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  • 1. — Must we protect our environment?

    —I'm afraid you        .

    A . must B . mustn't C . needn't D . can't
  • 1. We can save water by        .

    A . not play water games B . play water games C . not playing water games D . playing water games
  • 1. A        sweater is made of         .

    A . woolen, wool B . wood, wool C . wooden, wood D . wood, wooden
  • 1. I met an old friend in the street just now. So I stopped        with her.

    A . talk B . talking C . to talk D . talked
  • 1. Shanghai is one of        in the world.

    A . interesting city B . more interesting cities C . most interesting cities D . the most interesting cities
  • 1. Water covers almost        the Earth.

    A . three quarter of B . a quarter of C . three quarters of D . three quarters
  • 1. If there is no water, fish will have nowhere        .

    A . live B . lives C . to live D . living
  • 1. Those are plastic bottles. (保持句意基本不变)

    Those bottles are plastic.

  • 1. 完形填空

        Albert Einstein was born in Germany11879. As a boy he was not happy at school. He seemed to be2than others and he often didn't pass his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. His3, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, "Albert is a clever boy. He didn't pass some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects." They4their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the riverside. Someone said, "See5 happily the other children are playing and laughing, but not Albert. He is just sitting and looking at the river." Albert's mother heard this and said, "Albert is quiet, because he's thinking. Let's wait and see. He'll become a great scientist, I believe."

        She was6Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

    A . in B . on C . at D . from
    A . clever B . more intelligent C . slower D . faster
    A . classmates B . teachers C . friends D . parents
    A . believe B . believed C . trust D . trusted
    A . how B . what C . where D . who
    A . sure B . wrong C . right D . clever
  • 1. —What will Mary be like when she is 30?

    —She        .

    A . wants to be a businesswoman B . will be more beautiful C . will become a teacher D . will be good at singing
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