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  • 1. —Thanks for the delicious food.


    A . No, thanks B . That's right C . All right D . My pleasure
  • 1. "Oh, how interesting the book is!" Andy _________ to himself.
    A . said B . talked C . told D . spoke
  • 1. The song Where is Spring      so sweet. I like it a lot.
    A . listens B . hears C . sounds D . tastes
  • 1. 根据短文内容和所给首字母填空

        A couple(夫妻) have a son and a daughter,and they are twins(双胞胎). They live in a t  near Nanjing. Their house is very small with only three rooms. No washing machine,and no f  to keep food in.

        The twins are b  students. They are in the s  grade this year. They must do a lot of homework at home. But they don't have a s .They have to do their homework at the dining table. Every morning,they go to school on one bike. And when they are b  from school,they do a lot of housework for their parents.

        They live a hard life. But the family is always f of fun. They often sit on their old sofa and chat about school life and the children's beautiful f  there.

        The family becomes famous b it donates(捐赠) 2,000 yuan to Project Hope. When people ask them why they are so generous(慷慨的), the father always says, "We know  people feel when their children can't go to school.”

  • 1. 愉快的暑假即将来临,你班上的同学讨论了暑假计划:大家会以不同的方式度过一个有意义的假期。有的同学想去旅游,有的想提高英语水平,有的想学习做饭……假如你的计划是去北京旅游,请根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Summer Holiday”为题,写一篇英语短文。

    提示:1)Why do you want to go on a trip to Beijing?

    2)What places do you want to visit in Beijing?

    3)What will you do there?  




    My Summer Holiday

  • 1. — Why is there a hole in the wall?

    — My cat can get in or out         it.

    A . across B . past C . over D . through
  • 1. — What about a drink of tea?

              There is little time for a drink.

    A . No hurry. B . Why not? C . Why in a hurry? D . Hurry up!
  • 1. 单词填空

        Anna is my best friend. In the past, she  (have) a bad lifestyle. She got up late and had n for breakfast. Then she hurried to school. After getting home from school, she played computer games. Her eating  (habit) were also bad. She seldom drank milk and she ate (lot) of junk food. One day Anna didn't  well. She went to the hospital. The doctor asked her to s in hospital for three weeks. She was sad. And she decided to look  her body well. Now Anna has some good habits. She gets up at 5:30 a. m. And then she  (exercise). She runs every day. She doesn't play computer games on school nights. She only  (do) that on weekends. Now she eats    (health) food every day. The good lifestyle helps her keep in good health and get good grades.

  • 1. 他们常常使他独自在屋外。

    They often outside.

  • 1. Our math teacher is nice         us, so we all like her.
    A . on B . to C . in D . beside
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