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  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中所给词语的正确形式填空。

    Yuhang in Hangzhou is known for making oil paper umbrellas for over 230 years. But in the 1970s, it was out of production as  steel-ribbed ( 钢骨的) umbrellas became (popular) than before.

    In 2015, Liu Weixue (give) up a well-paid job as a designer to learn from his grandfather the traditional art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas.  "I fell in love the art at a very young age. I want to bring it to life." Liu said. "When it (rain), someone uses the umbrella – that's what I want to see."

    There are more than 70  steps, (include) making bamboo ribs (竹伞骨) and pasting  (糊) papers. It takes at least a week to make an umbrella. After (master) the skills, Liu opened a studio and worked with local umbrella-making masters.

    Liu improved the umbrellas (win) the hearts of young people. As the traditional paper breaks (easy), he used a thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed 1,000 times without breaking. He uses a lighter kind of bamboo to make the ribs, the umbrellas weigh less.

    Since online shopping is popular, Liu opened an online shop to sell umbrellas. It now has more than 80,000 followers. Still, Liu doesn't hurry. To ensure quality, his studio makes only 1,000 umbrellas each year.

    Liu hopes the art (be) passed on. He goes to local schools to teach students and shows up at events in different places to promote (推广) the art.

  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 阅读理解

    Teens take a stand

    COP 26 was held in Glasgow, Scotland from Oct 31 to Nov 12. It's the United Nations climate change conference (会议) for dealing with global warming.

    Many world leaders took part in the event. But there were also lots of teenagers from different countries there to make their voices heard. At 15, my friend Chelsea Liang from Edinburgh was one of the young participants at COP 26. I was able to ask her some questions about her experience there.

    Liang participated as a junior representative (代表) of C Team, a non-governmental organization, which organized all the events at the China Cooperate Pavilion (馆). "I helped set up stadium, hosted meetings, engaged in youth events, and joined the audience in the meetings. I met many young people who really care about the environmental problem," said Liang.

    "The major topic from teen participants is that governments act to limit global warming to 1.5 C," she said. "Some of them met in Glasgow to call for a better future."

    The well-known British naturalist David Attenborough was the eldest participant of the event. Liang said that the 95-year-old made an inspiring speech.

    "He said, 'In my lifetime, I've seen a terrible decline (衰退). In yours, you could and should witness a wonderful recovery. That desperate hope is why the world is looking to you and why you are here.' His words encouraged me to take action," Liang said. "And I realized that as teenagers we are able to come up with good ideas to make a difference."

    "I have seen that over the last two weeks, companies and people are doing much more than expected. Social awareness of global warming is only increasing. I am optimistic (乐观的) about the future," said Liang.

    1. (1) What does COP 26 mean according to the passage?
    2. (2) Who can take part in the conference?
    3. (3) What does she not do in COP 26 according to her words?
    4. (4) How old is the eldest person who took part in COP 26?
    5. (5) What is Liang's opinion about the global warming?
  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 阅读理解

    Do you want to make new friends? Here is a rule for you to follow. Don't judge a person only from his or her looking, like the saying says, "Beauty is only skin deep".

    It is common to hear the saying "beauty is only skin deep" in the United States. The saying tells us that people likely judge one another primarily by their physical appearances. Doing this often leads to disappointment and surprise, as one person may judge another and be completely wrong. For example, a man meets a stunning woman in a bar, and he may like her because of her beauty. However, upon getting to know her, he may find that her negative characteristics overshadow her physical appearance.

    The idea that beauty is only skin deep can also be seen in other situations. There may be someone whose physical beauty is changed by aging, fire or other circumstances. Yet her positive inner qualities may remain the same. Upon getting to know her, you may find that her inner qualities are more attractive than her physical appearance.

    The expression "beauty is only skin deep" tends to be most commonly used when we are talking about females. However, it can also be used when referring to the differences between the outer and inner qualities of males.

    1. (1) We should not judge a person only from        .
    2. (2) The underlined word "stunning" in Paragraph 2 possibly means"    ".
    3. (3) What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
    5. (5) Which of following is false?
  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 最近深圳疫情导致中小学生不得不居家上网课,但不少学生对上网课并不适应。有的学生在家学习效率不高,网课期间会忍不住看社交媒体。有的学生因为缺乏运动和社交,生理心理都出现了问题。假设你是班长李华,上周末你就此问题和心理老师张老师进行了线上交流,得到了老师的一些建议。请你以"How to get used to online classes "为题写一篇作文。 现状分析:









    1)80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

    2) 应包括所有提示内容,可适当拓展,以使条理清楚、行文连贯;



    提示词:learning efficiency 学习效率 social media 社交媒体;

    study group  学习小组 supervise   v. 监督

    How to get used to online classes

    Last weekend I had an online chat with Mrs. Zhang, a psychology teacher, about the problems that appeared in online classes.

  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 阅读下面文章,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Then computers can read it directly.

    B. All information can be shown by barcodes.

    C. The next part tells you who produced the product.

    D. And "nine" looks similar to "six" if you turn it upside down.

    E. Even if you turn it upside down, it isn't similar to any other number.

    F. These are colours either black or white to show the number zero to nine.

    The invention of barcodes(条形码)is based on a very simple idea. We only need to give each product a specific number and print it.We could simply print the number itself. But this can cause problems. For example, an unclearly printed "seven" could look like a "one" to a computer. It's also true for "three" and "eight".We need a better way of printing numbers so that they can be read correctly at high speeds.

    Each number in a barcode is shown by seven blocks of the same size.For example, the number "one" is shown in turn by two white stripes(条), two black stripes, two white stripes, and one black stripe.

    A barcode includes different parts and each one provides a specific meaning. The first part of a barcode tells you the country where the product was made. For example, 690 ~ 692 is the barcode for China.The final part is about the product itself. This is how barcodes work.

  • 1. (2022九下·罗湖月考) 下面材料 A〜F 是关于六篇 articles。请根据下面五位中学生各自的需求,帮助他们选出合适的 article,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

    As we all know people are social animals. So it is more convenient to get

    knowledge, ideas and skills by copying others. Wendy wondered how she could learn better from others.

    It's common for females friends in Russia to walk arm in arm, while the same behavior in other cultures may show a more personal relationship. Why? Janet would like to find out more.

    In his geography class, Hans learned a lot about natural disasters. If humans could learn some rules, wouldn't they be able to reduce their losses?

    Ann is collecting information about green sources of energy as solar, wind, hydropower and wave energy.

    William has a robot. This robot is able to do housework, and it is also able to     teach William maths as well. How can he make better use of this robot?

    A. Are you worried about the environment pollution? If so, read this article and you will find environmentally friendly energy sources.

    B. Do you have your favourite person? Why do you always copy the person? After reading this article, you will find the answer.

    C. If you pay much attention to personal behavior, this article is suitable for you to know the cultural differences about personal space.

    D. This article will tell you the fact that up to 40 percent of the world's population has no toilets to use, which means, without toilets can lead to serious health problems.

    E. This article talks about one of the worst natural disasters – earthquakes. Is there any way to predict an earthquake? After reading, you can find the answer.

    F. Wouldn't it be nice to have a helper who would take care of the dishes, keep the rooms clean and finish the homework? To know more, please read this article.

  • 1. (2022九下·深圳月考) Last Sunday he to stay at home all day by his parents. (make)
  • 1. (2022九下·深圳月考) Would you mind (let) me take a look in your briefcase?
  • 1. (2022九下·深圳月考) the evening of June 21, 1992, something mysterious happened in the town.
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