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  • 1.  Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the phrases in the box.

    do a good job    dress up     join the army     love for     be ready to     action movie

    1. (1) I'm sure you can this term.
    2. (2) His science touched my heart.
    3. (3) He and became a soldier(士兵)two years ago.
    4. (4) Coco like a cartoon character and had fun at the party.
    5. (5) He help others when he was young.
    6. (6) Tim doesn't like .He thinks they're boring.
  • 1. B. Write a letter to the editor for Jackie according to the chart.

    Dear Sir,


  • 1.  France is a (wonder) country to have fun.
  • 1.  Walking around the old town was quite (enjoy).
  • 1.  My father likes to watch  (education) movies.
  • 1.  What do you think of these TV shows or movies? Draw and write after the model.



    don't mind

    don't like

    can't stand


    comedy       cartoon                            action movie

    scary movie                            soap opera                       talk show

    Model: I love comedies. They're wonderful.
    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 1.  Of all the movies, I like(act) movies best.
  • 1.  I think playing football is much more (excite) than watching it on TV at home.
  • 1.  Read the passage and finish the exercises.

    I hardly ever watch movies these days because I'm really busy. When l have time to watch movies,I like to watch comedies because they are enjoyable. Watching movies and listening to music are my favorite ways to relax. How about you? What kind of movies do you like to watch?


    Comedies are my favorite. How can you dislike a movie that makes you laugh? l think any movie that can make you laugh is a good movie. I also like action movies. They're exciting. Most boys in my class like action movies. don't like scary movies. They make me feel uncomfortable.


    I really like to watch scary movies, cartoons and comedies. I think scary movies are exciting. But my brothers can't stand them. They think they're meaningless. My brothers like cartoons and they don't mind comedies. Every Sunday I go to the cinema and watch movies with them. I like to watch movies in the cinema. It's really different from watching movies on TV.


    A. Choose the best answers.
    B. Answer the questions.

    1. (1) What kind of movies does Amy like watching?
    2. (2) Peter does not like scary movies because____.
    3. (3) From the passage, we can learn that____.
    4. (4) What kind of movies do you think are the best? Why?
    5. (5) Where do you like to watch movies, in the cinema or on TV? Why?
  • 1.  I think are exciting. You can try to guess the answers to the questions.
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