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  • 1.  Read the passage and complete the chart.

    A Summer Vacation

    Last summer, Dad, Mom, Tim and Tara went to the beach in Florida. They swam, fished, built sandcastles (沙滩城堡) and went sailing(航海). Mom brought a picnic lunch. She put a cloth on the sand and set out some sandwiches, potato chips, apples and cookies. She brought drinks in the cooler. Later, Tim and Tara walked along the beach and saw a crab(螃蟹) walking on the beach. A dog was barking at it. A starfish was washed up on the beach, too. Tim threw bread up in the air to feed a flock of seagulls(海鸥). Then the family went back to the hotel, and Tim and Tara played video games until bedtime. They really had a relaxing time.






  • 1. 样样精通,样样稀松(什么都知道等于什么都不知道)。

    To is to know nothing.

  • 1. 听!有人正在隔壁房间走动。

    Listen! walking around in the next room.

  • 1. 每个人都需要朋友。


  • 1. 报纸上没有什么有趣的新闻。

    There is in the newspaper.

  • 1. 没有水和空气,没有人能活下去。

    without water or air.

  • 1. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空,使短文完整、通顺。

    Erin Smith is a tour guide in New York, USA. Last month, she (take) a group of four people for a horse riding trip in the forests. Erin was on a big white horse called Star.

    Everyone was ready to have fun and the ride (start) well at first. There were some big animals in the forests, such as tigers. Erin (know) that, but she didn't take it seriously (认真地) because those tigers never went near people.

    When they rode the horse along the river, they (hear) a big noise. And then a 200-kilogram tiger (come) out from the trees and it quickly ran to an eight-year-old boy. Both the boy and the boy's horse (see) the tiger and got very scared. The horse tried to run away from the tiger but the tiger (run) after it. The boy was so scared that he (shout) loudly for help.

    Erin was scared too, but she had to help the boy. She gave Star a kick (踢) and they went after the tiger. Suddenly, the boy fell (掉落) off the horse and the tiger just went towards (朝) him. Erin (put) Star between the tiger and the boy and tried her best to stop the tiger. At last, the tiger (make) a terrible noise and went away.

    Luckily, the boy wasn't hurt (受伤) badly. Erin saved him and his father was very happy. Not only Erin but also Star did a good job.

  • 1. 他们没有任何可吃的东西了。

    They didn't to eat.

  • 1. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意形式变化

    top, what, bird, fish, wonderful, seem, dislike, wait, hungry, decide

    Saturday, April 3rd

    Today my parents and I paid a visit to Mount Hua, one of the five most famous mountains in China.

    When we arrived at the foot of Mount Hua at 9:10 a.m., it was too cloudy and to rain. We were unhappy because we climbing mountains on rainy days. Luckily, half an hour later, the sun came out and we went on climbing the mountain. On the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery (风景) and heard singing in the trees. After six hours of hard climb, we arrived at the of the mountain. We could see other peaks (山峰) far away. They looked . We also took lots of photos. At 6:00 p.m., we all felt very , so we walked into a restaurant nearby. We didn't long for the dinner. We had some and vegetables. It was late when we finished our dinner. To watch the sunrise (日出) the next morning, we to stay at a hotel in the mountain. a great day we had! I think it will be more interesting tomorrow.

  • 1. —Did ________ go on vacation with you last weekend?

    —Yes, my mother went to the beach with me.

    A . someone B . anyone C . nothing D . anything
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