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  • 1. At the age of eight, the girl became (interest) in boating.
  • 1. They are doing a lot of (研究) to protect animals.
  • 1. These people seem (know) what they are doing now.
  • 1. I will look after your pet dog very well. (改为同义句)

    I will your pet dog.

  • 1. In the end, he told the teacher the truth. (改为同义句)

    , he told the teacher the truth.

  • 1. 为了有个好座位,她早早就到了。

    She arrived early a good seat.

  • 1. —What are you _____, Tony?

    —My books. I can't find them.

    A . looking at B . looking up C . looking for D . looking after
  • 1. 句子填空

    light, steal, carry, they, live, heavy, chase

    both, area, chance, protect, well-known

    Skuas (贼鸥) are large seabirds. They look like seagulls but they are than them. Do you want to learn more about skuas?

    Skuas look a little scary. Some people say that skuas are the pirates (海盗) of the bird world. They often food from other birds. They will chase other birds that are food. They will attack those birds in flight and force (强迫) to give up the food.

    In fact, skuas don't get all of their food by birds carrying food. Some skuas will hang out around some where penguins have nests. The skuas will wait for a to steal the penguins' eggs and even young penguins. Skuas also hunt and eat small birds and fish.

    There are many kinds of skuas. Two kinds of them in the Southern Ocean. They are the Antarctic skua and the south polar skua. Here's some information about Antarctic skuas. They are also as brown skuas. These skuas don't build nests, but just lay their eggs on the ground. They lay two eggs at a time. the male and female Antarctic skuas take care of the baby skuas.

  • 1. —What do you think of the New year's speech of President Xi Jinping?

    —I think it's _____ and nobody in our class thinks it's _____.

    A . wonderful enough; bored B . wonderful enough; boring C . enough wonderful; bored D . enough wonderful; boring
  • 1. 他长大后打算当一名科学家。
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