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  • 1. 我们都需要帮助动物平静地生活。

    We all need to help animals live .

  • 1. 我们应该帮助尽可能多的学子学好英语。

    We should help possible to learn English well.

  • 1. 阅读理解

        Have you ever seen a robin(知更鸟)? Robins have dark heads and red chests.

        A good place to see robins is in your own backyard. Robins don't mind being around people. You may also see robins on lawns(草坪) or in parks. They are looking for worms and bugs to eat.

        Early in spring, _______________. They build them in trees. Robins hide the nests in trees so that they will be safe.

        The nests are made of grass, sticks, and mud. The mud makes everything together. The mother robin lays(产蛋) one egg a day for three or four days. She sits on eggs to keep them warm. The eggs are blue. After the babies come out, both the mother and the father feed the babies. The young birds have spots on their chests.

        Do any robins live near you? Look around. You may be surprised!

    1. (1) Where can't we see robins?
    2. (2) The mother robin can lay _______________ egg(s) a day.
    3. (3) Which of the following should be put in the blank?
    4. (4) Which sentence about robins is TRUE?
    5. (5) Which of the following can be the best title for this article?
  • 1. We can wear hats and put on some cream to p our skin from the sun.
  • 1. 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子(有一项多余)

    interest   thin   play   dangerous   peace   save

    1. (1) What can we do the animals?
    2. (2) He is in music, and I am interested in photography.
    3. (3) (云南中考)All the people in the world wish to enjoy a beautiful and life.
    4. (4) Now the children don't have enough time games.
    5. (5) We must help the animals in .
  • 1. 请让我安安静静地继续工作吧。

    Please let me go on with my work .

  • 1. 我妈妈允许我每晚玩游戏。

    My mother every night.

  • 1. There are many (布告) on the board,
  • 1. We want to buy a larger house but we don't have e money.
  • 1. — The girl is badly ill and she needs lots of money to see a doctor now.

    — Let's r some money to help her.

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