds bad.

    M: Yes, it's kind of serious.

    W: Have you seen a doctor?

    M: Yes.

    W: What did the doctor do with the cut?


    W: Oh! Don't touch water. And you will be better soon.

    M: OK. Thank you!

    W: You're welcome.

    A. How long have you been like this?

    B. Is it serious?

    C. I cut my finger yesterday.

    D. What happened?

    E. He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it.

    F. My wife drove me to the hospital.

  • 1. He is the cleverest student ________ all of his classmates.
    A . between B . behind C . among D . inside
  • 1. —I feel very _________________. May I have a cake?

    —Sure, you may take one from the fridge.

    A . brave B . thirsty C . full D . hungry
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Every year, nearly a million children in the world die because of unintentional injuries(意外伤害), and the biggest killer is the traffic accident, according to a report from the Worldwide Health Organization.

    The report says that traffic accidents, falling into water, fires, falls, and poisoning(中毒)are the five major causes of unintentional injuries. About 830000 children under 18 die and millions of children are injured every year.

    The World Health Organization finds that roads are the most dangerous places for children, especially in developing countries. Because children in these countries haven't learned about the dangers of road traffic, they are often not ready for the new roads that might be built through their villages.

    In Asia, deaths are most often caused by bikes. It is usual to see a whole family on one bike in counties such as Vietnam. When they are knocked over, they will be badly injured and some may even die.

    In the United States and other Western countries, injuries from road traffic accidents have been cut down through the use of safety seats for children and other safety measures. However, traffic accidents are still a major cause of deadly(致命的) injuries.

    1. (1) How many children die from unintentional injuries in the world every year?
    2. (2) How many kinds of unintentional injuries do we learn from the passage?
    3. (3) Where are the most dangerous places according to the passage?
    4. (4) From the last paragraph we can learn that________.
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us that __________.
  • 1. 英汉互译:单词/短语
    1. (1) danger n. adj. 危险的
    2. (2) factory n. (复数)
    3. (3) Japan n. →Japanese n. 日本/adj. 日本(人)的
    4. (4) agree v. (反义词)
    5. (5) fall v. (过去式)
    6. (6) inside adv. /prep. →outside adv. /prep.
    7. (7) possible adj. (反义词)
  • 1. (2021·济南) —________ swim in this river. It's quite deep.

    —Thanks for telling me.

    A . No B . Not C . Don't D . Doesn't
  • 1. It's time to get up. W him up, please.
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