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  • 1. The (政府) gave the poor children many books and bags.
  • 1. Do you know how many of the students joined in the (研究) project?
  • 1. 任务型阅读

    Dear Mr President,

        I am doing a project at school about animals in danger. I think the situation all over the world is really awful(可怕的).

        Firstly, I feel so sorry for the giant panda. It's one of the most popular animals in the world. We learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body's weight of bamboo in 24 hours! That's a lot of bamboo. I think we should try to do more to stop cutting down their forests. We would be so sad if they became extinct(灭绝的) forever.

        Secondly,what we should try to protect more is Chinese alligators(扬子鳄). These creatures live in some parts of eastern China. They live in freshwater rivers and lakes but the water in some places isn't clean enough for them to live in. It's really dirty in fact. The government should stop factories from polluting the lakes and rivers.

        If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more people may come to China to visit our beautiful country, especially to see the quieter areas in the country. Now most visitors just see the cities. I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important project.

    Sincerely yours,

    Huang Jing

    1. (1) Huang Jing's project at school is about .
    2. (2) Huang Jing talked about in the letter.
    3. (3) If a panda is 100 kilos, it can eat of bamboo in 24 hours.
    4. (4) The government should stop factories from polluting.
  • 1. 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子(有一项多余)

    less and less     science    southwest    natural    develop    bamboo

    1. (1) You can see a lot of in the forest of this mountain.
    2. (2) My son wants to be a when he grows up.
    3. (3) In , all animals are wild and free.
    4. (4) We all know that America is a country.
    5. (5) The old man couldn't work any more, so he had money to buy things he needed.
  • 1. It is necessary for everyone to _________________ a good habit of reading.
    A . enjoy B . choose C . develop D . receive
  • 1. 明天将有一个家长会。

    a parents' meeting tomorrow.

  • 1. The (情况;形势) of the company wasn't very good, so many workers left.
  • 1. 情景交际(有两项为多余选项)


    B: No, I didn't. I was busy with my homework. What was it about?

    A: It was about animals in danger.


    A: Many people kill animals for money. They pour(倾倒) the dirty water into rivers. So there is little clean water for animals to drink.

    B: What can we do to protect animals?

    A: We can't destroy(破坏) the forests and we should plant more and more trees. We should try to make the water clean.

    B: I think it can do a lot to protect animals in the world.

    A. Tell me more about that.

    B. And animals have fewer areas to live in.

    C. Maybe we can write a letter to the World Wide Fund for Nature.

    D. Did you watch Animal World last night?

    E. Also, there are more and more factories now.

    F. Let's join Sports Club first.

    G. I know a lot about the animals in danger.

  • 1. 请不要拿走这本书。你只能在图书馆里看它。

    Please don't   the book. You can only read it in the library.

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