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  • 1. You are ________ to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.

    A . suggested B . supported C . taught D . supposed
  • 1. (2023八上·吉林月考) —_________ do you play football?

     —Once a week.

    A . How much B . How long C . How often D . How far
  • 1. ________ I was in the UK, I made a lot of British friends.
    A . If B . Since C . While D . Until
  • 1. —Paul, what were you doing when I called you last night?

    —I ________ a movie in the cinema with my friends.

    A . was watching B . watch C . have watched D . will watch
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Little stream(小河)ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert (沙漠). "I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert," she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly disappearing(消失)into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. "Maybe I can't reach the ocean." she said sadly to herself.

     At this time, a deep voice said, "If a breeze(微风)can cross the desert, so can a river." It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, "That's because a breeze can fly, but I cannot."

     "That's because you stick to what you are. Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the breeze, and it can take you across." said the desert. "Give up what I am now? No! No!" The little stream could not accept this idea. "The breeze can carry the vapor(蒸汽)across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again," said the desert, "And whether you're a river or vapor, your nature never changes." Hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of breeze. It carried her to the next stage of her life.

     The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success, you should also change the way you are sometimes.

    1. (1) Before the stream reached the desert, she didn't _______.
    2. (2) Who encouraged the little stream when she felt sad? _______
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "stick to" in the third paragraph mean?
    4. (4) The little stream finally crossed the desert by _______.
    5. (5) What does the story mainly tell us?
  • 1. Tigers and lions live on l while fish live in water.
  • 1. This lake is much d(深的)than that one.
  • 1. The Caspian Sea is the d of all the salt lakes.
  • 1. 翻译(单词短语翻译)
    1. (1) tiring adj.
    2. (2) fall n.
    3. (3) 首都(n.)
    4. (4) 法国(n.)
    5. (5) 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的(adj.)
    6. (6) sight n.
    7. (7) including prep.
    8. (8) 教堂(n.)
    9. (9) 便利的;方便的(adj.)
    10. (10) underground adj.& n.
  • 1. 翻译(单词短语翻译)
    1. (1) wine n.
    2. (2) 翻译(v.)
    3. (3) 推断;料想
    4. (4) pack
    5. (5) entertainment n.
    6. (6) 从容;轻松;不紧张
    7. (7) 通常;大体上;一般而言
    8. (8) go on vacation
    9. (9) trek through
    10. (10) 希望做某事
    11. (11) 考虑做某事
    12. (12) be supposed to do sth.
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